/cyb/ + /sec/ - Cyberpunk and Cybersecurity General

The Cypherpunk Manifesto activism.net/cypherpunk/manifesto.html
The Cyberpunk Manifesto project.cyberpunk.ru/idb/cyberpunk_manifesto.html

"What is cyberpunk?" pastebin.com/hHN5cBXB

Cyberpunk directory (Communities, Media, Readings) pastebin.com/VAWNxkxH
Cyberpunk resources (Miscellaneous) pastebin.com/Dqfa6uXx

/cyb/ ftp:

The Hacker Manifesto: phrack.org/issues/7/3.html
The Guerilla Open Access Manifesto: archive.org/stream/GuerillaOpenAccessManifesto/Goamjuly2008_djvu.txt

"Why privacy matters" youtube.com/watch?v=pcSlowAhvUk
"Shit just got real" pastebin.com/rqrLK6X0

Cybersecurity basics and armory pastebin.com/rMw4WbhX
Endware endchan.xyz/os/res/32.html
BBS archives textfiles.com/index.html
Various guides to get started github.com/mayfrost/guides/

Reference books (PW: ABD52oM8T1fghmY0) mega.nz/#F!YigVhZCZ!RznVxTiA0iN-N6Ps01pEJw

Thread Archive: archive.rebeccablacktech.com/g/search/text//cyb/ /sec//

Guide github.com/mayfrost/guides/blob/master/IRC.md
Join irc://irc.rizon.net:6697
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#Jow Forumspunk
#Jow Forumssec

Last Threads

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Good to be back! And last thread was a good one.

And the FAQ is there, updated to Preview 21 last week.

So what’s the overarching message you are trying to convey to people?

This pasta is a mess of conflicting and at odds ideals, practices and information.

Who is this thread for? Because the mixing of things from phrack with activist manifestos is odd, plus the irony of a YouTube video on privacy.

I hope the irony of that one sinks in. A video on privacy, linked directly to YouTube.

The Youtube video is a TED talk that can be watched on other platforms
The link should probably be changed to this ted.com/talks/glenn_greenwald_why_privacy_matters

>This pasta is a mess of conflicting and at odds ideals, practices and information.
Not OP but still. The pasta has grown over several years and has not been pruned, yet. A lot has already been brought into the FAQ and I guess the manifestos (about 5 of them) could be referred to by it:

>Cypherpunk Manifesto
Anyone succeeded in finding out what happened to this project? Everyone seems to have gone off line or underground.

Is this thread dead?

starts are always slow, especcialy when everyone's still at work

=== /sec/ News:
>Game theory confuses cyber-attackers
>Applying game theory to the way virtual machines are allocated to hypervisors could improve cloud security, according to the US Army.

Did you even read the article? There is zero of relavence in it.