How do you avoid botnet in upcoming age of X as a service?

how do you avoid botnet in upcoming age of X as a service?

Attached: 1540314672554.png (3338x1464, 173K)

By continuing to run everything on my pirated copy of Win 7

Can somebody translate this to English to please

literally this.

Just a reminder that if something requires human labor, it is a service by definition, not a right.

These new memes are reaching new levels of abstraction
...and nostalgia

Stop using computers. Live in the deep woods without any assistance from society

>how do you avoid botnet in upcoming age of X as a service?
Make your own hardware, software, and services.
Otherwise just enjoy the ride.

>X as a service
just use wayland, duh

>he thinks his copy of win7 isn't part of the botnet

Attached: 1503086665901.jpg (600x536, 81K)

wusa /uninstall /kb:3065988 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3083325 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3083324 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:2976978 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3075853 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3065987 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3050265 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3050267 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3075851 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:2902907 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3068708 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3022345 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:2952664 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:2990214 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3035583 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:971033 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3021917 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3044374 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3046480 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3075249 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3080149 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:2977759 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3083710 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3083711 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3112336 /quiet /norestart
wusa /uninstall /kb:3123862 /quiet /norestart

>he thinks this actually does something

Attached: 1517979461231.jpg (398x241, 28K)

did you get this from somewhere? just want to know what each of them is

It's quite obvious what it does, unless you're a spaz or something.

I honestly can't recall, I last used it a couple of months ago or so.

Right now it's a perfect time to release a gaming platform that doesn't rely on that shit and telemetry.

the nex os not to be cancered up by those 2 things and montly fees to be online can defeat M$ as the gaming platform .. wich will also end up taking the average user with them.

the catch is that platform has to be just as easy to put out software (gaems) and drivers and same ease as winshjit to install.

untill then the major desktop os will be Wangblows.

i can dump rest of them

Attached: 1534297061288.png (3338x1464, 475K)

Can we talk about how awful X is? It freaks out if you use a non English keyboard

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Are these from Jow Forums or Jow Forums

no idea

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pic from op comes now and then picrelated

Attached: 1534297472851.png (3412x1468, 127K)

Attached: 1534297503758.png (3412x1468, 64K)

please someone explain the bionicle meme i don't get it
and does it mean the boomer meme is over?

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that would be all alt panel in picrelated

Attached: 1533953196319.png (1999x1346, 156K)

Where did you find this entire gem?

What the fuck am I seeing

quit calling it botnet like it's 2003, it's adnet now

Attached: suffering.jpg (480x519, 35K)

These are fan-fucking-tastic, thank you.

Apparently it is from /ic/, just check warosu.
Very well made indeed.

>Le laughing reaction maymay pic cause i dont know how stuff works
Zoomers everyone

soon every website will use your cpu to mine alt coins for 15 seconds before the page will load.
I wget entire wikis so I will have shit to read until I get to die.

My sides.

Attached: 1413402554865.jpg (200x200, 15K)

>you can just turn the botnet off!
Gets me every time.

well, in the age of X as a service everyone can then get some bonus PR points by open-sourcing their shit. It won't ever be truly free unless the authors are some hipsters, but at least you'd be able to read the code and maybe run it in a sandbox on your own home server.

This is what google has done with kubernetes, IBM/Swisscom with cloudfoundry, Hashicorp with their entire fucking stack, and so on. The "product" in the Software industry is slowly shifting from the binary blob/license/CD with program on it - to a subscription-based model that you'd pay with either money or your data, like in the google's case.

And it's a win/win situation: the normies get to use the """""cloud""""" services, while Jow Forumsentoomen get to self-host their vietnamese cheese pasta cartoon drawings on their own.