Panic button

Lineage OS fag here.

I need a panic button that deletes certain apps on my phone on activation. I was stopped by police today and almost got arrested on a basis that I had Tor and Telegram installed, therefore I'm a drug user or drug dealer. I need a way to unlock my phone, hand it over to someone without them going over risking them seeing "undesired" sofware.

Attached: 1.jpg (1960x1477, 2.21M)


If it's on your phone, the police already have it.

>I was stopped by police today and almost got arrested on a basis that I had Tor and Telegram installed
that sounds like a datacap-tier shithole

Spare me that bullshit. Russian police is a bunch of incompetent morons who barely know how Internet works.

In the middle of Moscow

please elaborate

>being forced to let the Police check what apps you have on your phone

>got arrested on a basis that I had Tor and Telegram installed

lol, you are from North-Korea or just underage and Police had a bit fun with your sorry ass?

And for the love of Turing, let's not turn it into Jow Forums.

I have a practical problem and I'm looking for a software solution.

>Russian police is a bunch of incompetent morons who barely know how Internet works.
Are you sure you can't just like, change the app icons?

Download it from f-droid, open the app, press the button and hide all your shit.

Attached: Scrotum.png (1080x1831, 136K)

I thought about it, but he was clicking EVERY SINGLE APP I had installed while asking what it does.

F-droid literally crashes as I try to install, lol

Wow, they're having your police do some useless shit.
Or maybe this was the more interesting alternative, see some tits on the job or whatever.

Anyhow, I guess you best hide apps AND add another account then.

On a phone that runs lineage? Weird as fuck.

there are a lot of panic buttons like ripple, just do a little internet search

Guess I'm a dumb fuck, because I didn't find any

For now I settled on a solution to have another account on my phone I can quickly switch to.

Or carry a second phone that only has big brother approved apps on it. Hope they don't have a way to check if that's your "real" phone. You'd think searches like this wouldn't be allowed without warrants or something but I guess since most governments are moving to a policy of "all your stored data is our property" regardless of what the constitutions say maybe Russia is just ahead of the curve.

you're right. it is illegal to perform those type of searches in Russia unless it's some kind of special operation. People just don't know their rights. Well police can detain you for made-up reason if you didn't cave in

I had to empty my pockets and they searched after. Am I supposed to carry my primary phone in my asshole?

>it is illegal to perform those type of searches in Russia unless it's some kind of special operation. People just don't know their rights.

Oh, that's just brilliant.I just had to tell them it's illegal! Wow, what a great idea! I can't afford a lawyer, it's common practice for Russian police to plant weed on you if you are acting up even a little bit, best case scenario - I would spend the rest of the day in a cell full of bums and aggressive drunkards "until they clear things up".

I'm not sure if you're trolling or extremely naive. In Russia, a policeman owns your ass and waits for you to give him a single reason to detain you and fill his quota.

>since most governments are moving to a policy of "all your stored data is our property" regardless of what the constitutions say maybe Russia is just ahead of the curve.

It's not about data, they have been doing this shit long before smartphones. You are young, have long hair and having a walk in the park? Well, too bad, because it seems like you're a junkie looking to buy weed!

>Russian police is a bunch of incompetent morons who barely know how Internet works.

Attached: gaz-24_pepe.jpg (1600x1063, 748K)

Set different passwords for unlock and boot. Install snoozestopper form fdroid to silently reboot phone after 2-3 failed unlock attempt.
Dont use this shit especially in eastern europe.

You install Termux
You then then delete the icons off your android GUI so they don't show up
Manually start the app in termux "am start --user 0 -n" for example to start Chrome

Read how to purge logs

also, this is assuming you just want to not have the apps visible upon a roadside inpection or something and you're not actually a drug dealer and cops will be doing forensics on your phone

Another way of course is simply rename them and choose new icons using some kind of Apk editor, a ton exist.

Wow, that's so complicated.
If you just want to hide apps, there are plenty of launchers that do that. Also on older LineageOS, there was included an app-locker that did the same thing at system level (and it was protected by a password).
Hiding apps will just work for very summary check-ups, though.

yeh just hide the apps and open the apk from a file explorer of your choice

Do you look like a crack head?

No. But I'm young, and that's enough.

Is this common OP? Not necessarily making stuff up or planting weed on you, but taking your phone and checking it.

Well, yes. It's common practice to confiscate all your electronic for "expertise" that can take up to a year if they actually have some proper charges against you. And there's a bunch of propaganda going on about "terrorists" using apps like telegram, and how only terrorists and drug dealers use such apps. That's the reason why telegram is actually banned in Russia, but they don't know how Internet works so the first week after "ban" they blocked half the interrnet - Google and Amazon services, for example - just by accident. And what do you know, telegram still worked and works now. The only thing they REALLY have control over is Russian social network VK, which gives away ALL the info they have on ANY user just by email request from a policeman, no proper court order or shit like that.

So they can't really have control over citizen's privacy, but they have brute force, and it's easier to force you to unlock your device under threats rather then do something more useful.

There's actually a law that requires ISPs to store ALL THE INTERNET TRAFFIC OF ALL USERS FOR 3 YEARS. Nobody's gonna do that because there' just no storage capacity for that, but the government convinced that is just an issue of now wanting to do that, and not being not capable to.

Holy shit, this sucks, user. Didn't realize Russia went to the dogs THIS bad.

>Dont use this shit especially in eastern europe.

So, you're installing the app each time you want to run it?

>it's illegal to have harmless software on your phone
>Forced to let police check your private possessions based on suspicion
Kill your authorities or kill yourself

>insecure non standard end2end encryption
>mandatory phone verification (russian, belarus, kazakhstan cellular operators have been caught many times issuing cloned simcards and hijacking sms)
>closed source app
>durov is fsb agent voluntary or not. there is no way to create large business like VK without (((cooperation))) with authorities.
>it is the only messenger shilled by russian state media as (((secure)))
It is bad on paper but russian internet is still relatively free and fast. DMCA complaints are really rare, telegram is working with free proxy, only few russian torrent/opposition are banned, all kinds of vpns and tor are working just fine. VK and other russian social platform are barely censored (e.g. only large groups with questionable content, no china-ike premoderation with wordfilter) but you could get in trouble there for posting such questionable content.

>VK and other russian social platform are barely censored
They are not, but people going to jail for posing offensive memes because VK gives up users info (IP, phone number, etc.) without hesitation.

Russia would like total control like in China, but they don't have the brains and money for that.

>durov is fsb agent voluntary or not. there is no way to create large business like VK without (((cooperation))) with authorities.

He was forced out of his own company because he reused to cooperate. Telegram is banned in Russia.

Telegram is open source but with a 6 month delay on code being released

Anyhow, is there a way to switch user by pressing volume buttons or something?

>Russia would like total control like in China
Not exactly. They do not want control in the sake of control. They just options to stay in control of situation.
He worked there for over 6 years. And there is no way (((they))) let him just cash out his share and leave the country.
>Telegram is banned
Not banned just partially blocked by ISPs.

>Not banned just partially blocked by ISPs.

Stop shilling,please.