Post your favorite desktop user interface.
Hard Mode: No Windows 10, no modern MacOS X
Post your favorite desktop user interface.
Hard Mode: No Windows 10, no modern MacOS X
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>Hard Mode: No Windows 10, no modern MacOS X
more like easy mode heh
Fuck you.
Windows 10 LTSC 2019.
macOS Mojave.
Sure, maybe for anyone who has two brain cells to rub together unlike
That's not even Longhorn 4074.
Why does everyone who takes these shots always use emacs?
irix on the sgi indigo
>posting some pig ugly shit with the Mendocino/Leonardo or whatever purple theme, fucked up window borders, and a KDE dock instead of the original version
Fuck you all, I just won.
>*kicks your shit in*
Nothing personnel, kiddo.
This was the peak.
>u wot mate?
Prove me wrong.
Pro tip: you can’t.
htop isn't a user interface, you fucking script kiddie
> look mom, im a haxor
this and the xp royale theme are the best UIs, prob just nostalgia goggles but it's somewhat saddening that we'll never get UIs as fun-but-slightly-professional-ish-looking again
Dead On. He's right.
Pic related
Leopard looks nice
That doesn't look good at all to me. In my opinion Tiger was the last Mac OS X version that actually looked good. Everything after that has been a slow decline.
Based window maker
That's NeXTSTEP. The image blow it is WindowMaker.
That's just like, your opinion, man.
Oh shit it's Luke Smith.
Platinum was always nice.
...and for those who like the look, but prefer a more modern-style DE
Man, RiscOS qas alwats comfy back in the day. At home DOS and Windows always felt harsh, but the Acorns at school always felt cosy and warm.
This is now known as MATE.
I wish they'd taken photorealism further
idk, like when you drag something into the trash, the icon animates and gets into the trash
or the compass needle moving when you click the safari icon. maybe quicktime icon hand spinning once while quicktime loads. the settings icon with the switch up if the window's open. down if it's closed. address book open if opened, closed if not used.
little things like that would make crazy about my computer
GNOME 2 wasn't particularly pretty, but it was very functional (kind of like Windows 2000)
MATE has become awfully flat
Terminate your existence at the earliest opportunity.
windows 7