SQL poo job?

Any point in learning SQL? Is it just for poo in loos?

To me it seems like a terribly lowlevel noskill thing to learn. Sure, it has its uses, but the sheer level of boredom it generates is enough to say pass.

How can this shit be turned into fun?

Attached: sqldevops.png (876x1042, 124K)

SQL just werks
Stop trying to change things

You're a more complete developer. Beats having to hire a DBA or needing to google an answer every time you need to write a SQL statement.

SQL is incredibly useful. If you just write Java code all day you're a code monkey. A developer should also be working with the database. A great developer will be great with databases. You'll never get into a high end role without it. In fact, many companies don't even hire a dba anymore because the devs are expected to know that stuff.

So motherfuckers just want an Inspector-Gadget knowitall?

Still didnt answer how I can make it fun

Not necessarily, but if you want to do backend web you will need to know SQL.

Indexes are pretty fun, and they're pretty complex. Try designing a database and filling it with dummy data (maybe like a million records), then try to add indexes to make queries as fast as possible. You'll need to learn the basics first though.

Kinda seems like you're in tech for the wrong reasons.

SQL is fundamental. The relational calculus is like boolean logic in that it's absolutely critical to understand if you're going to be worth anything as a developer. If it's not "fun" enough for you to learn in a few weeks then just quit now. There are WAY harder concepts to learn that are also critical when making anything of any real use.

Nothing disgusts me more than a "developer" that can't design a properly normalized relational database or query one without some faggy ORM that's 20 times more verbose, more complicated and slower than raw SQL it's trying to abstract away.

Not only this, but the way you think about data, and data organization when you design and operate on relational databases is a useful skill in general.

>Still didnt answer how I can make it fun
Nothing is fun until you reach a certain level of proficiency. Work on it, and the "fun" will present it self.

>Any point in learning SQL?
>To me it seems like a terribly lowlevel noskill thing to learn.
One of the dumbest, more incorrect things I've read.

SQL feels like Office.
You don't need to know insane shit but employers expect you to know it.
I've worked in government all my life and a lot of people get frustrated because they swore this information was magically wanded from thin air.

SQL may be extremely easy to learn, but difficult to master if you're after extremely high performance.

"SELECT *" is always a no-no for production.

For large queries that may be repeated several times per second, cache/sync the results on backend service to reduce database calls. Database resources are precious and limited compared to backend services in general since you can scale the backend, but not the database.

A few months back, I decided to tune a co-worker's stored procedure that took around 3+ hours to compute, but after I changed a few lines, it computed in 20 seconds (God bless CROSS APPLY).
It's very useful understanding how your queries act under the hood to improve performance.

pick one

>For large queries that may be repeated several times per second, cache/sync the results on backend service to reduce database calls.
How to have consistency issues 101
>A few months back, I decided to tune a co-worker's stored procedure that took around 3+ hours to compute, but after I changed a few lines, it computed in 20 seconds (God bless CROSS APPLY).
You could get it down to 20 milliseconds if you fixed the structure of your database.

>So motherfuckers just want an Inspector-Gadget knowitall?

Attached: 1468189613309-1.png (1366x768, 732K)

>To me it seems like a terribly lowlevel noskill thing to learn
the dumbest shit I've read on here in 2018

>if you fixed the structure of your database.
sure, in a company anyone can do anything

LMAO fucking best reply ive read in a while

I really feel like you're just a true brainlet that has no idea what he's talking about. We don't really want your kind around here.

There's an entire field in database administration and planning.

You're just too stupid to be aware of how databses power the internet, and an improperly designed one can cause a website to become dysfunctional.

SQL got me paid six figures in six years.
>Started with Postgres SQL.
>Got a job as a Hive developer.
>Got another job as a ''''''Big Data Engineer''''''
Fucking love SQL.

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nobody uses SQL statement anymore nowadays unless on shit legacy programming languages

There's no point learning anything OP, it's all on stackoverflow.

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Everything is data centric nowadays you'd be shooting yourself in the foot by not knowing sql. Most things aren't nosql and it's a requirement of a ton of high paying jobs

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websites use sql
mmorpgs use sql

I remember setting up a private Ragnarok Online Server required setting up an sql database