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Want help?
>State the budget & CURRENCY for your build
>List your uses; eg Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose and graphics card pairing.
>Don't use Speccy. Use HWinfo, SIV, etc.
>For Win7 in Ryzen, refer to

>Pentium - Bare minimum gaming
>R3 2200G/R5 2400G - Only if you aren't buying a GPU
>i5 8400 - Best value for gaming (if you're from EU, wait)
>R5 2600/X - Good multithreaded work use CPUs. Terrible for gaming unless you overpay for good cooler/b-die ram/mobo
>i5 9600k/i7 9700k/i9 9900k - Best high end gaming
>New intel i9's - HEDT

>8GB - Enough for most gaming use
>16GB - Standard for heavy use
>32GB - If you have to ask, you don't need this
>CPUs benefit from fast RAM; 2933MHz+ is ideal

Graphics cards
>RTX 2000 series are the current best performing cards, but better wait for prices to come down a bit
>Avoid cheap MODELS ie MSI Armor (Mk2 is ok), Gigabyte G1/Wf, ASUS dual, and others which have small heatsinks and low quality fans UNLESS they are much cheaper
>1060 6Gb/RX 580 8Gb are standard 1080p 60fps+ options
>1050 3Gb or RX560 4Gb for lower settings and/or older games
>GTX 1070 if seeking higher FPS /w a high hz monitor
>1070Ti/1080/2070 (60-75+ fps)
>GTX 1080Ti/RTX 2080 if seeking higher FPS /w a high hz monitor
OpenCL use
>Vega 64

>Backup before using StoreMi
>Consider getting a larger SSD (better GB/$) instead of small SSD & large HDD
>2TB HDDs are barely more $ than 1TB
>M.2 is a form factor, NOT a performance standard
>NVMe are not for gaming; See "More"

>Consider 75hz minimum; 60hz are mostly old models.
>Always consider FreeSync with AMD cards

Previous thread

Attached: v7ARfeA.png (854x640, 609K)

Other urls found in this thread:

>R5 2600/X - Good multithreaded work use CPUs. Terrible for gaming unless you overpay for good cooler/b-die ram/mobo
>i5 9600k/i7 9700k/i9 9900k - Best high end gaming
>implying you don't need to overpay for a good cooler and mobo just so you can run coffee lake-s below 90 degrees

Why would you need a good mobo to run them at stock

>buying unlocked intel heaters just to run them at stock

What's wrong sweetie ? Did the R7 2700/X blow you the fuck out so you had to take them out of the OP to shill your (((premium))) shit ?
Every. Time.
You're making it easy to spot the likes of (((you))).
Level the fuck up master.

Attached: based 9900k cooler.jpg (1280x720, 104K)

Hello I would like suggestions on what to build.
I have a few ssds and a 1080ti so im mostly looking for a cpu and a mobo.
What I dont know to go for is intel or amd. My general use of my pc is just playing games and occasionally streaming.
One more thing i have a 1440p 144hz monitor too if that matters.

>Did the R7 2700/X blow you the fuck out so you had to take them out of the OP to shill your (((premium))) shit ?
I mean, it's worse than an i5 so no one should buy that shit lol

Attached: relative-performance-games-1920-1080.png (500x1450, 95K)

at 1440p there's almost no difference between cpus because it's all gpu based. if you live in europe where 9th gen shit is absurdly overpriced I'd go with amd

Usa, forgot to mention my budget is 900 dollars

To be fair 9900K outperforms 2700X at stock. Sure ryzen is better value, but it's not better in every way

But Intel run fine even without cooler. Maybe even without mobo too.

meant to say fire

shoo shoo

Attached: yaab.jpg (637x358, 79K)

intel cpus are seriously awful value in europe right now

Attached: xoavni.png (650x1011, 119K)

Comedy gold.

Anyone use aer rgb 2? What's the difference between them and the old one?

Trash OP, can someone create a proper thread please?

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What are people talking about when they mention 300-400$ 1440p 144hz monitors? What's the catch for their price?

Is the Mbest MB279QR144 any good? Is ghosting as bad as people say it is, at least with this monitor?

>complains about words
>posts intel crying meme
Damn that's irony

Did I make this right?

