Invents linux

>invents linux
>has a qt asian wife
>has more money than everyone on Jow Forums combined
How does he do it, Jow Forums?

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he didn't invent Linux

I don't mean to be racist, but oriental females tend to have very punchable faces.

What do you mean? This guy is the inventor of Linux.

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How come I knew he married an Asian before I actually knew

never pulls out

They tight tho

but his name is linux?

don't be so racist, user

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LTT guy is nerd alpha. He probably fucks all his chink co-workers too.

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The one thing I agree with those Asian incel freaks on is that whites have abysmal taste in Asians.

>tech genius
>creator of one of the most popular OS of all time
>ripped as hell
He's a god, Jow Forums.

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Terry sure is amazing. RIP

He's that white guy that thinks the ugly Asian girl is hot and every Asian person knows she's not. It's apparently because you don't see the less Asian people you see and the less often you see them the less likely you are to notice the difference between a hot one and an ugly one. That's why ugly white guys are treated like hot on in Japan or South Korea.

Linus Sebastian is not Linus Torvalds, shitbaiter.


He sure is. Fight me if anyone thinks differently.

So a PoC invented Linux? How can wypipoo compete?


she looks fine. east asian people just chase after the plastic "wanna be white" aesthetic so any woman with darker skin or a wider nose is automatically considered ugly. give her a nose job, blue contacts, and bleach her hair and all the asian men would be drooling.

Yes, Linux is Swedo-Fingolian.

i want him to choke me

Attached: lfpl_Linus Sebastian.png (300x300, 56K)

>she looks fine

33% of her face is forehead, she has a nigger-tier wide nose and the most stereotypical Chinaman long teeth I've seen in a while.

If you're not white you're PoC

especially the twinks

Without a doubt.

>wide nose
>Chinaman long teeth
thanks for proving my point. here u go.

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Yeah. Those are characteristics even their own people do that like. Only beta white bois accept them as "ok" because that's all they can aspire to get.

Who? I only know Linus Sebastian.
If this Torvalds guy really did discover Linux then how come I've never heard of him?
Just admit that you're a Linus-hater!

ye he did you idiot, Linus invented Linux

>Name LITERALLY is Linux
>He didn't invent Linux

The LITERAL state of nu Jow Forums, my fucking god.

Oh my god you can't be this retarded huh?

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is this that linux guy? he's pretty cool. i like how he made all of those awesome anime desktops.

You forgot one thing
>secretly gay
It's a shame he was forced to marry some gook just to prove that he's straight. If only the linux community wasn't so toxic

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It's so obvious though. Luke met Linus when he was still in high school, and TO THIS DAY they are still "best friends".
Yeah, friendships don't last that long, buddy. That's not friendship, that's love!

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Which one of them tops?

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wtf is that thing?

It's because South-East Asians are the human race second most related to insects, after Turkroaches.

Yellow fever is a sign of a sick, dying society.

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