Go to Jow Forums daily

>go to Jow Forums daily
>post in the speccy threads
>Jow Forums is constantly using the latest amd or intel cpu, an unnecessary gpu and tons of ram
>go to a speccy thread on /v/
>most of them are still using ivy bridge or devils canyon cpus
>some poorfags using ryzen cpus because they're like $150 right now

it's understandable for /v/ to use newer hardware, but if all you're doing is compiling some cr*ppy kernel, why do you need an 8700k?

Attached: 1538016741443.png (1280x1742, 1.41M)

>justify why you spent a lot of money on a hobby
are you a faggot or a woman?

First, you're gay
Second, you ha/v/e to go back

>Jow Forums literally buys old musty chinkpads
>"why do you need a macbook if all you're doing is browsing"
>"why do you need a $1000 iphone when you can't even do (insert some archaic thing android can do)
>"why do you need an ssd when only boot times are affected? are you an impatient basedboy user? stop using windows"


>Jow Forums is one person

Cute feets!!!!

speccy threads, desktop threads,etc are all shit and full of attention seeking faggots

cute feet

but you namefag and shill windows 7

Attached: 1522005444870.jpg (290x348, 16K)

based kuroneko poster

not actually that user, I just use their name to discredit them and make them look retarded

I want to lick her feet


they already do a good enough job of that themself desu

based and gnu/pilled

based and cutepilled

You can’t prove it isn’t. Ever heard of the Chinese Room.

Oh, it's you again, TITS OR GTFO

Attached: 7dtihwnmm8p11.png (576x768, 566K)

based and redpilled

cute guy

Jow Forums is a comparatively tiny board of (more or less) tech savvy people, most likely having a well paid job in the tech sector
/v/ is a big and almost mainstream board with people of all countries and income classes

I mean can you prove to me that Jow Forums isn't just a room at the Lenovo HQ shilling Thinkpads and Moto Gs?

you're still a namefag but you're right unironically