I am worried if the RAM and power supply is sufficient, or if I could cut some costs somewhere.
My current budget is at or below $1500. However this is above.

It is meant for high-end gaming (BF5, Overwatch, Star Citizen, ect)
As well as a work station, (blender, Unreal, unity, and adobe programs).

Any pointers on this build would be very helpful!

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Intel is not the better cpu in terms of value. so from this point of view, Intel is not the best in every way either.

Is there any 3000MHz+ DDR4 that doesn't have stupid gaymer heatspreaders with fuck with my D15?
Like can I just have the damn stick of RAM inside?

Delete this and start again

>paying for windows

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in my country windows is 500 R$ ( almost 150 dollars). i don't get why people buy a OS that doesn't let you uninstal a fucking xbox software. thank god i don't use w10

I never said it was

Use grey market Windows keys and don't buy fucking nvme.

>I never said it was
Meant for

Why is it fucking ugly?

What is? The ram? Because it has no heat spreader on it, which is what that guy asked for

What can you guys tell me on the MX500 SSD?
I saw that samsung has a neat little program that enables stuff like trim and allocating certain amount of space to extend the life of the ssd, it also provides health info and such.
Does CRUCIAL also have something similar to that?

Is 1440p a meme? Why can these new games not even hit 60fps with a 1080Ti?

It's a basic SSD.
SSD monitoring tools are everywhere.

it's my first ssd, help a retard out, bring me up to speed.

ssds are a meme, dont hold a candle to a 15k SCSI drive

>New intel i9's - HEDT
So... OP doesn't actually know what "HEDT" is? Figures.

Hey Brian I'm sorry about losing your job and all, but you gotta stop shitposting here

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So ryzen is bad now? Wtf you guys said it was good! I got it for my 1440p 144hz build and now it's trash??

They're probably VA or TN panels. Nothing really "bad" about them, they're just cheaper to produce than IPS. If your idea of gaming is more sweeping scrubs in CS:GO as opposed to scenic strolls in Skyrim, then a TN would probably be better suited to you anyway.

Yes goyim, ryzen very bad! Get this masterpiece instead.

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Am I getting this right? It's pointless to have more than 60fps if your monitor is only 60hz? People talk about having 100+ fps, but they only have a 60hz monitor, so what's the difference?

>forgot the topic
Is this the end of AMD?

I doubt I will buy Win10 either. Just put it there just in case.
>>Use grey market Windows keys and don't buy fucking nvme.

Even if I could get it at the same cost as a 500gb ssd?

If anyone here has an R6, could you tell me what the measurement is from the front feet to the back feet.

check it in the specs section on their site.

the measurements on the site are the whole length of the case, not just the distance between the feet
unless I'm missing something

>giving friend my 6600k and mobo
>he only wants 60fps 1080p max settings
>all he needs is 8GB DDR4 and GPU
>wants as low a price as possible

What speed ram should he get? Would a 1050Ti work well?

So, is a Polaris refresh actually coming? I wanna upgrade from my fucking 1050ti and I can't wait all the way until Navi.

Was thinking of something like this, my budget for a gaming PC is 1.5-1.6k dollars, and I haven't built a PC before in a long while. Most 1080s are more costly than 2070s, would it be worth it to get a 2070 instead? I mostly just wanna do 1080p/144hz gaming with as little to no issues as possible.
If there are any other changes someone could suggest I am more than happy to hear them too.

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Is b450 the recommended mobo for a non-x 2600?
Is any kind of 3200mhz ram fine even if it’s not bdie?

yes it will be fine

And mobo?

just buy ryzen you faggot nothing else matters

>Am I getting this right? It's pointless to have more than 60fps if your monitor is only 60hz?
Uh, yeah.
>People talk about having 100+ fps, but they only have a 60hz monitor, so what's the difference?
I suppose it gives a fair but if headroom for minimums, but I'd say bragging rights mostly.

RX580 or 1060 6gb. At current RX580 prices there's absolutely no reason to get a fucking 1050ti
>tfw I'm starting to sound like the AMDrone

b350 + 2400g not posting. fan spins so assuming mobo is ok but cpu idk, could a potentially bent pin cause it to turn on then off?

this. AMDrone or not the rx580 beats the 1050ti and 1060 6gb for the money.

when a frame gets displayed, lets say you had a 120 frame rate and you were on a 60 monitor, technically the 120 would give you a newer frame whole a 60hz has a far wider range to give you a frame. granted this is mostly back with competitive lans where lag wasn't several times higher than your refresh rate,

that said, I like having my fps headroom so I don't dip below 60.

