Black people
Black people
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surely this is shoped
it's showing us what we must defend ourselves from
VERY inclusive
rset in piece xxxtentacles
>surely this is shoped
Where's the father in this family? :^)
>mom isn't white
wtf is microsoft doing???
It's real
>black mom
>no father
Wow, racist much, microsoft?
>>Jow Forums
father went away to make other mothers.
Oh boy.
>having software on your computer
chrome is shitware though
like linux
ya, I'm sure sjwzilla or a meme browser would work better than chrome
Black people dont use computers wtf
well it/they does/do
what's a computer?
Am I missing something? What's the big deal here?
I don't see it, do you have to be american to get this shit?
>the kid is whiter than the mom
gahnooo~/linux doesn't have this problem
Black people don't exist.
They look more like poojets to me honestly.
Autistic but good
Those are Indians tho. Microsoft is just appealing to their biggest market.
The ULTIMATE redpill
Is this part of the dark theme?
You tell me.
why is the child lighter than the mother
it's funny how the dad is not in the picture
>Words to avoid
What the fuck is wrong with the FOSS community?
They try to make the world a better place but it doesn't work out too well for them so there's that.
>shilling for Adobe Systems Incorporated in everyday conversation
>he does it for free
That's kinda funny. The Es Jay (You)(You)'s usually do a black man and a white woman combo.
>avoid these words or you're not a real freetard
>not a totalitarian oppressive system at all.
>or you're not a real freetard
says who?
Stallmeme does.
The cuck leader who will autistically lecture people mid-sentence on the words they use.
>Don't you care about freeeeeedom
>well you won't be free until you do exactly as i say!
>Unironically supporting (((problematic))) word lists
Absolutely fucking disgusting
actually I think it's part of the older version of windows defender. They revamped the look of it recently. But I use ltsb since I'm not a masochist so I can't say for sure
>No dad.
This is either very racist or very progressive depending on how you interpret the fact that the kid is light skinned. Either way hilarious.
When trademark is used as a general term for all products, the company can lose its trademark. Ask Bayer how they lost their Aspirin TM, for example.
So by "avoiding the word" freetards are actually protecting Adobe trademark. They'll probably send you 5% off Creative Cloud coupon for your efforts
how tf would it be racist?
don't drink the kool aid boyos
>no father
fucking Spotted the reddit fucking user fucking holy shit fucking haha
Change is good.
just face it, GIMP is a piece of shit that nobody uses. Photoshop is THE photo editor
Anyone happen to know where the image file if any is so I don't have to go digging around for it if I want to replace it with some other graphics that I like that are better?
I don't think that's possible? But keep me updated if you ever find it.
>black kid with no dad and a single mom
>unironically using any windows version besides ltsc
They remind you of what you truly are, a nigger
Give it back Satan
>It's OK to use the abbreviation “PC” to refer to a certain kind of computer hardware, but please don't use it with the implication that the computer is running Microsoft Windows. If you install GNU/Linux on the same computer, it is still a PC.
>The term “WC” has been suggested for a computer running Windows.
fake, niggers don't use any technology that can use a printer
based satan
Did they fix the retarded bugs like no CPU usage in task manager?
please delete this sir, make the needful
>Black family
>No father in sight
Pretty accurate, what's the problem?
>paint dot net
It is fixed in the new insider build
why does he have a sheet of paper that says
>black memes
>*creates bash*
Jow Forums BTFO
>black mom
>mixed kid
but the kid is white.
We're in the diversity toilet because corporations are deathly afraid of the realities. It's fucking hard finding shitskin geniuses. Anyone can earn a PhD. It is what you do what that paper that matters.
>Mixed kid
The dad is white
>ayyy nigga why this mufucka gibbin me null pointah ‘ceptions and shit. shit’s all fucked up
>what is the talented tenth
why always macs?????
Why tf do you care?
Remember me?
In America perhaps
nobody likes niggers, not even themselves
el goblino
Pick one.
Get used to it chief, more proof "race" is but a mere societal construct and if eugenics because a thing we should all go in the meat grinder.