>talk about what you hoard anons >talk about programs and how you annotate and arrange your data Making a better arrangement would help other anons in being much efficient.
made a little pastebin pastebin.com/raw/znXyf01z (embed) which others can reuse if im not there to create a new thread once the thread reaches 300 replies. peace and keep hoarding faggots *Add this pastebin in the OP always.
100 mebibyte HEVC anime re-encodes are often indistinguishable from bluray.
James Howard
I need to start grabbing all youtube videos and songs that interest me. Really something when you scroll through a youtube playlist and see [deleted video].
Jose Watson
Time to get to know JDownloader.
Easton Roberts
I use 4K video downloader. It can download entire channels at once and you can specify file formats and quality.
Oliver Roberts
How do I reduce my data-hoarding?
Ryder King
You don't. Just buy a few 8TB hard drives.
Jaxon Lopez
i've seen bluray stutter a lot sometimes compared to HEVC. is that just me?
>not using the proper tool for the job fucking leave
Matthew Perry
How do you guys manage your music libraries?
Brody Rodriguez
How do I easily rip a bandcampo
Justin Baker
Has anyone tried the chinese 360 cloud thing? 36 tb for free seems too good
Bentley Torres
Encrypt everything and upload 30TBs then tell us what happens
Anthony Phillips
What do you suggest?
Ian Butler
Folders inside folders
Aiden Jackson
Get a GSuite enterprise account, and then mount it as an encrypted filesystem. Not sure how much they'll let you upload before they cut you off, though.
I saw in the /hsg/ that WD NAS drives are "overpriced" and that Greens will do just fine. FUD or not?
Josiah Johnson
I horde uncompressed music, boatloads of rare porn and archive talented but lesser known youtubers that I like but who have had a tendency to disappear from the internet at the hint of popularity or e-fame
Adrian Diaz
Has anybody tried tarsnap? Supposedly sane prices for client-compressed and client-encrypted storage
Bentley Reed
who's a youtuber who completely removed him from the face of youtube after becoming famous who had talent?
Gabriel Russell
Robert Reed
well played
Brody Johnson
How much can I earn as a data hoar?
Tyler Lopez
youtube-dl is what you want. jdownloader is spyware
Levi Stewart
>This video was deleted due to copyright infringement
Christian Taylor
beets, it is the best
Gavin Carter
Greens are no longer sold, but it was possible to change the firmware settings to turnoff the aggressive headpark. Old WD Reds were basically Greens without the aggressive headpark.
Brayden Adams
I mostly hoard anime I have about 10tb, please send help.
Gabriel Walker
anime: 6G+ manga of the same story: 300M as a novel: 20M
Moving pictures are a huge meme.
Isaiah Wright
I'm three hours away from home at Uni. It sucks being separated from my data collection, I've thought about setting up web servers but home internet is way too fucking slow especially with those abysmal upload speeds.
Jeremiah Hall
I only save songs that are impactful to me, which comes up to about 100 a year. Trying to manage libraries of thousands of songs is just too overwhelming no matter how you look at it.
Dominic Parker
happy panda = doujin collection hydrus network = image/video collection plex = tv/movie collection foobar = music collection
Nothing exists that lets you browse and play non-steam/pirated PC games seamlessly though. Someone needs to make a front end GUI for that.
I think that just about covers everything I hoard.
Ian Myers
>Tell a coworker at work about my project to buil a small home server with a shitty 5$ craigslist PC. >What kind of pc user? >"Idk, anything really as long as it has a decent amount of sata ports, pci and pcie and at least 2 front 5.25 bays >Wait a min >He goes in the server room >Comes back with a full tower HP pc, running on a pentium D, 4 sata ports, nice business-tier quality and looks brand new >"Here you go, I wanted to throw it in the trash anyway" Will send you a pic of it when I get to work. I already bought a 3.5" dual hotswap thingie for 2.5" HDDs. Will probably also buy a pcie wifi card and a pci sata controller too. What OS should I install on it? I will mainly use it as a seedbox with qbittorrent installed but since I use hide my ass I'm worried about the quality of the linux client. Would an hypervisor OS be a good idea? I'm thinking about having a windows XP vm for torrenting + hidemyass windows client and a VM with debian headless/alpine for hosting my own cloud service and doing blu-ray backups. Also I didn't mention but the PC has only 1GB of ddr2. How much ram would my hypervisor + winXP + debian take? My guess is at least 2GB and a good chunk of my cpu ressources.
Jdownloader is better. I've downloaded 100GB worth of videos from youtube with it.
The only benefit youtube-dl offers over JD is memory usage.
Angel Ramirez
>Jdownloader is better
Are you going to explain how or just mention that you've downloaded videos with it
Ethan Mitchell
I've used both and youtube-dl had problems downloading the higher quality videos while jdownloader included a plugin that used ffmpeg to download and fuse video and audio.
