Do it.
Do it
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did it
11 years ago.
and its still running
Using it right now
knew Jow Forums was for cool kids
In what machine? How much it take?
installed funtoo isntead
what's the difference
>not using the win10 version with chink botnet instead of CIA nigger botnet
I would, but still a babby at Linux, so doing it with Xubuntu.
i never did it. I am afraid of doing something wrong ;_;
If you have the time/motivation, install it on an old laptop or a VM. You'll learn a lot from that process alone. If you can build it up to a usable system, even better, but you might want to reserve all that effort for a system you'll actually use rather than a VM.
what's the worst that happens if you fuck up? You can't brick your PC or anything.
Pls explain I'm intrigued
first it was core2duo
now i7-4770k
I don't care about merge time.
Just browsing Jow Forums till its ready.
>what's the worst that happens if you fuck up? You can't brick your PC or anything.
My pc could be bricked ;_;
It's the win10 edition meant for chink gobment
Yeah k i got that I meant, cab you link some articles, maybe an iso?
why compiling if binaries exist?
do you hate your cpu/gpu?
based and tencentpilled
what if binaries are corupted?