Syntax Highlighting and Colorschemes

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Attached: 2018-10-19-021207_534x748_scrot.png (534x748, 26K)

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Gruvbox hard


Attached: 2018-10-19-021207_534x748.png (534x748, 14K)

Post pics fag.

Wtf how'd you get the code
Also, looks realy fucking good

>Wtf how'd you get the code
gonna spoon feed you just this time

>downloaded your picture
>inverted the colors on GIMP
>posted it on 4chin for epic lulz

inb4 image processing

(load-theme 'base16-gruvbox-light-medium t)

Attached: joe5.png (878x567, 137K)


what's this colorsheme ?

what font?

sunburst. i liked it when I was using sublime text and now I'm using it in vim

My custom IntelliJ IDEA scheme.

I call it LiteBrite

Attached: nicht.math.png (979x481, 17K)

rip eyes

Is that Java? what's that "when" keyword?

hybrid reverse

Attached: e046a042-1abd-11e5-82fd-b323ec5fd80c.png (1896x996, 127K)

I like it. I didn't make it for anyone else. :P

Yes, it's java.

The when is from the PowerMockito library for mocking objects. In this case File and RandomAccessFile so the tests aren't slowed to glacial speed by actually touching the disk.


I like plain gruvbox dark

Attached: screen_shot_2018-10-19_at_7.47.18_pm.png (2144x1402, 437K)

what's that for?

For GDPR compliance some of the stuff we archive off kafka into ceph on-prem needs to be deleted after a certain period, so I wrote a little thing that runs a few times a day to expire anything beyond that period in the applicable buckets.

it does it for free

are you paying for those s3 buckets?

>tfw using AWS free tier

How to make?

This is on-prem in a couple DCs in large scale ceph clusters. For reference, the total capacity in each i think is around 2-3 PB. We used to keep about 1 PB of backups for the services our team runs in there, but it's more economical and easier on ceph to just keep a week's of backups and archive the remainder off the same pipeline into ceph separately.

That makes it easier and more versatile to restore too which is cool. We can also use that stuff in there to backfill certain periods of time and data more easily than the backups, so if I just need to backfill an hour or two it's a lot easier to spin something up on k8s to pull from these buckets than to figure out if I have a recent (working) backup to pull from that's up to date.

It's not perfect, but it works so I can't complain.

We have stuff in GCP instead of AWS. We run backups out there for one particular internal cluster, it's like $3k/month to do nearline backups for it lol.

i call it "eye cancer".

that went over my head lol

keep it up lad


:colo [tab]
"but do it in diff mode

I switch between the kaolin themes and darktooth/gruvbox

Attached: emacs_2018-10-19_21-14-49.png (1366x768, 145K)

>:syntax off
>(or emacs -nw --color=no)

Attached: 29437-meditation-spiritual-cameron-gray.jpg (1600x900, 115K)

Whats that font?

pls tell me name of the font

wtf how'd you get that background

What is this gruvbox I've been hearing about.
Is that like the spacemacs of syntax highlighting?

it's just a colorscheme

Not going to lie, that looks fucking amzing, even though it's emacs X.

Fantasque Sans Mono

My own, I customized emacs faces to get the desired result.

lmao noo

Attached: 2018-10-19-224055_478x362_scrot.png (478x362, 14K)

conemu lets you add a background image, so i added one