is this botnet?
Is this botnet?
>Not playing superior Dota 2
Why would you make a thread instead of posting this in /sqt/?
i agree dota is better but this runs on laptop very well
>being a namefag
>this runs on a laptop very well
Yes, both LoL and superior Dota 2 are potato-compatible.
>shit opinion
these really do always go hand by hand
Yes, garbage games tend to be botnets. Consider Dota 2 instead, it's better in every way.
Real question, why do you use your tripcode outside of it's relevancy.
>playing video games made by someone other than me
I'm very suprised that there still are no boomers claiming that games are
>for children and manchildren
You're dead Terry
Terry's death still hasn't been officially confirmed.
Because he and OP are retarded zoomers, playing games for retarded short span childrens.
But that's not fortnite. Hell by comparison lol and dota require a long attention span especially drawn out games
this is not /v/. But play dota 2 anyway.
but he said botnet, so it's obviously related to Jow Forums
turn-rates makes dota unplayable
>Being a tryhard at assfaggots
>Not just playing based casual HoTS
What is it?
>thinks about using closed source non-free software
yes it is a botnet
>closed source
Never use this term. Referring to free software as open source misses the point, as does referring to non-free, or proprietary, software as closed source. The open source movement was founded as a way to make free software more accessible to corporations by severing ties with the inherent political ideals of free software. But this misses the point of free software, which has always been political. By using the term "open source" or, in this case, "closed source" you are missing the point of free software. Please correct your behaviour.
Turn rates make dota not a circlejerk range ADC fuckfest like on league.
I quit league because there is zero game diversity and every fucking game your "hard carry" bot lane is some brainlet right clicking faggot who thinks he's tough shit.
Not defending current burst meta, but loads of time you play without an adc now, with bruisers, tanky mages, mages on bot.
No you dont
>tons of times
We had one fucking patch where you COULD take a non marksmen bot, still wasn't the norm, but they buffed marksmen items and marksmen's the very next patch and it died away.
Currently the highest non marksmen picked bot is heimer and his pick rate is under a percent.
ADCs have literally ruled the game for years. Since season 2. They have never been bad and have ALWAYS been a required pick in every game, they are the only class archetype like that in the entire game.
Every single adc faggot main is a whining self absorbed fuck face who ruined that game. Braindead right clicking faggots.
Fuck off. We're all tired of your shit. This picture is you and your dictatorial attitude.
You think just because someone points out ways in which you can be free means they are dictating to you?
Just play Dota, retard.
minions/creep blocks in lol makes lol unplayable
i only play zoe mid and shit happens to me way too often
>be me
>farm mid harass enemy
>trynd comes for a gank
>oh shit.jpeg
>run to the other side of lane
>minions swarm in
>zoe gets confused by the lots of minions so instead of walking throught the minion wave she tags along and has an epileptic seizure or some shit
>get killed and mocked by enemies and teammates
>lose game because adc tries to kill tank all day and toplaner has no idea how to tank and charges right into the enemy team when he has the chance
but yeah zoe is a great champ switching to dota2 mate
Zoe silver complaing after buff
No just a waste of time
Based and redpilled.
When did people forget video games were supposed to be fun? Other than HotS, the only reason competitive game I can think of that is actually fun was titanfall 2 and that is literally dead.
Dota 2, league and cs go are all more fun than hots.
Hots is boring af, can't do any plays.
>family confirms
>not officially confirmed
If this is the old falcon, then he can't possibly be a zoomer. I remember him from at least 6-7 years ago, when he kept posting those incremental upgrade pictures.
ADCs are pretty shit on this patch now.
absolute dog player.
That's the point about ADCs, they are high-damage champs, but very squashy and easy to kill.
Now on this patch, since bruisers and tanks and mid champs dominate the game, ADCs are struggling to still be relevant.
Yeah 2bh pathing is sometimes atrocious in LoL. I've only seen so much failure in pathing in like 15-year old games.
And if you ask Riot, they say it's part of the game.
Its like you didn't read a fucking word of what I said.
You are just like the reddit fags who constantly cry about how shit ADCs are or how its the death of bot lane every other patch.
You need to realize that ADCs have been in EVERY SINGLE GAME since the end of season one with the exception of one or two patches, and even during those ADCs were STILL picked bot with more regularity than the other champions that were viable in limited number down there.
There is no other role in the game that requires the same exact class to full it every single game. I'm so fucking tired of you adc main playing retards.
Typical adc response. Everything I said is objectively factual
Except they aren't even any more meaningfully squishy than many mid laners. And even hyper scaling champs of other archetypes cannot be played bot. Not to mention many ADCs have early strength as well (lucian for instance)
In what universe should you have a hyper scaling champion by nature (adc) have super strong early games?
>ADCs are struggling to be relevant
To actually say something that fucking stupid and factually incorrect you must've not ever played league. Since basically season 1 they've been a required choice in every fucking game and still are. If that's "struggling to be relevant" to you youre fucking brain dead.
Thought idiots like you all only existed on league forums and plebbit. The shit stale year old meta in league ruins the fucking game.