>still recommending the Pentium when Ryzen-based Athlons exist

>still saying the 8400 is best value for gaming when you can get a good mobo for OC'ing and fast RAM with a 2600 for less money

And fuck no you don't need to buy a cooler with the 2600.

im getting tired of autistically pouring over parts after work every day so im just gonna stfu and buy this glorified csgo/internet machine

Attached: 1111.png (1248x800, 75K)

idiot. if its only csgo i downgraded from a similar rig and now use a 2400g. can play at 1280x960 at 300+fps.

Go find a consumer board that supports SAS or SCSI, faggot. And don't come back with some chinkshit adapter either.

moneys not really an issue though, i decided to spend 1000 and then went a little over budget

plus i might check out other games from time to time

>got a new ryzen system with 2600
>stress test it at stock to get an idea in aida64
>the bloody CPU hits 79deg
>this is with an aftermarket cooler(hyper evox 212) and 5 FIVE case fans and kryonaut thermal paste
WHAT THE BLOODY HELL! And people claim to OC this sucker on the stock cooler to 4.2GHZ?!

Attached: whhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhat.jpg (600x636, 248K)

OP is a faggot, I can do 50+ fps consistenly with maxed settings in just about any game with a 1080 at 4k, at 1440p it'll do just fine.

yea you might check them out but always revert back to csgo when bored. been there done that.sold my rig at a profit and then bought a apu, tiny case with inbuilt psu and mounted it to the back of my monitor.

Swap the PSU for an EVGA at the same price and your PC will be happier.

RAM speed depends on the motherboard, get 2933/3000 or the highest your motherboard supports, whichever is lower.

As for the GPU, I agree with the other posters, a 580 or a 6GB 1060 is more than enough for 1080p60.

reapply your paste

no nigger, I did a good job with the paste, no fucking way is it applied badly, this isn't my fucking first PC.

well you fucked something up or you're reading the wrong hwinfo temperature
my 2700X and nh-d14 hits 60c at 4.15ghz all cores

If you can get a 2070 cheaper than a 1080 go for it, you get RTX features and roughly the same performance otherwise.

Also, if you're spending that much money already, at least get the 8600k if not the 8700k. You can't even OC the 8400 which makes the Z370 board a waste of money.

i always regret selling my pc when i have to take time away from gaming, im probably going to have kids in the next few years so this could be my last pc for quite some time, might as well make it serviceable just in case
good call, pcpartpicker was showing incompatibility with my case but upon double checking it was bullshit

Attached: 1111.png (1229x785, 74K)

eh its your money but you'll regret spending it over buying a $400 rig that does what you want it to, unless you're not a filthy jew with money like i am.

what fan rpm?

i set a bios fan profile to have them at max rpm no matter the load, so whatever that is

i recently switched positions and jumped from 45k/year to 75k/year so im not feeling jewish any more

i dont think 1k is too much to spend on something ill probably use for thousands of hours

so this the power of amd, wow.....running fans full blast on a Nh-d14

ok threadlet

I have a 1700 at 3.7GHz 1.28V on the stock cooler and it never hits 70C. You did something wrong or your post is bullshit.

Thanks, I did a bit of checking around, what about something like this instead? Different CPU, Graphics card, and CPU cooler.

fair. i earn 75k and still act like im on 25 a year so go for it. enjoy the pc.

Can't imagine what I did wrong, since I never had an issue like this before, then again I used mostly intel for the past years. But yeah, the thermal paste was applied correctly, everything was tightened and connected correctly, I have no idea why this 2600 is acting like a housefire at stock settings with a simple aida64 stresstest.

I have some dead components from some PC builds I reformed a few years ago. The hoarder in me has held onto these parts despite them no longer being in operable condition. Is there anything interesting I could do with them? Just an MSI GTX 780 Twin Frozr GPU and an Asus Maximus GENE V motherboard.

