Guys my ISP is blocking all loli sites. I can't even post on Jow Forums from home anymore. I thought net neutrality was a meme? Is the free market the real meme? Why did Trump let this happen? Who's Jewing who anymore?
Guys my ISP is blocking all loli sites. I can't even post on Jow Forums from home anymore...
Jow Forums is a professional technology forum.
>trusting (((Mises))), (((Rand))), and (((Rothbard)))
>seriously wondering who is doing the Jewing
I'm going to say this once. Nationalist socialism.
Anime website.
While it's true that some Jow Forums postsers enjoy Japanese style animation, they prefer series involving manly action and mature "cake" romance, and discussions are generally confined to specific boards.
What if you change your DNS server?
Comcast affiliate? They pushed out some nasty rules to their affiliates that they don't follow themselves. Mine isn't choking Jow Forums but Sankaku's image server and double chan are out.
No no, he has a point. Anime website.
This, OP. Your ISP might be defaulting to shitty DNS servers that block domains.
Also, if you live in a shithole like UK where ISP might be forced to provide you with an optional content filter, you might have that turned on.
good, porn is a sin user.
This, IP blocking or DPI techniques just aren't worth it
What country and ISP?
Comcast affiliate? So not Comcast itself but those who relies on their back-end?
I'm with Spectrum in the US but I'm using a vpn and haven't noticed any blockage, I'm gonna try going to this sites without a vpn.
>Sankaku's image server
Shit, me too. I get missing images and error 500 for them, login, and some other stuff unless I use a proxy. I've tried a bunch of DNSs but none of them helped.
>trusting (((Mises))), (((Rand))), and (((Rothbard)))
of these three only Rand got the Israel disease. More importantly Trump isn't and never was a libertarian, so your comment is off topic.
>Is the free market the real meme?
I said yes, and showed that it is a Jewish meme.
that makes even less sense, what about Adam Smith? The entire American xix century?
libertarianism is a more particular ideology and it's indeed jewish in origins.
They seriously thought it could work, not unlike the first communists. They are not to be blame for trying to make the world better and failing. Now that the truth has been shown everyone who supports either is a kike.
What truth? Free market works perfectly, the problem is democracy that subverts the free market.
The ideal society would be a free market constitutional monarchy. Social welfare from taxes and prosecuting victimless crimes should be prohibited in the constitution.
>What truth? Free market works perfectly
Except the part where people die for no reason besides the condemnation of those who feel they are above them, just like communism. People love pointing at the 100 million killed by communism, but the free market holds the record by far.
>the problem is democracy that subverts the free market.
That does make it worse, sure. Truly nothing lower than a democracy.
>The ideal society would be a free market constitutional monarchy.
Sure, makes sense. You like being lorded over so you see no problem with everyone else being subjugated by the Chosen Rulers too.
>Social welfare from taxes and prosecuting victimless crimes should be prohibited in the constitution.
Yeah, like anyone ever gives a shit about their nation's constitution. Look at the history of attempts to control the state. They all end up as arms of the state, tools to justify their Jewery.
>Except the part where people die for no reason
name one person killed by' free market'. How is that even possible.
The idea of a free market rests upon the non-aggression principle.
>You like being lorded over so you see no problem with everyone else being subjugated by the Chosen Rulers too.
I don't like being 'lorded over', but in the entire history of humanity this system was the best at preserving actual freedom.
It stopped working for technological reasons, but now technology has changed enough to make it the best system again.
>Yeah, like anyone ever gives a shit about their nation's constitution
In monarchy, the constitution is enforced by an armed nobility. The king is going to get killed when he breaks it.
The nobility is the army itself - armed land owners (more like company owners in the current context).
Stop being a pedo, you waste of bandwidth.
Homeless people, starving people, those with treatable illnesses. The free market is based on voluntary association, fine, but nobody wants to associate with those who cost more to keep alive than they produce. As there is no public land to forage or hunt on, (and no... uh... foraging for chemotherapy?) they just have to turn to violence or die. They could turn a profit later in life in invested in, but the free market discourages taking such risks.
On monarchy, the problem is when the king and the nobility inevitably form a cabal to increase their power. Then you're a slave. I'm sorry, a serf. There's not actual distinction but I'm sure being a slave is against the constitution which they will surely abide by.
Can confirm, rural NorCal with an ISP that routes through Comcast. They drop all my Sankaku images, but not infinity chan.
>voluntary association is Jews
>but the state is Jews too
What isn't Jews?
