
why is learning vim still viable if there's a ton of software that do exact the same thing but in a more intuitive way?

inb4 you're too stupid or just don't learn it, I guess you like wasting your time.

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>he browses the web with a "mouse"

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>if there's a ton of software that do exact the same thing but in a more intuitive way
name 3
ill wait

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vim is just really easy to have everywhere
I can have it on my desktop, on a Raspberry Pi, on an Android watch...




>more intuitively

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Idk but my first job of college was doing FPGA verification and I gave one of the boomers a heart attack when he saw me doing my work on sublime text instead of memorizing a million commands for vim that I can do with one simple command on sublime. Some people just refuse to move onto better alternatives

If you don't know vim, then you can't say
>there's a ton of software that do exact the same thing

You can't say that because, not knowing vim, you don't know what it is that vim does.

>forcing furry in a thread about vim

>implying that op doesn't know vim

case in point: Nano is notepad-tier, ditto ne. It doesn't come close to touching Vim. Emacs is actually on par with Vim, for reasons that you clearly don't actually understand or comprehend.

Learning vim isn't hard. A few minutes looking up the most basic commands, and you can use vim just as easy as nano. A tiny bit more effort learning and you can do amazing things.

Kakoune is better though.

He doesn't. If he did this thread wouldn't exist.

can you do this in sublime using the mouse retard

Attached: vimfizzbuzz.webm (1024x768, 741K)

I used vim for a bit, it's obtuse and ignores simple basic shortcuts everything else uses. It's like grabbing someone else's keyboard and finding out it's dvorak layout.

I can see the appeal of all the shortcuts and editing methods, but at the end of the day it only makes me wish a competent UI/UX guy redid the whole unintuitive bloody mess that is vim in a better way.

If I have to google how to copy paste, then your editor was designed poorly.

How was the transition? So used to my custom key bindings and plugins that I dont really want to switch

:help user-manual
:help index

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Thank me later

Tried best editor but learning curve & I'm out.


After using vim exclusively for C development and Python scripting over the past 6 months, I can say that it's certainly very efficient for editing text. That's it though. I would argue it's less efficient overall for real dev work when you start to factor in real time linting, autocomplete, function arg hints while typing and the many other features an IDE gives you. It seems like Vim fanatics never factor in these other timesavers when judging editors.

can you do this in subprime text?

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I just switched to vim from pycharm a couple days ago. this is sweet.

Do I really need to remap my capslock key?

Preach brother!

Now try posting in eww.

This is a shit forum. All you niggas ever do is shitpost and discuss useless things like which editor is better.

Nice bait

How do I undo in vim? command mode u and ctrl u in edit mode are a super primitive form of undo.

What do you mean super primitive? What else are you expecting to do? It acts exactly like undo in other programs

I was gonna say it doesn't but I just realized it does. K I'm retarded.

All good at least you learned something

Please find me a program with these features that I enjoy:

>Built in file-wise and line-wise list navigation for quick navigation
>Built in undo trees so I don't lose changes
>Comes installed by default

Otherwise I'm wasting my time navigating manually even if I can record macros, I'm wasting my time losing changes and backing up files manually just so I can experiment, and I'm wasting time setting up my editor whenever I SSH into a box or get a new machine.

Not to mention that, unless if I'm using Emacs, I don't get registers or the ability to run in a terminal in most editors either.

These features are more than the old way of doing things, they're an editing model that works everywhere and works fast. I've known guys who use Atom or Sublime and use it well, which I respect, but ask them to make big enough changes and they think it's impossible. Vim scales.

ViM I an awesome piece of software. Once you learn more than just the basics you'll never want anything else, except maybe Emacs. But keybindings for that are a hell.

For *nix administration, shell scripts, maybe light programming vim is useful because it's ubiquitous and can be run in a terminal.

For large and complex software projects, you're probably better off with an IDE.

Depends on the project. A project with an IDE dependent build structure and import system probably needs at least an IDE alongside it. A project which doesn't have it doesn't necessarily need it, it's much better to use a build system that can be run anywhere so you don't get tied into anything and you can change systems/CI software in the future.

The best thing about IDEs is renaming capabilities, but I've seen IDEs miss a couple instances or even go overboard and fuck up a whole project. Grepping for things isn't that much slower considering you should probably be checking that manually.

Other than that, I have heard people cite static analysis as a good reason to use IDEs. On the projects I've worked on, I've used IDE agnostic static analysis tools, and again the freedom has been great. Again, you don't get any lock-in. ALE has never given me any issues, which gives you inline static analysis results just like an IDE.

Learning the simple side of vim is easy, but the more complex your demands the more unintuitive it gets. For example, I had to write down things like buffer/window navigation for vim, but emacs' own implementation clicked right away.

I found Vim's very easy, tried spacemacs briefly and it was cumbersome. I think it depends on the person. I think that really highlights the fact that the premise of this thread is pointless.