I know some people might buy dead gear for parts, but I am unsure if trying to find a buyer for either of these things would be very successful (if even economically sensible). I might just chop them up and make some gunpla diorama backgrounds, or use bits from them in some sculptures if I don't find any other good ideas.

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I prefer Phanteks cases but that's mostly personal preference. Looks good user.
For $449 is this a good deal or not?

What were you using to read the temps? Some programs still don't read the offsets correctly which would result in temps reading 20 degrees higher than they actually are.

Otherwise I know that the Hyper 212 is basically a side grade from the stock Ryzen cooler, so if you were turning the fan on it down or anything like that you would actually be worse off than using the stock cooler. It's also possible that you were creating high positive case pressure which can actually hinder airflow and cause pockets of hot air to form inside the case.

HWinfo, HWmonitor, aida64 own temp monitor.

>Otherwise I know that the Hyper 212 is basically a side grade from the stock Ryzen cooler
It's slightly better than the AMDs wraith prism/max cooler.

>so if you were turning the fan on it down or anything like that you would actually be worse off than using the stock cooler.
Not sure I get you.

>It's also possible that you were creating high positive case pressure which can actually hinder airflow and cause pockets of hot air to form inside the case.
Possible, possible, I can test out if that is the issue later tomorrow, disablind some fans should be real easy.

What's your full build? Ram, mobi?

i only play csgo, garys mod on occasion and forza/rdr or gta v on console. works out cheaper than a 1500 pc. xbox one x bought for $350. pc spent about $500.

>ryzen 2400g
>b350 mobo
>1x8gb 3000mhz stick
>inwin chopin (comes with 150w psu)

mounted it behind my monitor and take that home or to LANs and its sweet. 10keyless keyboard and mouse+mousepad and its a decent lan rig, runs valve games fairly well.

No, less input lag, smoother.

Could be the PSU. I've had a boot loop from a faulty PSU before.
In cases like this you can try a CMOS battery reset but if that doesn't worry you'll need spare parts to diagnose the problem.

>Pentium - Bare minimum gaming
You have Athlon 200GE and its at roughly same CPU level as Pentium 5600 when paired with a $200 gpu like 2060. If its just iGPU gameplay for extreme budget builds, then Athlon 200GE will give you ~30-50fps on 720p while the Intel variants will give you ~10-15fps. Athlon cost $60, other costs $100+. Stop recommending hyperinflated Intel Pentium shit with no actual performance gains.

>i5 8400 - Best value for gaming (if you're from EU, wait)
Again, whats with this stupid recommendation? 8400 costs $220+. Ryzen 2600 costs $150. How the fuck is 8400 a best value? 8400 costs nearly 50% more but barely gets ~5% performance gains in low threaded games and loses out/equals in multithreaded games.

>R5 2600/X - Good multithreaded work use CPUs. Terrible for gaming unless you overpay for good cooler/b-die ram/mobo
Dumb nigger comment again. B-die is only there to defeat the 5Ghz 8700K in performance as the memory offers better performance boost for AMD than Intel.

>i5 9600k/i7 9700k/i9 9900k - Best high end gaming
9600K is same as 8600K good gaming CPU but extremely overpriced. Nearly +100% extra cost of Ryzen 2600. 9700K is just 8700K in same performance. Games don't benefit from 9900K, but it will cost you atleast $1000 total just to get a proper cpu/motherboard/cooler that won't overheat and won't throttle. And the benefit over 2700X is ~10-20%, while total cost is ~100%+. If you're a diehard Intel fanboy and you just wanna game, you might as well get 9700K/8700K whichever is cheaper.

What kinda fanboy shit are you spewing lmao.

>less than 8% difference
>200%+ the price

I pretty much only play cs as well so this will be a much cheaper build. Do you have a 144hz monitor?

I'd recommend you do dual channel ram. RAM sticks operate @ 64 bit, this is a bandwidth limitation for any heavy ram usage games. Especially for budget APU where you're sharing your ram with your iGPU. Dual channel ram gets you 128 bits of bandwidth, effectively giving you a ~50% boost in gaming performance. Either 2 x 8 GB dual channel sticks or if you're only getting 8 GB, do 2 x 4 GB dual channels. Higher ram = better for APU as the GPU benefits/scales with GPU speed/bandwidth.

Very cool user, thanks.

Yea. I get over 200fps on dd2 and nuke