/mkg/ - mechanical keyboard general

poorpad edition

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Deskthority, Geekhack, Massdrop
>Keyboard wiki

Attached: Case Render Back 5.png (2560x1141, 435K)

Other urls found in this thread:

amazon.com/Mechanical-Illuminated-Industrial-backlighted-EagleTec/dp/B015MPQQ0A/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1540080755&sr=8-7&keywords=mechanical keyboard

>typing on cherry mx

Attached: typing on cherry mx.jpg (360x235, 10K)

Mechanical Keyboards are such a meme. I bought this shit and the key fell off and I can't find it.

Also the stupid red backlight won't turn off.

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>Location (continent at least)

>Preferred switch type
I traditionally liked mx browns, but I am looking for a similar feel to Cherry MX Blues.


>Form factor
Full Sized (so with a numpad)

Don't care

>Previous/current keyboards
Unicomp Classic, Corsair K70, I am looking for a cheaper keyboard, can be chinese, just has to have clicky switches. Tactile feeling pls

I should add I looked at this

and the GMMK as potential purchases
What switches are recommended for the GMMK considering my wants?

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>My retard ass fell for tha ghaeming maymay so all mechanical keyboards are trash

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what's the general opinion on Filco mechanical keyboards?

what's your plan to put an incline on it?

Overpriced nowadays. You can get cheaper/better alternatives like ducky, leopold or whatever.

could you recommend a cheaper/better model available in Europe?

Leopold 980m is like 130€

I bought it two months ago and it's really nice what are you talking about???? Put in one of the extras they put in the box.

I've been typing on a Cooler Master CM Storm with Cherry MX Blues since when I built my first pc 3 years ago or so; I know it's not considered as a good mechanical keyboard here, but I got it used for €60 and it has served me well so far, so I can't say I'm not happy about it. Nevertheless I've been looking for a smaller keyboard, so I've been looking at tenkeyless keyboards for a while. That Leopold has a strange key layout, but the main problem is that I don't know where I could get it from. Filco Majestouch Tenkeyless cost around €130 here where I live.

None so far. Maybe the second generation will have screw-on feet or something, Or I'll make the case with something else than acrylic, I've got a fair few things I'd like to try out.

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Why'd i fall for the cherry mx sand meme. My magnetic reed board was fucking great.

>cherry mx sand
My meme terminology is behind, what the fuck is an Mx Sand?

The joke is that MX switches are scratchy.

Durgod Taurus K320 for €66. Yes or no?


Try candykeys or mechkeyboard

Thank you. I've been checking a couple of different brands lately, I'm interested into Varmilo, Filco, Durgod and Leopold.

no one wants your gay acylic shilling render. Yes this is the truth.

whats a good mech numpad?

Ducky pocket

What makes a Ducky, Leopold, Filco ecc.ecc. better than a Razer, Cooler Master mechanical keyboard?

Seconded, ducky pocket is great if you don't mind having a bit of a larger numpad

Attached: Case Render Back 4.png (2560x1141, 928K)

>$80 for a numpad
any other ones that arent super expensive?

get my cheap-ass acrylic numpad once it goes for sale again in ten years or so

check out aliexpress, the chynaman has cheap programmable numpads I believe

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You wanted a good numpad, not a cheap one. If you're not willing to make one yourself or bust the bank, the chinks are always available.


Tex should hurry up and release these caps.

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Any decent prebuilt boards that come with box white switches?

MK typist. Could also just get one of the hotswap boards and put box whites in it.

desu it may have been just a QC problem with yours. I've had one for a while at the office and it's doing just fine.

How's the Anne pro 2? Why is it on "preorder" on bangood?

I need a keen with nice backlighting

Motospeed ck61

€ 150
>Location (continent at least)
>Preferred switch type
MX Blues but I'd like to try the Gateron Clears too (yeah, I know that they're completely different)
>Form factor
Tenkeyless or smaller
Not necessary, but if possible yes
>Previous/current keyboards
Cooler Master CM Storm with MX Blues, fullsize: I'd like a smaller keyboard and I'm wondering what advantages a Filco, Ducky, Leopold keyboard has to offer

anyone here have a W series thinkpad?
Would a leopold topre feel like my W520's keyboard?

italiano di merda vai via
so anche chi sei
probabilmente l idiota che posta su quelli che il manga li piace

Could someone post a key switch map

amazon.com/Mechanical-Illuminated-Industrial-backlighted-EagleTec/dp/B015MPQQ0A/ref=sr_1_7?ie=UTF8&qid=1540080755&sr=8-7&keywords=mechanical keyboard
Is pic related a good choice for the price
I have only used membrane is this good

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best switch type for programming and long typing

There's no "best switch for X thing" really, just use whatever you like best.

