How do I stop spending more time thinking about doing things than actually doing them

How do I stop spending more time thinking about doing things than actually doing them

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By doing the things

Goddamn that's really insightful.

Can relate. I fantasize about playing video games every now and then but when i try to get into it i realize its not worth my time and the fun would fade away really quickly, to the point fantasizing about the games wont be as interesting. Studying same shit. I fantasize about studying but never get to it and end up barely passing with a C-.
Programming though? I can work for days straight with no sleep on my personal projects & home business.

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by only allowing yourself an hour of internet a day

- tell other people and get them involved, so you'll have someone other than yourself that you can show your progress
- if whatever you want do requires some thing, spend some money on it, so you're getting invested.
- write a plan that has big goals consisting of smaller goals/tasks, where smaller goals are something achievable in one day. do one small goal every day, no exceptions. if you get stuck, re-plan and do a different task.
- if whatever you want to do can be submitted at some competition/exhibition, do that, so you have a fixed deadline.
- find out what activity is currently your biggest time waster. stop doing it immediately.

no guarantees, but some of these might work for you.

If you don't take action then it means you don't really want those things. Find something you REALLY want to do.

>tfw you have analysis paralysis followed by dunning kruger

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>If you don't take action then it means you don't really want those things.
but where's the proofs

Drink coffee, get off the computer.
Pomodoro technique helped me a lot too.

>jacking off only on the weekends
>only stopping once something is complete
>remembering how gleeful you'll be when you close your eyes right before you go to sleep and recount all the things you set forth and accomplished during the day

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to elaborate,
pomodoro technique is basically take 10-25 minute jaunts at one task or another. basically reining in ADHD behaviors with an alarm clock.

I've found it VERY effective in managing my google/wikipedia sprees that run up tabs on a subject I probably shouldn't spend so much time on.

Don't overthink the dunning-kruger effect. It basically sums up to people are bad at assessing the difficulty of a subject familiar to them to someone who is unfamiliar and vice versa. The whole "dumb people think they're smart" is a meme.

Stop attaching so much importance to tasks, it makes them seem insurmountable. Just take life one day at a time. Also grow some balls already. Your """search""" for motivation to do things is a Bullshit excuse you make up for yourself to procrastinate. You find motivation when you're actually doing the thing, not before.

Put some time aside to actually do things.

Once you get the urge to do something, just start doing it. Stop thinking about it, because you'll eventually change your mind. Its kind of like a catch-22, if you think about it. If you keep thinking "I want to do X", but instead of doing it you just keep re-thinking about it until you eventually arrive at "I don't want to do X", you'll always arrive at that conclusion, not doing it.

Of course this is only good for small things, like "I want to go on a walk". At that point just stop thinking about it, put your shoes on and start walking.

Do you happen to have an anxiety disorder and or OCD? Because I have this exact same problem.

Understanding you won't be finished with what you want to do today, tomorrow, next week, next month, or even next year helps me tackle big problems bit by bit. It's okay to end the day without it being complete as long as some progress is being made. Once enough days go by, I have something to show for it.
If you're unsure where to start, I'd recommend pirating some books and reading through a chapter a day. It's very manageable and when you're done you can go and do whatever recreational activities you usually do. Again, once enough days pass you will have gained knowledge that you can then apply to the aforementioned projects.

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>The whole "dumb people think they're smart" is a meme.
gotta disagree with you there, bub. I've read enough shit on the internet to prove that wrong a thousand times over

Me too, and I have been thinking for a while I might have OCD. I'm obsessive about code quality. I spend hours staring at my GitHub profile making sure theres no mistakes. I am constantly rereading code that I wrote 6 months ago checking for mistakes or optimisations that could be made. I spend weeks planning cool sounding projects in my head and then never even start them. It's fucing hell


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May be OCD tier but I can't really say obviously. I have to do stupid shit like turn my computer on and off three times before I can begin working. Its very annoying.

when i'm having trouble getting started on something, i'll set an alarm for 5 minutes, and then go and do that thing i've been thinking about doing, and when the alarm goes off, i stop. usually, this is enough to get me going on that thing. the trick is: the alarm gives me an out if i'm still feeling overwhelmed by the thing.

fuck... yeah that's definitely more characteristic of OCD. What other habits do you have, out of interest?

Stop thinking about doing things. It gives your brain the same stimulus aa actually doing things. I used to hoard useful .pdfs I'd never read because the drive was gone as soon as I "accomplished" something by identifying and downloading a good resource. The brain only builds habits based on the internal reward pathway, not whether or not you're pleased with what's actually happening.

