What's the best font for an IDE?
What's the best font for an IDE?
The default one, stupid manchild.
Source code pro
someone say comic sans so i can say /thread
comic serif
Ubuntu Mono
Sf Mono
>he wrote that code to remind himself
He got it from stackoverflow.
SF Mono at "light" weight.
Noto Mono or Go Mono
Google makes good fonts, desu.
Input Mono Compressed.
I honestly really like SF Mono
l i g a t u r e s
Roboto mono or inconsolata
whatever you can read the best
Did you know that "ñ" is actually a ligature?
It originally was a double n "nn"
Then somehow those motherfuckers actually meme'd it into a letter.
>ñ is a ligature
>anno domini
Fuckin mexicans.
I like Iosevka but I'm also a megafaggot
>Source code pro
Sauce Code Light the medium font is too thicc.
Iosekva Slab is pretty dank.
what font is this?
Unironically input
I use the IBM Plex ones, they look pretty good.
the umlaut is a small cursive e
that's what I use, noto sans for my GUI and noto mono for my terminals
What is this color theme?
The only correct answer
(intellij) dracula
Actually, it’s Darcula.
IBM Sans Plex
Ligatures make me erect
>using namespace std;
>leaving a blank line at the start of the function
>braces on same line
>no new line
>using the default theme for a stupid meme IDE
One where letters don't look ambiguous (I looks like l, O like 0, unreadable characters, etc).
Roboto Mono
HTML+CSS is harder than C++
Imagine being this autistic
based Q33NY theorist
>default theme
Since when is drakula default jetbrains theme? By default it uses light one.
GNU Unifont, been using it a lot recently because it shows non-ascii as unqiue symbols.