Alright, be honest, you love using green-on-black terminals and listening to cyberpunky music while you code
Alright, be honest, you love using green-on-black terminals and listening to cyberpunky music while you code
i don't even code and lunix is shit
I don't do those things but I do enjoy writing code. My terminal is black text on white background, usually. Or slightly grey so colors for git branches and stuff can be seen easier
for me, its white on black
No, you stupid faggot. I didn't even like it when it was the only choice. Got an amber monitor so fast your zoomer-kiddy-head would spin.
>not using blue for maximum eyedamage
Green on black is a shitty meme
Anger on black is where its at.
I use black on white, even though I own a C64 and listen to chiptunes.
Though mostly I just listen to the audio files of your mums moaning while I provide her with what she can't get from your dad.
Green on black is comfy, idgaf
>Anger on black
That was written for a 6502 machine with 64 KB RAM - what did you expect??
Like two years ago I used to set some acid saturated colors and, yeah, listen to cyberpunk music.
Btw green is shit, amber is where it's at. I browse this thread right now with this theme.
Meant to type amber ...
I use dark-on-light with the brightness turned all the way down.
Try yellow on amber. Comfy.
Actually I'm myopic, so I changed my terminal colours to black on white and made the font a little bigger.
w-what do you mean?
Blue is smaller wavelength and close enough to UV. More damage for the same exposure compared to other visible spectrums. Red is the most comfy and should be preferred in darker environments to prevent eye rape.
The difference is startling when catching a glimpse of LEDs with dark adapted vision.
Blue light also spreads out more inside your eye due to aggregation of proteins. I have no idea why blue LEDs are so fashionable, red and green are far more pleasant on the eyes.
don't give some "flat" designers any stupid ideas.
not-so-light-gray on light-gray that is the new default for everything is already bad enough, no need for adding blinding shity colors to it.
>don't give some "flat" designers any stupid ideas.
A lot of the designers currently making a total mess of tech sure need new ideas that for a change would work. The colour schemes used are a pain to older people, but hey, who cares when you are hip, cool and trendy, wearing your cap back to front?
but i love blue
its much easier on my eyes at least than red
I get that you like it, but white-on-black is the opposite of convenient for me. It hurts so much to look at.
I've been using white/gray on transparent black, works the best. Might consider running red if it would feel better long term. Really, the utilitarian solution is the most 'hacker' one. If you want to LOOK like a hacker, then use i3 with whatever colors and run $ cmatrix -b in all but one terminals.
Leave the last one for neofetch. Unplug your keyboard and click buttons really fast.
Also do it all on an old crusty Thinkpad with some 90's skater-culture stickers, and walk like that on an anime convention. All the chicks will be yours.
White text on blue was not too bad but feels harsh as you get older. Old Word versions had white on blue as an editing mode, emulating WordStar, which implemented it on a request from Jerry Pournelle.
red on black
Reminds me too much of Guru Meditation.
white on black hurts my eyes I prefer solarized during the day and dark solarized during the night