Why even consider anything other than C and Python

Why even consider anything other than C and Python.
Any other lang is just a meme. Use Python for mainline and C for speed and all that low-level shit.
Prove me wrong.

Attached: NmD4hc3.jpg (1161x1173, 257K)

I've taken to replacing Python with JS, in recent projects. Speed is not an issue with those anyways, and since that kind of project will often benefit from a web-frontend it's convenient to have only one language on the stack.

Agree with C for performance-critical projects though.

Truth be the truth. QED.

Because my business also needs websites.

dude just do server side rendering for everything



I unironically agree with this. In my field of work you *have* to know C and Python. I prefer Ruby to Python personally, but I'm not gonna act like Python isn't more important to know.

Python is extremely verbose for a scripting language. JS is much better.

I literally cannot refute you
And since no one will disagree with you because there is nothing to discuss this thread will most likely die without more replies
But you are right OP, remember that (Python needs a bit more of work on their packages tho)

JS is infinitely better for frontend than writing fucking python templates.

1989 called, they want their language back. We C++17 now.
White space sensitivity is absolutely disgusting and faggots who use spaces for tabs need to be executed.

"hey bud i need you to develop [complicated frontend over designed shit] for our customers"

"sure thing boss i'll just do it in python"


dinesh stop posting here and continue being a good code monkey

Attached: 1514905382099.jpg (630x403, 59K)

Crowder is a sensationalist. Making a big deal out of a feminist calling a man a pig on a video he found in liveleak.

You got me at C but you lost me at python.. crappiest language ever, were not for ml libraries would be already dead and forgotten

Replace C and Python with C++ and Javascript, and you might be on to something.

But syntax of it is so clean

Rust is arguably better in the same domain these days.

Would never be my first choice of scripting languages. Slow, and all of __this_shit__ is annoying. Also, lambdas in Python are trash.

JS is infinitely better because Python cannot run on the front end without a JS interpreter. There are no web browsers that support running Python in-browser out of the box.

I prefer lua embedded in C++
>wrongness: proven

t. never wrote server software in my life
No matter how much C you put, Python is slow as fuck, Go will run circles around your Python+C

Attached: download.png (490x490, 110K)


it's a webmonkey screeching unintelligibly about MUH WEB TECH or something

>muh 5GB executable

Attached: sKtJZ8Ao2mBA.jpg (373x521, 34K)

fuck the way webtech works nowadays
modern html/css/javascript has to die
time for something that makes sense
even going back to html3 is better

Why are you pajeets so much worried about your code monkeying tools? No one gives a shit your haskell or c.

i hate the inflation of the word 'meme'
please stop