>The whole "dumb people think they're smart" is a meme.
Nah. I'm an enterprise risk management consultant and 20% of my job is telling the CFO everyone who reports to him is an incompetent idiot who couldn't manage a literal bean counting operation, much less managerial accounting or predictive financial analytics.

Will only poop naked and have to shower right after, lots of hand washing, I have to rinse my mouth out with water all the time especially if I see something gross (used to be mouthwash but Ive conquered that at least), I can't drink from my water bottle if I leave it in the classroom when I goto the washroom, to check to see if the all the windows and doors are locked three times before I go to bed and lots of other annoyances. Coupled with the anxiety I have which is always telling me I will die at any moment, and giving me sudden panic attacks with no warning, it has made life quite difficult. Also have health anxiety and a little paranoia.

christ, sorry to hear that. I hope you can get some medication and a therapist if you don't have them already.

Too scared (probably from the anxiety disorder) to take the medication to treat it. Fucking hilarious how that works. Been meaning to force myself back to the shrink but it's in a little bit of a lull right now and I feel decent so it's hard to find the motivation.

Hello me.

Please try your best, you don't want to end up like Terry. I know he had schizophrenia... I mean... the end result.

To all those here with weird ocd behaviours
Just tackle the ocd straight on yourselfs

One little thing I realised about my ocd is that when I would socialise with people or focus on some task its just none existent because it's a state of mind that's all
That was a real redpill moment for me from which everything else later dawned on me
I realised that I had to tackle it on its core
Realise that it's just a latent symptom of your severe anxietiey that mostly likely arised from bad family upbringing or constant family fights, general disturbing aura in the family or something else personal that's causing you to feel like you need to have some sort of control (in your own mind) hence the OCD rituals, idiosyncrasies
some channel it differently with hoarding or compulsive shopping etc..
Your mind is internally trying to find some sort of "faux" order and realeses dopamine when you complete these silly rituals to find this so called order so that it can be calm
Observe them and tackle that it head on
Specifically the anxious feeling you get when you get those thoughs because the feeling is only temporary it wears off don't give in to it just observe the mind but don't indulge
Realise it's just state of mind simple as that and do whatever it takes to program that into yourself
Do daily internal chants or something for the time being channel all the OCD behaviour into this one phrase for now that you can say to yourself internally until you eventually get a grip on that too
Practice some meditation and self analysis, just keep observing these compulsive behavious and you'll soon realise how ridiculous it is and start laughing at it
Just generally observe your minds behaviour and practice to not compulse to the anxious feeling you get mainly and see that it won't make any difference if you just ignore that tick in your mind telling you to do something stupid or else everything's ogre and life will be miserably for you

Well this thread has inspired me to go out of my way to actually finish one of my projects, I am compiling LFS now just for fun.

Thanks for the thread OP, I hope this thread made you too go and do something.

You have to stop being subjective and start being objective. Rather than just say: ill be productive today, make a list, schedules, time yourself, set goals, have actual data of your production. Also start developing your habits. List your bad habits, and try to replace them.

Maybe you're addicted to the internet

Maybe you're depressed

I don't know, talk to a therapist, take some ssris/anxiety meds. If you're not making progress towards any of your goals, there's most likely some chemical failure going on in your brain, or some external factor preventing you from moving forward. Focus on fixing that, you can't really get a clear view of why you're not doing what you're doing until then.

God I wanna learn to draw so bad but every time I pick up a pencil what comes out on the paper makes me wanna quit forever

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Do this every day for an hour.

Use awareness during and after drawing
be analytical of your art
stop being in the mindset of negativity

quit Jow Forums

Very similar to what my psychologist was telling me actually. Have to rebuild the neural pathways and the only real cure for OCD is to challenge it head on.

I also forgot to mention
LSD helped a lot and I mean a lot
But not in the "dude visuals lmao" way, instead in a dark room or lit whichever you prefer eyes closed and alone
Essentially allowing yourself to closely examine your mind and observe it internally almost perfectly
With LSD you can almost analyse not only the thoughts but the process in which those thoughts even form or even why the form the way they do or to he more specific - why do you think the way you do
It allows for much better neural pathway rewiring especially in this case of having an ocd
Also I recently started taking iodine drops with other supplements which also helped drastically (Google iodine protocol and research for more)

T. Someone who had mild ocd that evolved to "pure ocd" over previous years and now it's almost none existent with some hitting me here and there but I can handle it and ignore it so much better than before

heres one for ya. why is LSD associated with crazy people? how can you possibly recommend LSD when it apparently makes you go crazy and talk like a hobo ranting to himself about nonsense?

