You just installed your distro...

You just installed your distro, updated and configured the very basics and now it's time for installing your software: What's the software you usually install?

>sudo apt install build-essential git gcc-8 cmake clang nasm transmission obs-studio clementine youtube-dl geogebra ffmpeg texmaker chromium deepin-editor deepin-boot-maker openssh-server console-setup plymouth-themes gambas3 krita cheese musescore kdenlive espeak hardinfo neofetch teamviewer fcitx-mozc

Attached: miko_daemon_stop.jpg (600x776, 96K)

Other urls found in this thread:

nano /etc/apt/sources.list
>add non-free repo
apt update && apt install steam

dnf install cowsay cmatrix htop inxi irssi screenfetch neofetch google-chrome clementine kde-meta

apt install gentoo

>Not using SteamOS

Attached: 1536499890588.jpg (685x576, 31K)

Did this earlier today
sudo apt install neovim ranger newsbeuter curl wget imagemagick gimp krita flameshot keepassxc firefox feh mpv biber texlive-full r-base r-devel rofi transmission-gtk thunderbird ffmpegthumbnailer neofetch tmux openvpn rxvt-unicode scrot htop fonts-inconsolata jre-8-openjdk git youtube-dl urlview

sudo zypper in htop

Replace default text editor with geany, install wine, either audacious or foobar2k, youtube-dl, mpv, bitwig, milkytracker, audacity, ffmpeg, then the rest i just install as needed.

emerge xmonad

Nothing. I copy over my nix config files, run nixos rebuild switch and I'm off. You really should use a functional package manager :)

However, if I'm using a shit distro like Arch or Debian, I install KDE, vim, gimp, wine, chromium, and mpv. The upsides of using a DE is that you don't need to think, everything works without configuring anything, meaning I can get back to work asap :)

Sweetie, you forgot
dpkg add-architecture i386

It changes based on what the computer will do, but universally I install git, vim, tmux, cowsay and fortune, curl, and wget.
I use git to pull down my dotfiles, and then run one of my installation scripts depending on what the device is for and the package manager of said distro.

apt-get install emacs git nfs-common build-essential

that picture triggers mi inner autism. Shinto doesn't threat demons as christianism. Some of them are even "good" in the western sense. For instance, your pic is shit, OP.

sudo pacman -Rsc linux

but user, every youkai is bad

>using your distro's repo for youtube-dl
but how can I download shitty Nico videos this way?

jokes on you, my processor is i386

Right. That's why they burn old dolls.
I bet you haven't even read the Kojiki and Nihon Shoki, so stfu.

>using steamOS

Attached: 1406601606846.png (502x681, 612K)


> he is installing youtube-dl from repos

Arch doesn't have this problem