>iPhone can’t select text in a no-JS ReCaptcha
What did Apple mean by this?
>iPhone can’t select text in a no-JS ReCaptcha
What did Apple mean by this?
The absolute state
Holy fuck you are stupid.
Text selection works fine on the recaptcha, OP is just fucking terrible at using his iPhone.
Grab the second pin and drag it.
Why is there no "select all" buttton on iOS?
Prove it, shill. It selects one random character and gets stuck. You can't drag the selection cursor in either direction. It just shows the magnifier lens for some reason. iOS is fucking broken.
You are so FUCKING dumb. You can't even use an os literally designed for boomers and retarded women.
seething iToddler
I'm mad that retards like you can't figure out the most simple OS on the planet. 3 year olds know how to text select properly. YOU DUMB CUNT. Kys.
So my Nokia N900 works better for phoneposting than an apple device?
Applefags BTFO.
t. iToddler
Ok, so it did work once. But it’s really hard to recreate as this stupid piece of crap prefers to select parts of the text separated by the underscore. Yikes.
> t. iToddler
Said the OP?
I love phonefags getting punished. kill yourself next
>uhuh oh I look retarded better call everyone an npc
>you're holding it wrong
It's retard-proof, not subhuman-proof.
>confrontation detected
>initiate Jow Forums insult procedure
>select npc.jpg
>no relevant npc text found on topic
>insert generic response
> iPajeet defense force deployment sequence initiated
I've went from an iPhone (2007) to Android (2009ish-2017) to a hand-me-down iPhone 6 Plus to try out WiFi calling. I've quickly noticed that Text Selection is literally broken in iOS. It works only when it wants to. Some apps are better than others. But in most apps, selecting a specific block of text is difficult and it randomly works or doesn't work.
How can something so important & basic literally be broken in the most recent version of iOS?! With Android, text selection is a seamless experience and never takes a second try. All apps have the same experience with text selection on Android, while the opposite is the case with iOS. This issue alone will force me to go back to Android and never look back.
kill all phoneposters
>I can't code: the post
I bet they thought that zoom feature was a great idea
>Yes on some website you try to select text and you've about got all the sentence selected and BAM! Whole page is highlighted. No matter of zooming or retrying will select it even when there's only a single line of text!!
Maybe thats because It wasn't code Rakesh.
drag the pin you stupid fuck
>drag the pin
>it shows a magnifier glass
That's so typical. Not just for iPhones but smart phones in general. Just another example of the software on phones being straight up unacceptable.
goto ;
I mean, he could just install clover, right?
iOS is a walled garden and applecucks have been deplatforming Jow Forums apps since early days.
Dump the whole folder user, that will show him.
You totally don't look like a retard getting BTFO'd right now.
What an NPC response
That would solve this particular problem but selecting text on a smartphone is still fucking miserable a lot of the time.
Thats because there isn't a really good one size fits all solution. Apple could have done it with force touch but they decided it would be better to not add useful functionality for some reason.
>you’re holding it wrong
>you’re charging it wrong
Is this the next applegate?
You’re dragging it wrong! Here, pay $899 to change your screen even if there’s nothing wrong with it and fuck off.
applel is finished and bankrupt
Dumb NPCs I swear.
Why not just buy a pass?