I'm not going to give you the whys or the who's
Just my personal experience and what worked for me
You can try it or not that's up to you
The whole stigma behind LSD is just a lot of bull and yes a lot of retards who do it (or did it) recreationally just don't understand its true potential
I see it less as a recreational drug and more as a therapeutic substance that helped me a lot
But that's up to you to device so tread carefully

In bed and on phone Pls no.bully

It isn't safe for everyone and therapeutic doses aren't recreational doses.

>The whole stigma behind LSD is just a lot of bull and yes a lot of retards who do it (or did it) recreationally just don't understand its true potential

The potential to go insane for 8 hours and babble like a crazy person then have a huge crash that takes 2 days to recover? sign me up

Im just fuckin with ya. I used to do acid all the time. Lets just say... it makes you feel a special way. A way that you can never possibly feel while sober. (both good and bad).

I know I took a massive risk doing this with the state my mind I was in
But you know what
It payed off
I feel like a massive weight has been lifted off me
My ocd was hell
One thing that I would constantly do is re-read stuff thousands of times because my mind kept bugging me with the way commas looked or if there was something I misread when I know I didn't
I'd do textbook silly ritualistic bullshit to calm myself down sometimes that I won't go into details because it's so embarrssing
But yeah doing what I did helped me a ton

Almost hit the nail on the head with that pic.. I'm like 80% that pic also I'm not 27 yet

Like I said
You're not suppose to do it in that kind of "dude omg colours and wow im babbling retarded shit" way
You have to go into doing it with the mindset of self analysis and not focusing on how high it makes you but how your mind is forming thought and observe them closely within and then tackle certain idiosyncratic thoughts that bother you and analyse them to their core

it's ironic here the real people with problems cant get help cause they cant go out of the house

but the trendy kids with "anxiety and depression" which is hip these days, and means they dont actually have any real mental problems... these kids end up getting on the dole and patted on the back for their bravery like they achieved something.

The one time I had some acid I kneeled with my head between my knees for like 3 hours straight and my mind was almost entirely blank, physical sensation was basically the only thing going through my mind and opening my eyes was overwhelming.

Would not try again, shrooms were way more fun.

To add to this
With LSD you can go on a wild deep train of thought while observing every facet of why this or that happens and why is it that you think a certain way here or there or what it even means to be you in the first place, the personality that you own
It can go really deep here but I won't go into it
Just merely honing the effects of LSD on specific idiosyncratic reactionary thoughts alone does wonders to cure yourself from them progressively
You can easentially softly rewire yourself in a positive way

Depends how many shrooms you take. I ate about 500 on my own for my first time. I dint know how long they took to come on, so kept eating many a hundred every 15 minutes. I hallucinated so much I couldn't see anything in real life. I though my mind had gone to the place where all the mentally handicapped spastics go. I mean the full blown autism type, the ones who can't even move. All the spastics were telling me to stay there with them in spasticland. I ended up going to school after it had calmed down a little.
I was tripping for 3 days. It was a nightmare.

Write into paper.

Have you ever noticed how you desire something so bad that you make it happen or at least try to? Think about this, how much do you desire to do x thing. The more you desire attain/learn/get something, the more initial drive you have to start working on it and consequently, the easier it is to start working towards it. After that, you need discipline to keep moving yourself towards your goal.

such a good tip. it's so much easier ffor me to get into notes and writing with a blank piece of paper. the computer is just too stimulating.

I ate like half an ounce over a period of 8 hours or so. By the end of the trip I was slurring my words horribly and I still didn't hallucinate anything that wasn't already there. Shit just wiggled and shrank and grew a lot.


This is practically a reddit meme at this point

though the drug talk is kind of gay, agreed... psilocybin has been linked to healing a lot of mental illnesses and it should be talked about in a thread like this, it's certainly better than the alternatives provided by big pharma.

His point was that it detracted and escalated to "duude I saw aliens spastic and shieeet" instead of the beneficial effects talks

The difference between half an ounce (15 mushrooms) and 500 mushrooms (that's over 16 ounces) is going to be a really fucking different experience. I was 14 and a dumb cunt.


You're as much of an idiot as the hippie boomer researchers who peddle that pseudo-scientific bullshit.

Why are you so mad at a fungi? You don't seem like a fun guy.

Na, I spent most of my time at work or sleeping. I don't have mushroom for fun.


People who enjoy arduous labor are NPCs. You’re just going to have to force yourself to do these things while trying to stay mentally free.

>mfw this is me

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