>What isn't Jews?
Gassing the fucking Jews.
>is x meme real
No, they just block to access a site for +18. When you get old they will give you the access back.
>Homeless people, starving people, those with treatable illnesses
resources don't fall from the sky. You want to force people to provide resources for others. That's called slavery.
The only resource that's actually free is air.
>Then you're a slave. I'm sorry, a serf
Serfdom isn't going to repeat, it made sense only in the context of an economy based on agriculture.
In a high-tech world with lots of small kingdoms the single thing most in demand is going to be a creative qualified worker and entrepreneur.
You can't force people to be creative with a gun, and jobs that work for this are going to be automated.
States that are best at keeping and allowing these people to use their potential are going to be the strongest, both militarily (ai killer bots etc) and economically.
The army makes the difference. Monarchies fell with the introduction of a cheap mass manufactured rifle. The rifle did two things: it made armor useless (previously, one knight in plate armor was nearly unkillable by peasants) and drastically reduced the value of training. The single thing that mattered the most were numbers.
As people were roughly equal, popular democracy came into being, or more in general systems based on 'popular will'. That includes modern dictators.
This is changing very fast. Now a single man trained for three days with smart guns (prototypes exist) with autotargeting and remote viewing could probably kill an entire elite squad armed with normal guns. Military power in the future is going to depend on wealth/manufacturing capacity ONLY. Which is a fantastic dynamic for individual freedom for reasons stated in the previous paragraph.
Democracy is dying, never to return. The only risk is that the current powers manage to introduce a global surveillance state before the tech switch fully happens.
Wow, a conservicuck who voted against his own interests like a real cuck. Amazing
Hi best grill TANYA
Just use any VPN that works for you. After tunnel bear stopped working for me I switched to SetupVPN. Addon for Chrome. Enable it when site does not work.
>That's called slavery.
That's the nature of human relations. Your only choice is having a lot of slaves under titled lords or the wealthy or a few slaves, those very same. You can't give these entrepreneurial geniuses unchecked power or some will expand that power in order to enslave. That's how most nations formed, you know. Enslaving them stops them from enslaving everyone else, because when your options are "do exactly what I say" or "freeze/starve/thingCancerDoes to death" then you are a slave. You have no choice but to capitulate or die.
>The only resource that's actually free is air.
That's cute, you think air is free. *unzips pollution* Breathe it in, goy. Wouldn't want to enslave those good industrial folk who dindu nuffin so may as well just asphyxiate. It would be slavery to force them to let you into their envirodomes after all.
>You can't force people to be creative with a gun
Maybe not everyone. But "do this or we torture you, kill you, your family, etc." has been shown to work really well, historically. Make the terms success or punishment to weed out any fakers.
>wealth/manufacturing capacity ONLY.
>a fantastic dynamic for individual freedom
Yeah, because Bezos, Gates, and Zuckerberg having the most powerful army in the world sure is going to be good for individual freedom. They couldn't possibly just use that power to get rid of anyone who doesn't serve them willingly. Because... uh.. a constitution? Or is it the NAP? Either way, it's getting violated, because a monopoly on force gives you the power to make yourself the state, and power always corrupts.
Sir, have you tried turning your modem off and on again? Please do the needful for more lolis.
>You can't give these entrepreneurial geniuses unchecked power or some will expand that power in order to enslave
Which means constant low intensity war, exactly like in late medieval europe. Nothing bad with it. There's no dynamic that would create a big state.
>*unzips pollution*
the people doing most pollution are common people that use shitty coal to heat their homes, or even burn trash to save their money. For this single reason I need to have a room air filter on constantly. Because it's democracy no one cares, they're 'poor' and numerous which somehow gives them the right to pollute. Pollution from actual industry is not noticeable because they install right filters and are overall more efficient.
>But "do this or we torture you, kill you, your family, etc." has been shown to work really well, historically
It hasn't, the ussr would have never created the internet, smartphone, or basically anything modern. Oppressive states can only hope to copy inventions from more free countries.
>Yeah, because Bezos, Gates, and Zuckerberg having the most powerful army in the world sure is going to be good for individual freedom
Thousands of people like that competing with each other are much, much better than 2-3 enormous empires, or at worst, one world government. That's the alternative you're arguing for, as no third alternative exists. Everything that makes current governments more powerful makes this outcome more likely.
Try to imagine one world 'democratic' government. It means India and Africa votes all wealth from the West to themselves.