>playing ASSFAGGOTS for thousands of hours
Pathetic, go to the gym instead
>muh muscles
Fag detected
>typical ad
fuck off to /v/. i don't play botlane. once you've reached at least diamond you will maybe realise that adc in it's current state is a dog and required buffs a while ago on it's items. you'd probably prefer 4 bruisers per game dumb dog retard. now fuck off back to /v/, or rather r*ddit judging by your spacing you subhuman fucking nigger.
You fucking have no argument you stupid nigger.
If they were "dog" there would be literally any other option to be played in the carry role, there isnt. they are the only class archetype picked every single game.
Look at Dota and the diverse options you can pick as a core then compare it to the trash youre defending. Kill yourself adc main piece of shit. Go figure you perpetuate the newfag meme of reddit spacing too. Enjoy ruining your already shit game further you fucking right click deepthroater.
It's owned by Tencent, how do you even need to ask?
You just fucking suck, ADCs are not that great, especially in this meta.
They are highly dependent on their team and composition now. Much more so than they used to. So fucking what if they do a lot of damage early on, they can equally be easily killed multiple times early game, completely destroying their lane, if the enemy team camps on bot and ganks bot a few times early game.
Who the fuck cares about scaling, most games don't even get that far to the stage that scaling is even an issue. And with so many people playing tanks and piling on armour items and CC-ing the shit out of ADCs, if an ADC is not fed by that time, he's completely useless.
So, again, if you kill an ADC early game a few times, his lane phase is over, he falls behind quickly. Then you can forget about any scaling, because his team cannot play around him anymore, he's irrelevant. Plenty of games that played out like that lately.
You keep saying all of this shit ignoring that they're the only class in the game that has been a required pick on every team since the end of season 1. Nothing you're saying has even acknowledged that fact because you can't. Because youre fucking wrong and youre a fucking ignorant league fanboy defending this garbage.
>who cares about scaling
Ask every team, every pro team, every solo queue game and every game in league history. Stupid nigger.
>pro teams
Pro league is almost a different game, lmao. They train as a team, they know each other's best champs, they have 5-player strats, they synchronise, they have a plan, it's totally different from fucking solo queue.
For a while, even high-level players were playing midlane champs on bot or even bruisers. It's not unheard of to see teams without ADCs.
And what kind of argument is that, you won't see a team without a jungler either. Does that mean jungling champs are broken?
Anyway, LoL's balance is in name only and it's like that on purpose. They want to destroy the old ways of playing the game and force players to leave their comfort zone. At least that's what they're thinking, players basically hate it but they can't quit, since they are addicted.
Scaling matters when games last long enough to matter. But not all games last more than 30 minutes. Not most games get to the point where each player has 6 items and can't buy anything anymore. That's when scaling matters, since more farm or gold won't do shit, everyone's potential to use their laning advantage is gone.
ADCs aren't just in pro league you fucking moron. That was my point. ADCs are the only game in town at all levels of league. You conveniently keep ignoring that .
Until you fucking realize and acknowledge that they are in every single game with no variation for that many years there's no point in you continuing to respond with your drivel. You fucking troglodyte.
Also ADCs aren't even close to being useless pre 30 minutes, again if they were useless before then you'd see variation. There's reason you dont.
Lens cap is upside down.
>for a while high level players playing mid or bruisers bot
No dumbfuck. The only case of that that was beyond a superb rarity has been heimer for g2 very recently, swain, mord and ziggs.
you want to know what all of these also have in common? They didn't hold a fucking candle to adc pickrate and didn't last beyond a single patch in most cases.
And you conveniently ignore that other roles, like jungler, are also a required pick. So what you're saying is just babbling idiocy. You have no argument.
Of course they are required pick, just like support champs are required pick. How many games with all midlane champs have you seen? Or all tanks?
You just sound like a butthurt autist who can't counter an ADC.
Marksmen is a class that completely dominates the ROLE of bot carry. You have no fucking clue about even the most basic things of this game. You really need to stop fucking talking.
Adc could technically be melee as well since it just means attack damage carry, but in this game adc always means marksmen because nothing else can be played in the carry role sans marksmen ADCs. Learn literal basic shit before talking about this game next time.
>arguing about terms
Yep, the very definition of autism. How does that change the argument that ADCs are mostly fucking garbage this patch? And that you're whining about nothing. Gone are the days when ADCs were game-deciding, their time is pretty much gone. You rarely see a game decided by an ADC these days. For this to happen, they'd need a good team composition and players who are actually play around them, feeding them.
Whether they're marksmen, assassins or some other type, the fuck matters. We were talking about roles. And yeah jungle is a role too. And you were whining about ADCs being a required pick. And I said, yeah, much like junglers. So fucking what, nobody complains about junglers being a required pick. Wtf is your argument, even.
Nobody argued about types of champs, that's only in your spastic mind.
>playing moba
You filthy faggots are disgusting
Its not terms you fucking idiot that's like saying " hurr well mid lane is in every game too"
Honestly how fucking stupid are you? Conflating roles with classes of champions?
>rarely see a game decided by adc
Nice garbage tier incorrect anecdote. Again. Every single game they exist. Learn basics before responding to me ever again you fucking brainlet moron.
You need someone in the jungle because leaving jungle open is like leaving a lane open or even worse. It's not the same as ADC. Nobody is saying there shouldn't be a bot lane at all. Idiot.
post the full vid