Who the fuck is to blame for entire webpages being built in Javascript...

Who the fuck is to blame for entire webpages being built in Javascript? And I don't just mean functionality: I mean those fucking websites that are literally just a js file that generates the entire DOM.

Perfect example is google product forms.

Attached: FUCK YOU.png (1312x782, 164K)

A lack of a better universal application platform?

Because nobody in this business learns from past mistakes.

Easier on resources to just serve a single file that's downloaded once and then fetch data from an API which is also easier to cache.

Smartphones. It allows them to generate content dynamically based on varying screen resolutions and ratios.
No-one told them however that pushing 5MB of JS that a client has to chew through just to render some fucking text is a fucking nightmare for mobile devices since they're battery powered. But who cares about that, right? They're testing the websites in mobile OS vms.

Why even serve a single library? Wouldn't it be much lighter on resources to use a language that's built into every browser by default? you could even call it some kind of markup language that converts the text into dynamic content.You could even have 5 versions of it, and call it FUCKING HTML


Lighter on SERVER resources. Dynamic server side content is always slow.

>deliver 5MB of JS
>or deliver 300kB of HTML

You still need to deliver the dynamic content, and HTML5 can accept JSON to update the DOM.

Yeah but HTML cant make animations or responsive behaviour

>what are CSS media queries and transitions

Except HTML5 can.

So can I do turing complete sht on html5? no?

With binary DRM blobs you can.

CSS3 is turing complete, doesn't mean you should abuse it, though.

>hurr bandwidth is the limiting factor on webservers
Imagine being this much of a brainlet.

It tends to be, yeah. Not to mention that big file is static content and works for your entire site instead of fetching a page at a time, and can be delivered from an optimized and heavily distributed CDN.
But the real reason React is used, is that it's easier to generate the DOM on the fly than to generate it on the server and patch it up ad hoc on the client. Sure you can set up prerendering with nodejs on the server to reduce loading times but it's a pain in the ass and won't make the site work with js disabled anyways.

You are correct.


Why would you want your web documents to be turing complete? I want to view them, not speculate whether they will eventually display their content when they mined enough coins. (Halting problem, guys?)

Javascript was a mistake.

Cause it's easier to write just JavaScript that generates HTML than to write HTML+JavaScript. The ladder is more bug prone as you have to go around selecting DOM element in JavaScript. Also the frameworks you're looking for are react and angular

web giants has every incentive to make webdev as shitty as possible as the name of their business is "privatization of internet". they do not want any competition for their oligopoly on one hand and they can afford with web stack of any level of shittiness on the other. that is why google promotes their web stack so hard. from protocols to languages, every corner is covered. this is a good old E3 strat covered with smoke and mirrors of perceived "openness".

Attached: emdpX3F6pvY.jpg (720x960, 164K)

also procedurally generated image heavy infinite scrolling abominations that you have to start from the beginning every time fuck those in particular what the fuck