Hacking or hacking guides

>So Jow Forums I want to try and get into hacking and I know anons here have extensive knowledge on it so I wish to ask for advice on where to start or any guides to follow

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nice try Eff Bee Eyy

Attached: FBI honeypot.jpg (777x939, 127K)

Sorry man, that's not how it works here.

By the way, failed greentext you absolute brainlet

Download the Jow Forums ethical hacking starter pack at a.uguu.se/ecyCM6nn4JBR_HackingStarterPack.zip , about 40 very cool tools compiled by anons

okay fine I screwed up but then where on the site can I post my question then if not on this board?

Go read what gets fixed in patches.

>install gentoo
>learn c
then you're halfway there

thanks user, you are a champ

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thanks user, so if this is halfway then what other tools should I invest in ?

those two will take you a really long time.
by the time you're done learning c you will know what to do.

OP here, are they any training sites available or discords for this?

the ethical hacking Udemy course I can link it if you want

what is the function of gentoo? Is it to structure your coding?

I would appreciate it user, please do


Get out op, go look somewhere else

alt + F4 makes you connect to the dark web

learn networking

>I am not falling for this

user, I hope outside of Jow Forums you are a multi millionare with tons of hot sluts serving you 24/7, thanks for the link

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>Learn C
>learn python
>learn assembly
>learn how networks work
>get comfortable using terminal
>learn how to make bash scripts

>Learn Networking
>Learn how http, TCP/IP and websites work
>Learn how and why code is vulnerable

When you are remotely ready you can get into hackthebox.eu and at that point you are still a pajeet level script kiddie.

so this is a hobby that will take years to get decent at, how long have you been hacking for user?

I would say I am around the middle , not sure on what to read to get good at networks

I would recommend professor messer's videos on networking+

seed labs

I'd add to that:

>Learn C
>Learn Python (or Ruby but let's be honest, learn Python first)
>Learn computer architecture
>Learn ASM
>Learn to use a debugger
>Learn how to exploit buffer overflows
>Learn to read other people's code and find flaws
>Read the following books:
Digital Design and Computer Architecture
Modern Operating Systems
Programming from the Ground Up
Hacking: The Art of Exploitation
Black Hat Python
Violent Python
Grey Hat Hacking
Penetration Testing by Georgia Weidman
The Cuckoo's Egg
Countdown to Zero Day
Dark Territory
The Perfect Weapon

Oh and one more:

>Do CTFs/boot2roots