Noah Gutierrez
Works on more sites. Easy link filtering based on hosts, format and quality. Connection manager allows for seamless switching of proxies/tor. Account manager makes downloading from premium file hosts a breeze. Auto-Captcha solver. Extension modules include auto unpacking archives, scheduler and folder watch. JDownloader API for extended use with Python.
I could write a book about why it's better for bulk downloading.
Dominic Walker
directory for each letter of the alphabet, foobar2000 handles the metadata
manga in general offers the superior experience idk why people still watch anime
Brayden Ortiz
Don't buy more storage. When you start to get tight on space you'll start to think about which data you value more, and once you delete a little, it gets easier to delete a lot.
Alexander Mitchell
>Trying to manage libraries of thousands of songs is just too overwhelming no matter how you look at it. If you listen to exclusively singles for some reason, maybe. If you just have a folder for each album inside the folder of the artist it's by, things don't get too crazy. I've heard some people get into really niche stuff with many artists per album, and then they end up sorting by genre instead of artist.
Mason Lopez
Wew, that looks like shit. Any reason you're avoiding spaces in the filenames?
Jeremiah Bennett
Is LSI SAS 9207-8i still the goto HBA. I need and HBA card and that seems to be what everyone recommend. Gonna use 6 or 8 TB HDD's.
I want to start hoarding datasheets and technical, programming, and diy/low-resource chemistry and medicine information.
I'm low-key terrified of losing access to the internet in case of societal collapse or solar flare event.
Camden Reed
Yes. I bought mine 5 months ago and it's still working fine. I don't know if you need a 40mm fan attached to it or not(Apparently they run very hot), but I stuck one on just incase.
Honestly the real meme is 2d data, 1d is more than good enough and only scales linearly. Those 2d and moving 2d fools have exponentially scaling data that wastes that precious disk space.
Henry Taylor
Thanks, yeah they run hot but not in need of a fan hot i belive.
Kayden Long
The only thing that I'll never understand why people hoard is movies. 99% of it will ALWAYS be available on the million of streaming platforms out there.
Like just get fucking Netflix already. Hoarding shows/movies is fucking stupid. You're never going to watch that shit more than 3 times.
Wyatt Hill
That's a bit extreme, but the internet looses easily accessible downloads for data sheets eventually. Its a good idea if you can share them later.
Do it then?
Dominic Howard
> Like just get fucking Netflix already. That shit is next to useless outside the USA and even in the USA it doesn't offer all movies, right?
And the other streaming platforms are even worse. The goal on these is to offer the lowest possible bandwith with the most forced ads. If your adblocker works now, they have an active interest in it not working tomorrow.
Eli Long
Yeah, that's also my rationale. I intend to attach documents to my projects online for future people / myself trying to access them at a time when they may be lost to the internet. I've had enough bad experiences to know how hard it can be to find what used to be readily accessible.
Gavin Sullivan
I strongly recommend youtube-dl. It runs on Linux and uses ffmpeg as a backend for all encoding. It can be scripted or passed a list of URLs in a file. URLs can point to playlists, which will cause it to download the entire list. You can only download audio if you like, encode in any format, any output container and much much more.
Jose Ortiz
And as well, the possibility of being able to share those documents with others as you said would greatly increase their worth. Even if I can't utilize, say, the medical information (ex. triage, field surgical techniques like how to stitch up and disinfect wounds), someone else may find it very useful either personally or in order to train others.
Charles Lopez
Directories/folders as the main sorting system. I play my music from an mpd server on my workstation tied to an SMB share on my NAS where the files are located.
As for my phone, the same library is mirrored on its internal storage. I use Google Play Music.
I add the metadata and album art manually and prefer not to use a tool since they often get small bits of information wrong or get low quality pics, etc.
Dylan Campbell
You do realize libraries and such will still have all this information physically right? We're still far away from having everything be digital, especially when it comes to essential information.
A physical book would have much more value. It case of an electrical grid failure, you won't have to worry about powering on your generator just to read some information.
Wyatt Green
I have a few hundred movies not on US netflix, and a lot more than that isn't available on my countries netflix.
Alexander Perez
+1 to beets and other auto taggers fucking my shit up
Connor Kelly
I my sorting system is kind of a hybrid between these two approaches. For artists and albums, sort into folders and subfolders. For YouTube mixes/playlists, sort into genre then uploader. For everything else, sort by genre.
Hudson Bennett
Don't use XP user, it's horribly insecure. If resource usage is a concern, and you only need the Win VM for qbittorrent, then I'd suggest a Win7 embedded VM. Debian is fine though.
Also, 1GB of RAM is definitely not enough to properly virtualise. 4GB would work, but it'd still be a little cramped. Is recommend chucking in 8GB if you can.
Julian Jones
I don't really think it's worth streaming anything except youtube videos and the like. I'd rather get a proper quality rip from a reputable source, like passthepopcorn, and then watch it in my favorite video player with or without internet. As for the rewatching thing, I think unless you need to store something else, it's fine to have stuff sitting around not getting used for a while. You can do a big clean-up if you actually get low on space, but otherwise I don't see much reason to delete stuff right away. I also tend to seed things basically forever, so it all kind of works well.
