Microsoft don't listen to their custo---

Microsoft don't listen to their custo---

Attached: 37AED033-3662-49E3-95A3-F79F5E0CDDDF.jpg (1545x874, 171K)

Other urls found in this thread:

that's nothing new
LTSB has been a thing since 2015

Meanwhile freetards still don't have thumbnails 15 years later.

Can I stop it from auto updating and spying on me?

>shilling microsoft, even ironically


would be great if it wasn't installed in the first place

Attached: waterfox_2018-10-21_01-51-07.png (822x632, 184K)

I bet they didn't let users have the uninstall option before because some fucking asshole manager blew a huge budget rewriting those apps for windows 10 and was afraid that the board would see that so few systems would have left them installed in their telemetry reports.

And they introduced a basic OS feature in a MS store app in QuickLook.

I believe it tomorrow OP.

Does that mean Windows will uninstall itself?

I'm still not using it, Pajeet. Find another street to shit in.

Attached: stallman.jpg (241x209, 7K)

Works on my machine.

Attached: workshere.png (1920x1080, 376K)

You have exactly 15 seconds to explain why it makes any fucking sense at all to have the filename to the right of the photo and not beneath it.

only gnome foot fetishists have this problem

there is a similar sorting and view on windows retard

Get-AppxPackage -AllUsers | Remove-AppxPackage
Get-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online | Remove-AppxProvisionedPackage -Online

You like this better? I think it's just a personal preference

Attached: makessensenow.png (1920x1080, 371K)

>add more bloatware
>let users hide some
it's fine now

You could always have done that in Powershell
So nothing changed

I don't know what a gnome is or does, sorry.

Attached: Screenshot_20181020_204811.png (1121x839, 276K)

i heard microsoft is changing a bit to be better then they are, but honestly it is not a good time to change because they have already made too many bad decisions

>In an update Microsoft plans to launch next year, the software giant will give you more apps that you can uninstall from the operating system.

>Meanwhile freetards still don't have thumbnails 15 years later.
i do have thumbnails on my debian
what am i doing wrong?

curious there was no response lol

Where did you go? We miss you

I'm allowed to remove calculator but not camera? Guess I gotta keep using tape.

comfy tho

Attached: dskk.jpg (6720x2160, 929K)

I'm calling it now. Someone screencap this.

They will allow you to "disable" it but the installation packages will still exist.

>Meanwhile, windows users still can't view animated gifs

Bloatware includes telemetry and the Windows store.

Windows Store is better than Steam tbqh.


Attached: 1534814967400.jpg (257x196, 11K)

back to rebbit

But I wanted a DE/UI/UX just like Windows 7, and before.

Add classic theme ffs

I think "desu" still gets translated to "desu"?

figure this thread's a good place to ask: what's the difference between normal win10 enterprise and LTSB, exactly? Is there any reason I can't disable the stuff that's disabled in LTSB myself in normal enterprise?

>using Windows 10
>any year

Attached: interested linux frog.jpg (640x479, 57K)

but we don't have any bloatware for more than 20 years

>loonix has no bloatware
Good god, man.

>Windows size is 30 GiB after install and updates

>Linux is about 7 GiB on fully featured "bloated" distros

Stay mad, pajeet.

what DE is this?

Easy, never update ever. *sip*

>Windows size is 30 GiB after install and updates
Is it? I have it installed on a few year old netbook with a 32GB MMC. With a couple programs installed there's still at least 50% free, not using compact function.

customer files are not bloatware

Generally yes. Have seen some many of those stupid fucking 32GB trashbooks that are filled to the brim with this shit.

7/29GB on my HP Stream 7 after a fresh install.
14GB after a bunch of stuff installed.
Then again, this is the 32bit version.

I do, however, use dism++ and compactgui (both frontends for W10 tools) to clean out shit with the former and to compress my/third party required applications.
Performance impact is minimal and not even worth considering over the space savings for shit I rarely use but need installed.

Update your shit and see how it doubles in size

Fully updated, the latest 1809 update actually regained 2GB since it's basically a reinstall.


How is it better?

Attached: Untitled.png (1366x768, 155K)

Maybe because it's a laptop and it's still double than a fully featured Linux distro.

and? it still tries to track me like I'm fucking Jason Bourne, where the actual opt-out for that?

