The Lotto

What will you buy if you win?

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An introductory book to statistics

concept2 model e

i'll buy a customized laptop with custom made parts because everything in the market fucking sucks

This post has to be marketing or something. There's no way this many people actually care about the lottery.

Literally the dream, but not even remotely sure how to get started on building one.

>There's no way this many people actually care about the lottery.
have you ever worked outside of the house?
normies can't go 3 hours without talking about it when a "record jackpot" is looming

I literally can’t go 30 mins at work or out about doing errands and shit without hearing this fucking jackpot come up. Normies eat this shit up

This. Here at Chinese New year the price pool is doubled and everyone would talk about it. I bought a ticket for the first time that cost me a buck and ended up winning 20. I guess it wasn't a bad thing after all.

I will fund all the isekai animes

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I will buy Jow Forums for no reason and shut it down because I can.

Pretty much and . People love the idea of lotteries. After all, "it could be YOU! Can't win if you don't play!" It's fucking abnoxious, I'd rather make small talk about the weather than this shit.

$904 million cash.....
a very good lawyer, tax attorney, accountant and a well paid body guard to shoot either of those people if they fuck me on my returns

It's basically impossible to win I'll $10 worth tho so I can buy a house and car

This shit is on every board, it's fucking viral marketing.
Imagine sitting in a packed sports stadium and being picked at random.
Now imagine over 6000 other identical packed sports stadiums where 6000 other people were picked at random.
Now imagine all these winners get placed in another sports stadium and one final winner is picked at random.
What are the odds that you'll be picked again?
What are the odds that you actually win and then get hit by falling space debris the next day?
They're still better than your odds of winning the mega millions jackpot.

someone has to win lad

t. enlightened and must tell all the sheeple about it

and whoever they are...

fuck them.

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Ya its wild to think anyone would want to be a billionaire

Is there a computer algorythm that can try to guess the number based on what was played in the last 10+ years, the volume of the container and size of balls?

the winner will be very based and redpilled they will fund the militia to kill the honduras caravan

Tell that to the dude who wins

Well, if I ever get to buy a lottery ticket and win, with that amount of money I would just give away my stuff to my closes friends, take my laptop, my hard drive, my phone and some clothing with me. I'm mexican so I would try to build a decent suburb in Detroit or just move to Canada while giving houses to Canadians and investing on little businesses. So I help on reducing the unemployment rate a little bit.

>kill the honduras caravan
incoming hurricane will do the job

The game is clearly rigged, since nearly all tickets are "randomly" generated quick picks, they can make sure nobody gets the winning numbers until they feel like it, thus keeping their jackpots growing to historic levels
It's gonna be 2 billion tomorrow, watch

a bunker in the middle of nowhere.

i buy all of your moms

I would get in on whatever Boston dynamics is doing and try to build a fetish bot. Maybe go for a real life westworld thing

you're a bad person

Develop waifu bots with Elon Musk

could be, but what they've knowingly done, is as ticket sales have decreased over the years, every few years they make the odds worse and worse,
I remember a few years ago the powerball jackpot odds were only 1/172 mil; nowhere near that now....
worse odds, less winners, bigger jackpots, more ticket sales

The numbers are drawn at random (which the show on camera) AFTER everybody has their tickets though. It’s literally impossible to rig this.

My own lottery and earn even more.

we don't know the mechanisms of the machine or even if all the numbers are in there....

They don't really need to rig it, just make it statistically impossible for them to lose.

The big number theory ETC, they just sell more tickets than the money they lose.

>precious metals
>stock in various companies
>a house
>several cars
>a Talos II with more specs than I need
>a PDP-11 and various other vintage/retro computers
>some big iron SGI equipment
>sit on the rest


But they always know if a winning ticket was sold, meaning they have a database of every ticket combination sold down to the retailer who sold it.
All they have to do is choose one that wasn't purchased, and you make it sound like rigging an air powered bingo cage is hard to do.

How do you randomly choose the number that wasn't purchased?

just pick a number and add one

They freeze the balls

Imagine if Bezos won.

They probably record the 'draw' like they record Wheel of Fortune and other game shows. They do a bunch in one day and pretend like they're going at it every week. Or similarly, do a bunch in one day every week, then only air the one that means no one wins.

An invitation to the tea club.


Also probably give a bunch of money to the Wine project and that other open source windows cloning project I can't remember the name of.

In all honesty? I would setup my family for life and go live in Japan for a while and then travell the world (well the nicer parts anyhow).

Fund Linux and FSF