Carter Diaz
Anybody using unraid here?
Cameron Hernandez
I'll agree with you for low bitrate YIFI like trash encodes or anything common but not for high quality or rare stuff. Zoomers may be fine with the YT quality they've been brought up on but it's nice to watch stuff that doesn't look like it's been through a Vaseline filter.
Nathan Morgan
You don't have to use their client. They are using openvpn. Linux has great support for that. You can even set it up to connect at boot and other stuff
Xavier White
I'm not avoiding anything, scene. Besides, it would be too laborious to rename everything - I download stuff automatically or in bulk.
Xavier Perry
foo_discogs tagger is very reliable, usually it has the most complete label and genre data
Dylan Foster
MusicBrainz.... what else
Colton Taylor
Where can I find forbidden knowledge? I've been hording things that other people don't want me to know. Stuff like how to make weapons, drugs, etc. The problem is that this shit is super hard to come across. Any of ya'll know where I can find it? Any trackers/communities?
David Brown
i use music be and tagging albums that are fucked up in terms of tags in terms of storage i have giant /music/ folder with this structure > artist > albums sorted by date
IMO, album is a bad way to sort music, especially when you consider compilations, deluxe editions, special editions, and the fact that most song now a days are released as singles and albums get filled with junk filler. Genre is also a bad way to sort, there are no universally agreed genres, the ones given by the box are usually pretty garbage, also, an album can contain multiple genres of music and songs can have multiple genres, dealing with this is really time consuming.
Adrian Turner
was doing it already but never gave it a name until I saw it here. Usefull .txt .html and other text formats .pdf etc of intresting things. My latest one was downloading almost all basic rulebooks of DnD and warhammer40k and pathfinder plus some older games that are good and if I download something bigger I burn it to DVD recenrly bought 50 discs for 11 euros. Generally trying to play all games from the past that are good. I also have some 100s GB of music collection(metal,c94).
How should I sort my ~60k ebooks folder? My biggest division so far is Fiction by Author and Non-Fiction by Category, but it overlaps a bit too much sometimes. Been thinking on doing Dewey but it's probably a bit too overkill
Kevin Wilson
Yeah I'm with you on that one, will definitely upgrade to 5GB next week.I still don't know If I should do virtualization or barebones debian. If I install the vpn on my hypervisor, every vm hosted on it will also have their ip changed right?
Logan Peterson
i-i have an old hardrive salvaged from cpu that was fried by a lightning strike
What are the odds of it working or recovering data?
Also what is generally a lifetime of a hardrive if used rarely
Levi Evans
Plug it in and run testdisk, see if you can pick up anything from it. If the circuitry is fried there's still a marginal chance that it's just fucked a bit and not receiving voltage, but recovery becomes a bit harder
From my experience hard drives will start to fail after around 10 or so years but they're still somewhat recoverable, remember that a lifespan is usually measured in hours of usage
Camden Nguyen
I created a PoC FF addon and API who downloads every video you watch. I don't have enough storage to run it in production unfortunately.
Brandon Rivera
Here's the computer I was talking about this morning. The HDD is 45gb, Pentium D dualcore 3.00Ghz
different user but i handle VA by sorting it under the release label
Justin Howard
I don't trust services to have the best version/cut of a movie, or have subtitles either.
Sometimes I like to have different versions for comparison too.
Something I've never been able to find is the original (streamline) English dub of Kiki's delivery service. I've seen people talking about it but never actually acquired the files. I'm interested to see it, but you'd never find that anywhere public.
Look at shit like this too youtube.com/watch?v=KJW6pea-QLQ sometimes they fuck up "remastered" versions. This happens for A LOT of movies. Mostly visually too which is even less forgivable.
Some movies have like 10 different cuts each with their own faults and imperfections. It sucks big time.
Oh shit someone actually bought it and ripped it in 2017. I just checked again. Point still stands, that this is left up to individuals because most people don't care this much.
The only way to assure permanence is to assure it yourself.
Do it and share you results, I am pretty sure many other people is doing the same and will share their results too.
Gabriel Gray
>99% of it will ALWAYS be available on the million of streaming platforms I wish that were true
Adam Miller
>99% of it will ALWAYS be on millions of shitty streaming platforming with obnoxious javascript-ladden webpages and shitty web players and it's still shitty quality Yeah, you can miss me with that gay shit.
Jace Torres
>Like just get fucking Netflix already. Hoarding shows/movies is fucking stupid. Netflix has fuck all to watch unless you're a 15-year-old girl.
>99% of it will ALWAYS be available on the million of streaming platforms out there Sounds like the only movies you watch are Michael Bay movies.
The fact is great shows are scattered over several platforms. You got Netflix, Hulu, Amazon, HBO, Showtime, FX, and so on. Fuck you and your subscription bundles, I'm not paying $60/mo to have limited access to your archives when I can host them all at home.