>no proof
nice meme
welcome to garbage NN debate thread #894273984283
>There's no dynamic that would create a big state.
Unless enough parties form an entente (technically a conglomerate?) as would be in their cointerests to do.
>Pollution from actual industry is not noticeable because they install right filters and are overall more efficient.
Yes, and under the free market they would continue to do this out of the kindness of their hearts? You may recall a certain era when heavy industry was unrestricted, they didn't. They might, now, but then they'll have to stop in order to compete if someone doesn't. Perhaps the people will boycott this malicious company, but of course they won't for the same reasons they burn coal and paper now.
>It hasn't, the ussr would have never created the internet, smartphone, or basically anything modern. Oppressive states can only hope to copy inventions from more free countries.
Because the USSR didn't have any firsts over America? We only had to redefine the victory condition of the space race three times, and their nuclear arsenal was immensely more sophisticated. The two big research dumps of the time. Call it a product of focus under an autocratic state, we did have more diverse accomplishments after all, but you can't say they didn't make any serious intellectual developments.
>Thousands of people like that competing with each other are much, much better than 2-3 enormous empires, or at worst, one world government.
Exactly why they'll want to eliminate each other or unite to form those empires or eventually a one world governemnt. If they can reach common ground they can do it.
>That's the alternative you're arguing for, as no third alternative exists.
Nationalist socialism. Text limit so the short of it is the state provides neccessities on condition of repayment (think student loans) and organization for LE/mil of the people
>Try to imagine one world 'democratic' government.
Stop hitting the scarecrow. No intellectual has ever supported true democracy and nobody here supports it at all.
I have returned, my darling anons. Thank you all for bumping my thread.
Nice butt desu.
I was told the bottom right corner was loli catgirls. Don't know who those queers are.
Tried that three times; Google, OpenDNS, and Yandex.
Yep. Fucking shit. What can I do?
God is a lolicon, that's why they're the best.
Murica and a shitty nonyabiznes rural thing that runs through Comcast. I'd tell you exactly what but I'd be doxxing myself because of how small an area it covers and my occuption being well advertised and stereotypical of a Jow Forums poster.
Megumin has such a nice ass. Goddamn.
The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of hymens and my semen.
What do you do about it?
This is ridiculous. I really have to pirate open resources now?
Rakesh I have no wirus.
How could I possibly prove it to you? There is no evidence you would accept.
What are you fedoralords doing anyways? Post more loli ass or get the fuck out of my thread. Nobody cares about political philosophies, it's only the results that matter.
>How could I possibly prove it to you? There is no evidence you would accept.
So you're not even going to try.
I don't believe you at all.
>Going to double chan.
user I would really stop doing that even if you can go back.
Tell me what you want. Here's the notable absence of images I want to masturbate to right now. Does this please you?
Please refrain from speaking about my anime wife like that.
Jow Forums has no /loli/ or /delicious/. What's a man to do?
that site isn't blocked, you're literally visiting it right now
>Jow Forums has no /loli/ or /delicious/. What's a man to do?
there is loli on /b/ isn't but is. The former is just what you see there, no images.
>no loli
/a/,/b/ and if your lucky Jow Forums and /h/!
Here it is on my phone with Verizon mobile data for comparison.
And /b/ loli is trash.
Please sir, find your modem's IP address and reset it through its online GUI.
Are you on a cellular network?
This is just a page without javascript enabled. I blocked and the page looks nothing like that.
Oh jesus god did that user really forget to enable JS and made a whole thread on here about it.
I don't have time for this. I need to get my porn and Jow Forums off the stupid 6" screen and onto my monitors.
I don't give a shit, I can't even get onto Jow Forums at all with my home IP.
Well why the shit is that happening? It looks like that mobile without turning off wifi, and then fixes itself when I switch to mobile data. And what about Jow Forums, which is giving me the same error as cs.sankakucomplex?
I'm not a baka you double nigger.
I dunno lol
You idiot, you will end up getting your mobile banned and then you won't be able to post on Jow Forums at al-
on second thought nvm.
Thank you for the loli sir, but if you want to find more you need to put in some effort into fixing things yourself.
waiiiit, do you have windows 10 and did you just update?
I don't wanna be on the watchlist. Also isn't shitposting from exit nodes impossibru?
Mobileposting retards are the only ones bringing in ad revenue. I've had mobile rangebanned before but it's such a huge group of people with these IPs that Jow Forums can't afford to do it for more than a few days at a time.
