Muh rounded edges need to be more rounded

>muh rounded edges need to be more rounded
is this the future they want?

Attached: essential-phone-hands-on-sg-24-1280x720.jpg (1280x720, 111K)

I can honestly see that working out on an appliance or a media console of sorts.

Ya, I'm thinking 1:1 is back.

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looks pretty good honestly. Idk, for a furniture piece like this I think going the aesthetic route as opposed to purely functional isnt too bad

Prime example of form over function.



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no op, it's not.

any other terrible questions?

It wouldn't be so gratuitous if they actually bothered to design everything around the rounded bezel, like the sliders.

There was once a powerpoint-like slides service that everyone used to use which was basically a bunch of circles for slides, and going back or forwards would cause some kind of rotation or zoom depending on the effect you were going for

Attached: circular-slider.png (734x360, 20K)


you forgot the notch® dumbass

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in reality its this and not that impressive

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So it's 5 screens? How do you control the individual pixels?


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Why would you split it like that, they can make non square screens you know. But even if they're separate it adds zero complexity to pixel display logic.

huuur bezels are too big!!!!

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good album

yeah that was it

Any smooth nigga who listens to Tycho is fine by me.

Rounded edges are the result of mobile device screens contouring the the actual shape of the device. You could have a typical square screen but you would be wasting space for no good reason. They're trivial to design around since you shouldn't be drawing information at the very corner anyway.