ITT post your favorite programming language and the feature you hate the most about it

ITT post your favorite programming language and the feature you hate the most about it.

Attached: programming-language.jpg (690x330, 84K)

Go. Error handling.


everything is perfect

Logo. It just draws lines.

Its absolutely perfect. Low IQ niggers who use shit like C, HolyC or C++ will say otherwise.

JavaScript 6

That I need a tool to convert it to 5 to run it in browser.

Python because of its libraries and simple syntax. 99% of the time its all you need and its the easiest language to get stuff done in.

Clojure. The LISP curse is real.

No support

x86 assembly, of course.

Bloated and not backwards compatible.

no namespaces

C++ :I really hate the language's overall lack of focus, and the "modern" syntax that C++11 introduced.

I prefer to just use C++ as C with Objects and Operator Overloading


return nil, err

it's managed

What have you been working on lately?

I use Scratch. One thing I hate about it is the deep learning curve.

why do you hate that, that's c# biggest selling point after .NET


I don't hate anything about Javascript, oldschool Javascript is pretty fun. I do however, HATE, the faggot community that's been created around the language since node started blowing up

jej, nice meme

i just mean it would be nice to compile down to native code rather than for example having to run through mono on mac and linux

I love C but I sometimes wish it used Pascal syntax. Although it's not a feature I hate C compilers, they're painfully slow for no good reason. It's not optimizations either, like the apologists would have you believe, it's ridiculously over-engineered garbage collection schemes and expensive tests for edge-cases that are non-existent on 95% of platforms including all of the most commonly used architectures. A compiler for such a simple language should be simple, or am I missing something big here? At some point shouldn't code reusability take a back seat to general sanity?

>common lisp
dynamically typed
shitty macro system

> favorite programming language


> feature you hate the most about it

Ecosystem dominated by Rails

>not smart enough to get paid to write it


That it's being turned into C# slowly


Sounds like they are starting to fix it

I'm not a programmer actually. I just drop by Jow Forums to shitpost on my way to and from Jow Forums and /b/. Its fun jerking around all you Jow Forumstards.

>jerking around a bunch of fat basement dwellers

JS isn't my favorite language, but if it was, I absolutely detest this 'feature':

in most languages, the reference to the current object doesn't change, but for some fucked up reason in javascript every function either has it's own this reference, or it gets the reference depending on how you call the function.
class A {
foo() { return this; }
let a = new A();; // returns a
let func =;
func(); // returns undefined
let bound =;
bound(); // will always return a

to fix this we have to use arrow/lambda functions, which implicitely do the binding for you
class A {
foo = () => {
return this;
let a = new A();
let func =;
func(); // returns a

its just retarded

error handling
modern C++ is great but a little bit inconsistent
great language. not for fast programs.
great libraries, fast language (when not used by pajets). annoyingly verbose.

shit languages
the language that has a syntax bloat. faggot users fap to solving problems with one-liners.
microsoft's copy of Java -- a fast, portable language -- that is slow and runs (without problems) only on windows. how retarded is that? at least they made the syntax less retarded
language of faggots
language of demisexual foxkins
inconsistent piece of shit
a sculpture for inconsistency
>Visual basic
the bottom

>templates and most of STL

I somewhat agree user, there's definitely things in C++11/14/17 that I find useful (range-based for, constexpr, constexpr if/switch, initializer if statement, std::filesystem, etc. come to mind) but the complexity of STL these days and the infinite amount of "you're doing it wrong, use STL's ____ instead" cases is kinda annoying. Also I'm a bit of a brainlet and still can't wrap my head around the use case of r-value references and move semantics aside from really small edge cases for optimization

I also think the standards for what people consider "good C++" these days have gotten a bit extreme ever since C++11, i.e. "use smart pointers for everything", which can be kind of a pain in the ass if you're dealing with a C library that uses raw pointers (and yeah you can set your own deleters and shit but my point is that it leads to unnecessarily ugly and verbose code in the name of safety, which only becomes an issue once every blue moon)

Attached: help_me.png (1620x774, 40K)

when C++ Concepts become generally available, templates won't be as retarded

C. No problem

Julia is my new goto language for all short tasks, and also for prototyping algorithms where the constant factor matters since it's very high level, yet is fast enough and has good enough benchmarking tools for me to get an idea of how they perform.

For somewhat bigger projects, I've mostly used it for rendering and for math/physics related task. It has some really nice support for GPU programming at this point with some neat high level interfaces.

The features that I hate the most about it is probably the lack of pattern matching/destructuring like in Scheme (other than through macros), and the fact that the compiler gives you very few warnings even though it actually infers a lot of information that could be used for warnings (for example, inferring that the return type of a function is the bottom type, because one function call will always throw a methodError due to a method not being implemented on an inferred type, which is almost certainly a bug).

Attached: 1200px-Julia_prog_language.svg.png (1200x811, 43K)


Nuget dependency hell.

>Julia dev still keeps shillig his shit language
You don't stop, do you?

sbt is slow

forgot to add: even if Julia were the best language ever I wouldn't use it simply because of its gay fucking name alone.

It's perfect, just you and some numbers, if you fuck it up it's entirely your fault.
High level enough to abstract away the ASM, low level enough to be lightning fast.

>post your favorite programming language
casio basic
>the feature you hate the most about it
typing it on a calculator

>the fact that I can't force everyone to use it because it makes every other language look like garbage