I've tried everything I know how to do, which I'll admit is not much. Changing and flushing DNS, clearing cache, and trying a fresh install browser all failed me. I'm honestly not sure what I can change to try to fix it at this point, besides paying for porn and Jow Forums (VPN) like a cuck. Tasukete, user-senpai.
No, 7 and updates are disabled.
>I don't wanna be on the watchlist. Also isn't shitposting from exit nodes impossibru?
Not what it does.
I told you already, figure out your modem's IP address, navigate to it, find the default user/password for the controls, and soft-reboot it.
I run a VPN all the time for torrenting anyway routed to a state near me. For loli I could just change the country I'm in.
I mean we're not exactly at the level of 'boot into Tails to do anything' yet, a VPN is nice to have either way.
Oh. Oh I see. Perhaps I am a baka.
Will run it when I get back to my desktop.
Gomen, I thought you were the Pajeet shitposter. My modem is a cucked up router combo unit, I already tried unplugging them for a minute and then plugging them back in. They can only be controlled with an ethernet interface that is locked up with a physical key. My ISP would make Stalin proud.
>The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time with the blood of hymens and my semen.
Looks like it'll never be fresh then.
Oh my god, I can mobile post again.
I thought they banned it for ever.
>Why did Trump let this happen
He was never your friend in the first place.
Mods have arrived. Prepare to be rangebanned again.
This is my desktop actually, i just did a test on Jow Forums
/loli/ is fucking dead, unironically reddit has a better loli community.
Jow Forums is the loli board.
I remember when mods just let us have loli threads as long as the OP was blue board approved. Damn gaymers sped this board up too much and brought in too many normalfags.
Yeah, my ISP has been doing that forever. Before NN, during NN, and after NN. It's not something you can fix, so just use a proxy. Dunno what to tell you about Jow Forums though.
I have Javascript enabled, turning it off and back on again doesn't make a difference.
Use DNSCrypt (Intra if you're mobile posting) or at least enable DNS-over-HTTPS in Firefox. If that doesn't work use a public VPN like VPNGate.
>DNS-over-HTTPS in Firefox
I can confirm that doesn't help in my case. OP has gone dark so I assume he's been rangebanned for posting porn, but I think we have the same problem.
Also that my data goes through some Comcast IPs on its way to anything. Not quite sure what that means though.
That’s what happens when you’re an ISPlet. Get a real ISP like Verizon, literally zero restrictions.
Good, goodbye pedo faggot.
The actual intelligent people on Jow Forums who aren't pedofags jacking off to anime will NOT miss you.
Can't you just use another provider? They don't deserve your money anyway.
>Why did Trump let this happen?
He's Making (((America))) Great Again
Can't you just terminate your contract based on the fact that they censor websites and go to another ISP?
>What are you fedoralords doing anyways? Post more loli ass or get the fuck out of my thread.
Trips of truth.
They're protecting young children! Think of the children!
Proxy or VPN would be your best bet.
I thought it is Russia only feature.
US is dead and finished. Enjoy your CIA-Reich.
this thread is a false flag anti-trump nn propaganda thread. I had multiple sites blocked and had throttled services before the repeal of nn. afterwards, now all sites are unblocked, no longer have to use a vpn/3rd party dns, and my speed is no longer throttled, I even gained 5mbps up/down. prices went down and I have 3 new options in my rural area. keep spreading fake news but NN being repealed has been nothing but beneficial for me. also remember before NN was repealed that multiple sites we're shut down and just one domain had over 20 alternative domains seized and icann banned them from the public internet when they did not break the law. any censorship is because Obama handed over control to a non us government agency, this is what lead to censorship, not NN being repealed. it's just that anti-trump morons can't admit it.
so, is the mighty US of A officialy a third world country now
anyway it's definitly not the land of the free anymore
>anime wanking alt-right tard got wat he deserves
This is not pedophile website.
Go away.
Reported to authorities. Have fun in jail, pervert.
Israel is based as fuck, Zionism is the solution to the Jewish question.
gtfo shill faggot
>NN will cause all sorts of blocking and censorship if you don't pay all the money guys!
>it happens
You people are fucking stupid.
There are many nazis that would agree with you.
Yeah I know, the Jewish Fascists were based as fuck.
Doesn't work. Still need the DNS over HTTPS or DNSCrypt method
>this is what Jow Forums actually believes
Get an ISP that isn't sucking Pai's cock.