Why is there such a strong correlation between being a Linux user and having no social life?
Why is there such a strong correlation between being a Linux user and having no social life?
Because linux and my thinkpads are all I need.
I know you just made this because the /tv/ thread got deletes
We got dubs and gf haha
Linux is way more interesting than social life.
Because not having to maintain a social life allows you to spend time improving other aspects of your life like how your computer works. There is also more incentive to improve your computer if you spend more time on it as you would if you are not social. You don't need to care if you run shit software if your PC is switched off.
Install Kubuntu
Make money
Find a gf
[spoiler]delete arch/gentoo and focus on making money with web codding[/spoiler]
Coc from what I've seen on here is literally splitting a already fractured community even more
Literally political shit
I'm on the non tranny side fuck those s o y devs
this and MTGOW are all i need
I use Windows as my main OS and I have no social live.
Maybe if I install windows on my servers I'd get laid?
Linux has been compromised for years though, nothing new, something like a CoC would have seen the day sooner or later desu. The cucking of Linus was something that we needed the least though. I'm honestly quite scarred by how the things have turned out recently, the future for Linux doesn't seem so bright anymore.
Why is there a strong correlation between video games and being a fat loser?
I can ssh into my server from anywhere, but my social life doesn't accept my id_rsa
Linux never had a brilliant future in home pc markets but it found a very fucking big niche for server and smartphone OS's and I'm fine with that
Windows will go the way of the dodo soon enough most people don't even have a desktop pc anymore and laptops are overpriced luxurious shit for dumb gamer (creative) types
Nah I can go months without playing games and I don't instantly transform into Chad
because you have to be retarded to settle with modern woman except you win the lottery
>be me
>in cs class
>all guys
>moderately sure 1/3 cross dress and take hormones
>entire class on the autism spectrum
I lost. Literally crying right now.
I'm a debian user and all of those things are 14-18 for me
When you spend time on some things you cant spend time on others
Simple as that, threads like these are unnecessary spam
If you enjoy socializing and put dedication on it sooner or later you will become a chad, but your skills on computers wont be as good
Thats it now fuck off
Unironically more free time
work takes time
>there are retards on this board right now who are taking faggot OP's shit tier bait