Unpopular Jow Forums Opinions

The Internet was the worst invention and the Industrial Revolution destroyed what little hope mankind had for salvation. It's stripped us of what little individuality we had and destroyed all instances of nuance and effort.

Everything became worthless and started turning around mindless hedonism and good goy consumerism.

It turned us into the hive-mind we always had the potential to become but could've avoided.
Being right isn't worth anything anymore, you just have to be with the majority.

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>implying I said anything about NPCs
Echo-chambers are vastly different from the NPC meme. I don't believe in the NPC meme but I believe that the Electronic Age has taken what differences we've had and lumped us into one mass that simply echoes what the others say, inevitably ending up in a place where everybody has the exact same opinion and we simply begin existing rather than living.

These would have had potential had we not wasted them in the pursuit of vain consumerism and reckless hedonism concerning the industrial revolution and internet respectfully. Such amazing potential the internet holds and people reduce it to a source of trivial entertainment, to ejaculate over. It's such a waste.

We wouldn't have this problem if Germany won.

luke pls go

We would still have this exact problem. I don't believe in either side of the political spectrum and I think centrists are wrong too.

Any political power simply degrades back to what it promised to fight against. Wealthy Jews with enough money to "sponsor" the Reich were allowed to live and prosper. If Germany won, it'd just be another side of the same shit coin, for you see, it is not any side that's "right" but it is mankind itself as a whole that's wrong.

There really is no hope left for us, but the disappointment lies within the fact that there was so much missed opportunity.

The internet is a medium, a tool; they way in which we have used that tool is in error, not the tool itself. History has shown that we cannot just give a wrench to the masses, for they will simply use it to bash in their enemies' heads. The primal needs of man which cling to our hind-brains need to be accounted for if we are to be safe from ourselves.

>mindless hedonism
This, this is it. "The pursuit of happiness" is the root of all our problems. Liking something does not justify it; feelings are not to be trusted.

but I thought with the Haavara agreement they would all fuck off to their shithole, can you sauce your statement by chance

I'm sorry if you misunderstood me user, I was trying to say what would've probably happened had they won the war. As in, I was inferring to high likelihood of corruption on par with the same corruption we see in today's Western world.

However, the Haavara agreement is also an excellent example of, pardon the slippery slope argument, but it is an example of how once the Jews went back to Jewland, it's more than likely that over the years, especially after Hitler would've died, the tensions between the two sides would cease. Due to the prosperity faced by the two ethnostates, it's more than likely that they would inevitably begin intermingling with one another just as how North and South Korea are likely to begin diplomacy quite soon.

This is quite frequent in other cases too where two entities that were once enemies will, over time, discover that their hatred has faded and in their pursuit of comfort and hedonism they'll be willing to sacrifice their ideals for more comfort.

This, stop shitposting just release the new Not Related! episode already.

Ultra unpopular opinion here:
Human are responsible for everything that has happened to them, internet, steam and turing machines are just tools that two opposing forces used to control or liberate people

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I think similar topics have been discussed previously, and one conclusion that other anons had stated was the easier way that access to the internet has been made. Someone needs to go back in time and prevent the iphone from being created or maybe take some lsd and get on the same trip steve was on to undo this, normalfags just dont deserve the interweb

AI and automation will save the world.

no shit sherlock

Trips of class genocide.

Can't wait till Luke buys his cabin in the woods and goes full-on Jew-Nazi!

it opened doors for a lot of materialism, but it also made a lot of people Jew-aware. I hope that the latter will prove useful to prevent the Kidon plan.

>technology caused hedonism

80% of humans have always been dumb breeders, technology just permits them to spend more time on meaningless pleasure and instant gratification
There's a reason why they were peasants in previous ages

interesting theory but I highly doubt the reich would have had much threat from jews afterwards to fall into any sort of degeneracy so quickly(less than 100 years in) if any opposition at all in the world besides the vatican (as always).
Im sure some form of the internet was created though in their timeline and we wouldnt have the same amount we have on ours. It may not be full freedom but I could speculate some sort of training just to use the fucking internet and do's and dont's knowing those fucking krauts, which would for the better part weed out the brainded.
I can only guess also it wouldnt be as bad as the firewall of china possibly as much surveillance but nowhere near as many bans and prosecutions as china. Something like the nsa is what comes to mind and also something like having like a right wing of social media version with not as much attention whoring as slut shaming would be a thing but still a likely politically correct version.
Honestly man we prob be mining asteroids by now and having intergalactic internet, with all the large amount of weaponised autism available in their timeline. I can just imagine the fucking tech we'd have publicly available. God damn, fuck this gay timeline and burn it with the sun
maybe theres light after all

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no u