So it didn't double in size, that's the only point that mattered.
I'd use linux on this but I basically use it for casual media consumption only and remote desktop/game streaming, the latter of which isn't HW accelerated with Steam's shit so I'm stuck on windows.
Also every time I use linux I have an issue where my keys ghost, not sure about that.

It didn't double in size maybe because it's a laptop. I had Windows installed on my laptop early in the year and it was over 20 GB on a fresh installation. It grew when it updated and I had the LTSB or whatever the Enterprise version is called. You obviously spent some time debloating it. You're fooling no one here.

>You obviously spent some time debloating it. You're fooling no one here.
I already said Dism++ and CompactGUI. Dism++ also lets me remove the "bloatware" appxs no sweat and their provisioned backups.
Pic related is from my desktop as an example, only the bare minimum provisioned. User tab is just actively installed stuff.
Dism++ itself is just click Scan, is it worth cleaning up?, clean up.
I run compactgui with LZX on rarely used programs such as libreoffice to compress it from 500MB to 200MB, rinse repeat and it frees a lot of space.

I can save another 2-3GB by compacting the OS itself.
The only reason I would have spent a ton of time debloating this is because the N3050 is slow as fuck and looking at it wrong will max its usage and cripple it.

Attached: Dism++x64_2018-10-20_23-34-09.png (986x693, 34K)

There, there. It's okay to feel that way.

Soon the wounds will heal.

Why would you even game on a N3050. No, even better, what can you actually play with it?

Who said I gamed "on" it? Steam has local streaming, which I do from my more than competent desktop.

Would probably be fine for VNs though.

If you are capable of using a search engine.

While this is a good way to go you're still stuck with quite a few things like edge, cortana, mixed reality portal, contact support,etc

>contact support
the worst bloat

I think cortana is 10x worse. At least contact support is just sitting there if some idiot needs it

>Open contact support
>This app requires Cortana

If you write tbqh without the q, it gets filtered.

Muh whataboutism

Unused drive space is wasted drive space. Based Microsoft making sure it stays full.

>t. windows 7

Meanwhile for things that actually matter
>windows 13h battery life
>linux 8h

chink botnet


What a fucking waste of oxygen you are, ffs!

Attached: 1518070375536.png (1017x760, 258K)

Yeah because if someone wants to spy on you they have to make sure the "Camera" app is installed, right?

just with the last update windows installed avast secure browser. Yeah, thanks, really needed that

They won't really, too much money to be made collecting your data.

Attached: W10Privacy.png (1233x1091, 70K)

Attached: 1513458755946.png (1920x1080, 778K)

Yeah, well...

Attached: Screenshot_2018-10-21_10-13-15.png (2560x1440, 3.58M)


Attached: terry a davis dance.gif (300x424, 2.56M)


Attached: 1508777104074.png (1366x768, 368K)

You can already do this from the commond line though. What they are not removing is the botnet.

>the absolute state of the linux desktop ((design))

Attached: 1540109732852.png (232x79, 3K)

What exactly is triggering you? The highlight color? The arrangement? How would it be supposed to look?

Nvm I'm retartded. It's off center, I get It. Might have to do with the custom size and the fact that I use Helvetica. Dunno. Couldn't care less desu.

this 2bh

>now this is autism.jpg

Attached: 473.gif (480x270, 537K)

>partially caused by Microsoft itself

They're probably going to make you need to go through some obtuse process to even touch a fraction of it. "Removable", but only enough to be true in legalese.

its a trap

Well good thing you don't need to use the mobility center or the old school control panel anymore lol

>Unused drive space is wasted drive space
No longer true in our brave new SSD world

Mint thumbnails in filepicker reporting in.

im using kde 3 and even i have thumbnails, you retard nigger

>copies Windows UI
>thinks it's better than Windows
Here, run this to decrapify your Windows 10. It's a simple powershell script, you can check for botnet yourself.
Thank me later.

Patrician taste

This is sad indeed

Reminder that "uninstalling" the built-in modern apps, even via Powershell, doesn't actually remove them. All the files remain on your hard drive in a protected folder, so the claim that you can free up disk space by purging them is a lie. You're essentially just removing the shortcut from the Start menu and disabling them. Of course, LTSC doesn't have this problem.