New Windows 1809 Build Overwriting Zips

lmao @ youre life

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nothing personnel

Something tells me their QA is utter shit, and they have to automated testing. True pajeet engineering.

7zip users not affected

Everything else is shit.

what "qa" are u talking about? they literally hire a herd of pajeets for pennies that get acess to their inhouse git build. any streetshitter can then push changes. this is the only way they can mentain their 30 year old spaghetti code

what kind of retard uses stock windows extract tool?

>Indians are taking US jobs because they're just as competent
lmao I can't wait until Trump 2nd term slams these fucking silicon valley scum for out sourcing.
No H1Bs, no out sourcing, no skirting taxes. The street shitter free ride is over.

This. Imagine being that fucking retarded.

Just give me arch so when I update it just bricks my computer, instead of this crap

>Something tells me their QA is utter shit,

They liquidated their entire QA department a while back, they now depend entirely on user complaints.

so based

ohnonon this is a joke right

Jokes on you, I used it to extract 7zip.

Not them, but it's true. Microsoft depends on users from the Insiders program to report bugs. They literally have no QC department anymore for Windows.

Afraid it's real, only security updates have any sort of real testing or QA. It's why LTSB/LTSC is the only version worth using, they only get critical security updates and after the 2-5 year cycle is up and you get the next version, all the new updates have been beta tested that whole time by poor suckers with other versions of Windows. Shame MS is trying to kill it in 2025.

It isn't, and it worked a little bit until they started ignoring user complaints that didn't have enough upvotes ie. every bug

Murthys law strikes again

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Pajeet pushing his poo to master again...

>QA Staff
There aren't any, unless you mean regular users?

Gaymers will defend this

tbf, no one uses the built in zip utility doodad, but fucks sake, what were these pajeets doing to fuck this up

no, they also raised the price of windows 10 home from $99 to $139 a couple of weeks ago

Satya Nadella making Microsoft more money than ever :^}

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It just works.
oh wait, it doesnt now

>tfw 1607 ltsb chad

This. Users are the QA team now.