Hello Jow Forumsays

Hello Jow Forumsays

Brave just released their new and updated browser, why aren't you using it right now? It comes with Chrome extension support and doesn't contain any of Chrome's botnet garbage.

Attached: 51IbhWne1lL.png (512x512, 52K)

Other urls found in this thread:


does it run 50 chrome.exe processes?

>It comes with Chrome extension support
Downloading new update now.

Also don't forget TOR tabs. They've had that for months now.

t. paid brave shill

Yes, I get paid 0 (zero) BAT for each shill post I make.

Fuck off shill

>inb4 mozilla shill
Fuck off with that shit too. I'm not the one telling you what to use.

you can say you removed the botnet but as long as you're using chrome as a base you're still part of the bugnet

every new bug and vulnerability that is introduced into chrome will get into brave within hours, even though it takes weeks to fix the bug

>x's botnet garbage
Why do people still care about this shit? There's no way you can use the internet nowadays without someone somewhere collecting data about you.
Most internet providers around the world are obligated by law to store information about you and your internet usage and turn it over to the cyber police if it ever asks.
And here you retards are making a big fuss about "botnet garbage" that is mostly being used for improving UI and ad targeting.

I update every few months, there is no way that
>every new bug and vulnerability that is introduced into chrome will get into brave within hours

I'm using Chrome, no reason to switch :P

>A bunch of people come running crying shill every time this browser is mentioned.
(((Who))) is paying you?

Botnet and jewish
Install IceCat instead

>threads telling people to use brave are made almost daily
Who is paying YOU?

i'm not 12

>Why do people still care about this shit?
Because they can tell the difference between extremes and have different values than you, retard.

>that is mostly being used for improving UI and ad targeting.
As if that wasn't reason enough.


Attached: download.jpg (191x264, 10K)

I didn't know it was Open Source and I last time I checked it had some retarded micropayment system.

It's ugly and the settings can't make it less ugly. The icon is also ugly. The funbux system is weird and their names for security features that you can barely configure are even more weird.

if you use brave you not only share your browsing habits and history with Google but also with Brave devs. by using chrome you only share it with Google. I usually don't recommend Chrome but using Brave literally is like being a cuck

Bullshit. Prove it.


why should I you won't believe me anyway and seeing how you want me to prove it you prove yourself you cannot check it yourself essentially making it irrelevant for an npc brainlet like you whether just Google or Google and Brendan Eich with his pink haired communist security have your personal browsing history.

in the end it lands on the table of Anglo officials anyway since you clearly like to suck their dick just as Brendan does.

if you legitimezly dont believe me ask yourself why they would specifically keep open attack and fingerprinting vectors that heavily harm privacy even after being told and explained so (look at their security issue tracker and those are just the public ones)

also its not like tor project states since more than +10 years that using tor with non tor browser is just asking to be ducked for obv reasons

Go back to your streetshitting country pajeet

Attached: braveindia1.jpg (1024x614, 110K)

Attached: braveindia2.jpg (1152x768, 148K)

Hey retard, anyone can look at their own packets and tell what the outbound address is.
Just making up random lies doesn't work here.


Attached: braveindia3.jpg (729x683, 141K)


Attached: bravesquad1.jpg (1024x873, 115K)


Attached: bravesquad2.jpg (1024x768, 139K)

Better these as my developers than pic related.

Attached: lBgTtJJ_d.jpg (640x282, 20K)

unironically this. tinfoil hat retards need to piss off. im not about to download some shitty chromium based browser that tries hard to look like safari with addons preinstalled

But I am

sir we need money ok

Attached: india-11.7ebe861abcca.jpg (720x498, 106K)

pls do not download brave sirs

Attached: india-08.ff46a1f5195c.jpg (800x490, 95K)

it's very important we have family to feed

Attached: india-10.a26893105a75.jpg (720x540, 73K)

do the needful and download firefox now

Attached: 24652026858_4006cb3264_k.jpg (2048x1365, 642K)

we're thank

Attached: india-01.7622995bf121.jpg (800x535, 161K)

despite all pajeets I find brave on android very fucking nice

Fuck off drumpftard brainlet n*zi faggot cocksucker, we don't like anything other than Firefox (and chrome but shhh) here

Me too, seriously I fucking hate Google, but it's the best browser for my needs... I tried even Vivaldi and it feels like a cheap beta release.

Jow Forums belongs to Reddit boy get over it

Open source and micropayment systems are not mutually exclusive. That micropayment system is optional and opt-in, always has been, and always will be.

I’m a huge edge fan. It’s really the best for pc and mobile phone. Fuck all the haters. You just never tried it because of marketing brainwashing

bugged piece of cancer shit and botnet trash, literally chrome tier. Kys and back to /lgbt/

Have you tried brave? On mobile at least, it feels exactly like chrome. Super easy to switch. Plus it has privacy benefits and ad-blocking built in.

Ok cock-sucker, I did it.
Now where the fuck is my sync?

