Is there a better player for music than VLC?

Is there a better player for music than VLC?

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The absolute state of Jow Forums

Jriver, Foobar, DeadBeef...
Depending on your OS. There's a shit ton.


> 2018
> not using AIMP

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Winamp is the only audio player to have high-fidelity digital to digital audio converters, unparalleled sound demuxing, decoding and upsampling to match your audio system. It was the best 20 years ago and it still remains the king of audio playback software.

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why would you use a smartphone when youre on a computer?

>do you want to restart the playback where left off?

What's a computer?


winamp 5.8 was released yesterday.

mpd on real computers.
Vinyl Music on Android.

So is a boomer meme or is it actually good?
I'm downloading it, nevertheless.

it really whips the llama's ass

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I installed yesterday for the first time. I'm really enjoying mpd/ncmpcpp.

Windows Media Player

Open instantly, 0 ram usage, run in the console, it just works.

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Bhai ;)

>0 ram usage

btw indiachan aja

Mpd + cantata

We all know on Windows the only worthy players are Winamp and Foobar2k, the rest are newbie crap.
I'm not sure what is on that level for Linux though, all I tried is absolute shit in comparison.

Itunes on macOS is pretty great

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no offence but please kill yourself!

>using a noisy computer to play your music instead of dedicated audio equipment
absolutely disgustingly pleb tier

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great taste

Is JRiver worth its $80?

Made the transition into foobar2000 but I like musicbee because I can admire at my collection.

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foobar2000 is the best

I can't hear my computer over the crackling noise of my 64Kbps MP3s anyway.

not an audiophile, but I've tried switching away several times. I always notice the quality dropping, so I've used Winamp ever since I started listening to digital music


>he doesn't use foobar
I pity all of you niggers.

Attached: foobar2k.png (1920x1050, 472K)

>ugly brown thing taking over the entire desktop

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mpv for music
vlc for video

The only flaw of Musicbee is its name. Great program.

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I'm using Winamp 5.6 and have been for donkeys years.
been thinking about upgrading to 5.8 ... what will the extra 0.2 get me?

>installing Russian Spyware
enjoy your Putin botnet

>he's too mentally deficient to change the foobar color scheme

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Genuinely perfect

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winamp is unironically based

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Foobar fucking sucks, MusicBee is it.


>not using AIMP

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Nightingale is by far the best music player when it comes to sanity, especially when you sometimes love listening to webradiostreams. Some icecast/shoutcast stations have hidden pages you can only access with this software gem.

However it's not getting updated anymore (afaik it's still based on the Gecko renderer from Firefox 3 or something, lmao), you can't set playback speed and most default themes suck ass, so it's basically kill.

>Is there a better player for music than VLC?
I doubt it. VLC needs more polishing though, a lot more polishing.

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mpv for everything. Including pictures.

>been thinking about upgrading to 5.8 ... what will the extra 0.2 get me?
WASAPI output plugin, option to disable video support, Win 8.1 & 10 compatibility, memory leak fixes, etc.
Do it, man. At the very least the memory issue fixes are apparent right away. With my music library, RAM use right after starting went down to about 150 megs (cf. ~430 megs on 5.666), and it also seems to load up album art in the media library view noticably faster. Plus it seems to manage RAM use better than before. Still seems to look up and load the original album art files though, as opposed to building a thumbnail database for itself à la MusicBee, so scrolling through when using higher resolution in-folder cover art is a bit sluggish. Hopefully they'll look into moving to MB's direction on that department.

>What is digital + high quality DAC

A phone and music player app, VLC doesn't count even on Android, VLC's main purpose is to mostly play video, even if it is capable of serving as a player for audio and music.

>Is JRiver worth its $80?
There's a 30+day trial... figure it out for yourself. Works very well with Linux and ALSA, desu.

As far as music is concerned, it doesn't really matter much
Clementine was nice, but I don't think it's getting updated anymore

Clementine lacks a usable queue, sadly.

There is one, in the menu, but it's horrible to use.

>can't even play all files in a folder

Your post is merely your opinion. VLCs and my opinion: VLCs main purpose is streaming content, you might not like it, but you don't get to decide what VLC really is for.

>no qt5 amarok yet

What's this?


This, unironically

You can turn that completely off IIRC

For me, It's Ncurses Music Player C++.


All these years and no GUI music player comes close to the perfection that is Winamp. In just a 275x116 window you have everything you need for playback control. Yes, it was designed for 15" monitors at 800x600 but this kind of efficiency is what keeps me from using anything else. It's as if modern app developers don't know how to make every pixel count.