>Learning the simple side of vim is easy, but the more complex your demands the more unintuitive it gets
Pretty accurate description

I thought most people found Vim slow to learn at first but eventually learned that it allows you to make complex edits out of just a few concepts. What did you find got more difficult as your demands became more complex? Not challenging the idea that you did find it more complex, just curious.

>How was the transition?
Hard. It's very vim-like, but has some very fundamental differences from vim, that takes a lot of effort to grok following many years of vim use.

But I have found the troubles worth it. The selection oriented normal mode is intuitive and fast. While it is still an young editor is the language support really good. Was surprised by nim being covered with syntax highlighting and auto-completion out of the box.

I have only just dipped my tows in the configs and scripting. It seems powerful, but somewhat obscure and the documentation is not that great yet. Thankfully is the battery-included experience good enough to keep me hooked.

One of the best looking terminal applications I know of.

neat, I was lazy to look an extension like that thanks user

:earlier 5m
>little too soon
:later 1m

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It's funny how quicky vim's control falls backwards in to ex commands. Yes, you can make quick, small, edits, but the more you demand of it as an environment the more it goes in to a list of unmemorable commands.

based Vimium user, it's now the first extension I install when I install a new browser, even before I add privacy extensions.

acme emacs

Well, Vim doesn't use Ctrl-c to copy, because it is SIGTERM in any terminal emulator, and many of the "simple basic shortcuts" are actually something else in the terminal. Also, Vim was created BEFORE those became mainstream shortcuts and it doesn't make sense to change almost every binding to something else just because normies decided it was better their way. Nevertheless, there is gVim that covers most of the "simple basic shortcuts" as you call it.

Anyway, you're just whining because you're too much of a brainlet to actually learn some new and useful tool, and doesn't grasp the concept of investing a little bit of time to gain a ton more.

vim is awesome if you need to do remote coding

emacs evil mode

that's fucking kick ass!

Every linux computer has vi.
You might have to work on a computer remotely and not have root privileges, therefore you cannot install your bitch boy nano, then you will be forever stuck trying to switch modes like a faggot.

Spend five minutes a day learning vim. Its like manual transmission. If you can drive manual you can drive almost all vehicles, even a motorcycle will take you a couple hours to figure out. If you dont know manual you are stuck in that prius for life.

emacs has extensions such as evil-mode that give it vim keybinds

I like the comparable features in Vim better, plus the list system.

I use neovim for python and have no probelm with linting (black), autocomplete (jedi), or arg hints (deoplete)

>Mfw this works.
10/10 thread, I learned something new and relevant

If you care about your wrist, yes. Just put this into your .xinitrc
exec --no-startup-id setxkbmap -option caps:escape

You can put it in your vimrc and not change it across the system, if you'd prefer. There should be a page on the vim wiki for that

>he uses a "monitor"

all i see are fags, traps, shitposts...

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Vim has the most intuitive bindings ever. Its like writing it sentence. You have a noun and a verb thats it!
See its just this easy
I dont get whats so confusing about it, the keybindings make so much sense.

so what you're saying is you don't understand vim

>t. Someone who has never used vim

By your logic pencil and paper is superior because even a monkey can figure it out.

You get l33t points for using vim.

Because if you actually know vim and not just the absolute basics it's much faster than your "more intuitive" alternatives. Hell, that's not even counting the functionality you can get out of vim that you literally can't get from whatever text editor you're thinking of.

The fact that you don't have to use your mouse is also a plus. You might not think much of it right now, but 20+ years of constantly moving your armor back and forth between the keyboard and the mouse is a huge source of RSI problems.

Because when you get over the hump, nothing is as intuitive as vim text editing. You can literally edit at the speed of thought.

Use a professional quality IDE with the vim keybindings. I love Vim--it was babbys first big boy editor--but it is a mediocre development environment with a shitty ecosystem and an even shittier implementation. You will not believe some of the shit that has made it into stable. I hacked around on Vim6.x backend a few summers back and the code was complete Pajeet. Probably the worst "big" open source C code I've ever seen. In terms of code quality to popularity, definitely the worst I've ever seen.

can't make this up

why name three when you can name two?
vis, a non cancerous vi with structural regex support

It's easier for power users to just use a keyboard to interface with a computer. Anything GUI is a lot slower although be it more intuitive. In fact, the GUI was a mistake to allow brainlets access to computers.

Well... if you have a bunch of monkeys...

Every VIM user I've come across has been some dreadlocks wearing hippy that has 4 monitors split into 32 different windows and writes autistic spaghetti code that you have to constantly review.

Microsoft's language server protocol breathed new life into those old editors, now you can receive compiler errors while typing.

My hair is short/well kept and I prefer a single monitor with multiple desktops. You won't believe me if I say my code isn't messy, but it's not.

>not using tridactyl