Not sure if I should use Vivaldi or Brave as a Blink-alternative for Firefox.

Attached: file.png (1278x1049, 187K)

tell me, brave devs, why should I use this when ungoogled-chromium is literally perfect?

It actually has proper extension support now? Might give it a try in that case.


>Not sure if I should use Vivaldi or Brave as a Blink-alternative for Firefox.
Same. I just can't get used to Vivaldi, tho some features are nice.

>and doesn't contain any of Chrome's botnet garbage.
Where are the proofs?

The source code is open, go check it out

Fuck Brave

Ew brave, read their TOS. They want to implement their own advertising platform when they get a solid number of users. I don't want to support a company which does this shit even if theirs an option to disable ads. If you want the Chromium engine go with Bromite. You can even add it's repo to F-Droid, and get direct updates. If you're on desktop, Firefox or its forks are good enough, and their is Iridium as well based on Chromium. Also, switching browsers doesn't hide you from Google if you use their search engine.

Should I move from opera to otter browser ????
Does otter browser have features like opera have??
Can it handle 80 tabs ??? Like opera??

Does it have chrome extenstions like opera ?

BAT is the dumbest concept I've ever heard of because literally nobody is going to use Brave and if nobody uses Brave, BAT is worthless.

It's inherently flawed.


>TOR tabs
Useless. Brave doesn't have functional fingerprint protection.

I wish it wouldn't use the client side window border for minimize and maximize buttons.

Posting in a jani thread

>doesn't contain any of Chrome's botnet garbage.
Of course because they developed their own LUL.
Also wasn t this thing mining for the developers?

Wouldn't surprise me, but it replaces ads with their own ads so they get money from it.

You can opt-in to get shown their ads, but from what I remember you gain some meme currency in return.

Yfw you realise they all came in with the same passport.

It's a quite improvement compared to last version, but seriously how do you remove this icon, shill?

Attached: wallet.png (372x302, 60K)

to the previous version*
Shit, sorry.

I use Firefox with uBlock origin.


I know it's optional, but I want to remove the icon from the url bar, shill.

Nice autism

No browser sync on mobile.

Why did they scrap their UI and make it look exactly like fucking Chrome? It even has Google Sync.
I've officially lost hope in this India nigger garbo.

Attached: ea25a9c972.png (1920x1048, 61K)

And also, you've been able to run Chrome extensions in regular Brave for over a year already, they work completely fine except for that the Pajeet niggers haven't added support for UI icons so you can manage your blocking rules in UBO more easily etc.

Attached: 1ef5658145.png (1289x1044, 246K)

Good idea, I'll ditch firefox for a cheap ass proprietary browser for wannabes.

At the rate its going you could get paid 100BAT per post and virtually come out with $0 still. Who else fell for the BAT meme


fuck you im not using a browser for women, cucks and faggots

It's open source, dumbass. And there's no micro payment, you must be talking about the opt in ads thing. But anyway, you deserve getting fucked by mozilla for being retarded. Next time they collect your data, install random extensions or puts memes on the new tab page you can suck the trannies cocks for payment.

You should check your shit better then.

So wait is the new update going to roll out to Android as well or what?

you are already using firefox

No easy update in Ubuntu.
I'd need to manually download and install like in windows.

here comes the daily brave shill thread, why don't you faggots pay for all this advertisements? you think you can advertise your shitty browser for free forever here?

Are you fucking retarded? It's in the snap packages and gets updated only a few days later.

I installed from .deb
How can I uninstall it now ?



I found I already had installed from snap, but it's version 0.25.2
The version I installed from Synaptic getting the repos with curl and wget is 0.55.18 and it's supposed to be the official version.

I didn't liked the old UI, but really, right now Brave just looks like some half finished Chromium clone (wait, maybe that's exactly what it is right now). They need to customize this shit and remove a lot of Google stuff from the configurations.
The sync is not really there it seems, it doesn't work.

It was exactly the same thing with Firecocks when Chrome got released.

hi pajeet

They have shit versioning system. The latest brave-laptop is 0.25.201, stable is 0.55.18, core is 56.5, android is 1.0.59 and iOS is 10.0. They're clearly using the brave-laptop versioning system on snaps.


it gets stuck on PC after logging into gmail when I have to select yes on my phone for a 2nd step verification.
I had to use the Google Authenticator instead.
Several pages get stuck at login when using Brave.

>Google Authenticator
Botnet. Use andOTP.

>Several pages
Which ones? I never had issues, though it's not my main browser.

Buggy mess of code and shit UI.

Why they wanna look like Safari is beyond me too because the UI is garbage

thanks for the $5

Attached: bat.png (376x348, 44K)

>get 5$/month
>worth not seeing half the content because of bloated ads
I'd pay 10$/month just to remove all ads and 99% of JavaScript and css from sites I visit.

Yeah 'cause cash is for poor people am I right?


honestly? i don't like the name

i can read manga on my phone from sketchy websites and get no popups. It's pretty sick.