I will go with red then

There are 35 dollar one in Ali, programmable is 80, 20 bucks for PCB, 20bucks a bent metal case, and the 20 buck for switch, 20 bucks for caps.

what switch feels like typing on silenced pillows

Just pick some flavor of silenced linear.

Not the cherry ones tho. Pure garbage

what's wrong with them?

where can I buy silicone keycaps?

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Inferior to competition


Fucking garbage. That's why. MX blues are rattly as fuck, MX shits are basically linears with some paper in them and MX reds are scratchy as shit.

I'm looking for something with a key layout like this amazon.com/VELOCIFIRE-TKL01-Mechanical-Copywriters-Programmers/dp/B01MS8YTYX. Same brown switches and backlight, but preferably white only.

White what?

Backlight. RGB is fine honestly, but I'd only be using white.

God damn captcha is being a huge cunt for the past few days.

Consigliami una tastierA

Repdill me on Gateron Clears

is there a cheaper place to get a realforce 104u-s than the ebay sellers that are about $267 shipped anywhere in the world? i'm in australia so don't even bother mentioning us retailers like mk.com

United States (New York)
>Preferred switch type
Tactile, not clicky
>Form factor
80% (tenkeyless)
No > white > rgb
>Previous/current keyboards
Unicomp Customizer (Model M Clone)

Can I get a redpill on the Shift key?

so all my life I've been using caps lock, but do people actually use the shift for capitalization in casual typing?

you need to go back

Rubber membrane, the only keyboard for successful millionaires


Unironically kill yourself.

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Is a new Leopold 660M PD worth €130?

They're reds but lighter.

how are the kailh choc switches?

Ok. Do you think that Gateron Clears would be hard to type on for a person who has only used Cherry Blues?

>not buying a Varmilo keyboard
What are your reasons?

Should I pull the trigger?

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It's not my money so yeah do it.

If it was your money, would you do it?

I wouldn't because I don't need it. I don't know what you need or how much "disposable income" you have.

I need a little mechanical keyboard, since the one I have right now is full size and it's a bit too big for my desk. As for the budget, I'm looking for something which doesn't cost more than €130.

Does varmilo make buckling spring keyboards?

Sounds like you've already justified your purchase. Do you need to ask daddy for permission before you buy things?

>buckling spring
It's not 1970 anymore

I'm asking for an advice. Maybe you know a different brand that makes good keyboards of small size?

Ok, thank you. What about Vortex? I'm interested into the Vortex Core, which is the same price as the Leopold FC660, but it's smaller.

Ignore my advice. I've deleted my post since I don't want it associated with fags

Have I said anything wrong?

Ask yourself this:
>Do I need programmability? It's nice to be able to tweak macros to fit your preferences
Leopold isn't programmable.
Core is the only vortex keyboard that's programmable but you have to use their shitty site.
Have you ever used DSA keycaps? Maybe you'll find leopold's profile more comfortable? Why not go down to a shop and try it out yourself?

Mmm no, I don't need this, especially because I mean to switch to a different OS in the future in my desktop computer, so I don't know if Vortex macro are compatible over different platforms.

>have you ever used DSA keycaps?

>maybe you'll find leopold's profile more comfortable?
I don't know, my current mech keyboard is a Cooler Master CM Storm.

>why not go down to a shop and try it out yourself?
Error 404: physical shop in my area not found

Buy whichever looks nicer to you and hope for the best.

The smaller the keyboard the better you are at typing and programming because it forces you to become as efficient as possible.

Attached: RMS-HHKB.jpg (500x375, 123K)

Is this why Stallman has produced nothing in years?

I like the Leopold, but damn, the Vortex Core is really sexy

No he got rid of his HHKB after someone stole it

Attached: Geo-HHKB.png (783x365, 654K)

w2c fc660c in europe
seems out of stock everywhere...

Is this some reddit acronym?

More like /fa/.

any full sized keyboard with blues that doesn’t have backlighting?

"Where to cop"


nice, thanks