Games keep on crashing

Hey so can someone help me, I've been trying to play Dishonored 2 and Payday 2 and they just crash right out of nowhere.

For Dishonored it crashes whenever I save and for Payday it crashes whenever I try starting a heist.

Does my game hate the number 2 or is it just that my computer is retarded, I redownloaded both and they still don't work.

Also I have Bitdefender and it could be whats affecting my games but I just can't tell.

Please help, I can't enjoy video games anymore.

Attached: OOPSIE WOOPSIE.png (3840x2160, 83K)

Have you looked at event viewer?

event what?

install gentoo

Not your personal tech support

>muh gayems
We aren't your tech support, /v/toddler. Go fuck yourself.

How the fuck do people who are completely tech illiterate manage to find their way to this board, that's just something i can't understand

put a magnet on your laptop while you start the game it will help the gpu and cpu to process your shit signals.

>>>the sticky


Download your games legally, Jamal.

/v/ is like a sewage pipe running above out heads, and over the last couple years the crack in that pipe has been wider and wider and showering us in pieces of shit like OP.

go back to

Attached: muhgames.jpg (536x582, 124K)

update your drivers, all of them

GNU does not have this problem.

>guys help me my games are crashing
>doesn't provide error messages or system specs
You are the reason I hated working tech support.

There is no error message it just crashes

Just play different games imo, not worth trying to fix

Thats why you shouldn't use anything else than Intel+nVidia.

My next desktop will use an AMD CPU specifically because of your shill post.

*crashes pubg*

Install Event Horizon

*crashes Adobe Premier*

Attached: 1535872335809.png (289x289, 42K)

*crashes everything*

Attached: 1511825545908.png (1327x1222, 69K)


Attached: IMG953013.jpg (540x960, 36K)

Have you tried fucking off to reddit?