Iphone is the best smartphone out there, I would not own anything else
Iphone is the best smartphone out there, I would not own anything else
spotted the npc
NPCs just can't believe that some people choose not to have a phone. It's like when you tell them that you don't listen to music or don't like dogs.
I hate android so no choice here. I only bought the SE because fuck large phones. No idea what I'm going to do for my next phone because I also hate the later iOS.
Also why the fuck everyone uses the low-res image of the NPC wojak??
raise ForcedMemeError()
You're not funny. Nerds are not funny at all.
the edge glitching on his wavy head line makes npc woj seem to be vibrating at a high frequency
>this thread
>not YNPC on the van
Remove that crap, now, and do it properly next tiem.
that doesn't make sense and it isn't funny. nice try though.
It is. You just don't have the skill, admit it, NPC.
this, so much this!
>doesn't like dogs
Think I've found the NPC, or Muslim, or perhaps both.
Cats are better than dogs though. Smarter too.
I actually didn't even read your name.
>You just don't have the skill, admit it, NPC.
Classic NPC response. Let me break it down to you in hopes your heuristic algorithm can make sense of it.
>it's a spiderman comic
>it's a New York Police Department van
>spiderman does not work for NYPD, or any law enforcement
>comic got modified to replace spiderman with NPC
How is NPC to YNPC the same as spiderman to NYPD? What would YNPC even stand for?
No, you saw the letters NP, which is one away from NPC. You decided to do a simple substitution and wa-la! you thought you made a joke. But, as the example of Data in Star Trek: The Next Generation has shown us, robots don't always 'get' humour, and it isn't that easy to teach.
So as I said, nice attempt. Don't be discouraged, though, it took Data a while too. Just keep trying.
So you don't have the necessary skill to do it.
found the NPC
Actually i never used android based Smartphone/phone. I think i am npc. fuck.
i have an iPhone 6S plus and i bought 2015. I changed battery once and i got 4 year major software upgrade, killer user experience.
I love my iPhone. There i said it.