What is the best open source license?

What is the best open source license?

Attached: OSS License.png (909x1170, 238K)

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It guarantees all four freedoms to all end-users, has been tested in court multiple times, and you can trust the FSF in case we need a GPLv4.

Attached: freedom-1024x492.jpg (1024x492, 179K)

why not AGPL?

Copyright it, but strongly encourage people to violate it.

MIT, no bs

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It's pretty crazy to force people to package and publish the sources of their personal homepages just because they use an AGPL library inthem.

Attached: geOa1Ut.png (610x406, 507K)

Well, let's just say that on the other hand, it's a pretty scummy and money-grabbing move from Oracle that they change the BSD-DB license to AGPL and now require a paid license if you don't accept the AGPL.

Which is also the reason why even Debian still doesn't ship BSD-DB 6.0, and probably never will.

Public Domain

MIT masterrace

WTFPL is truly the greatest

Is there a license where you can view and modify the source code but only after you bought the product?

I rip off GPL projects and give them a BSD license, with slight code changes, ama (I live in asia, the FSF has no power here)

Permissive licenses would be preferable but with current copyright law in place I'd go for GPL.


No license.

how often do you pay asian girls to interact with your penus?


I unironically have both a girlfriend and a stable job
I just do this to spite GPLtards on here, I've posted code here a bunch of times before

CC0/public domain equivalents. putting a restrictive license like the BSD or GPL on software is the digital version of "original character do not steal" unless you actually have the money and motivation to actually take infringers to court, and people who use GPL code in proprietary programs know it, like moi :)

The only people you're potentially affecting are people who don't live in asia who use your project not knowing they are thinly modified GPL projects. It's those people who will be fucked when the original GPL core team find this copyrighted software acting suspiciously similar to their own. In large enough projects, your "slight code changes" won't hide this.

I don't know if anyone uses my code but I like to think it's used by corporations so they won't have to reinvent the wheel every time
Maybe it's just asian corporations, all the better, it'll help put them ahead of the West

public domain
the idea of anybody owning a specific sequence of ones and zeroes in any context is absolutely laughable, "software licenses" shouldn't even be a thing in the first place
acknowledging the work of others is nice but legally enforcing it is pathetic and a waste of legal resources

The final redpill

All my published projects so far have been WTFPL

The GPL, at least. It doesn't stop people from distributing your software for free after buying it from you, though.

Jollo LNT

Attached: JElze6m.png (629x448, 47K)

MIT, plain and simple