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What happens to techies when they get old?
Blake Thomas
Hudson Torres
They become managers, consultants or unemployed.
Nathan Cruz
Managers in most companies don't have any actual technical skill and don't do any actual work.
Anyway as an engineer working in Silicon Valley I will have enough saved for retirement by age 26.
Nicholas Rogers
I'm 37 and I'm fucking sick of programming.
Jace Butler
they talk to the customers because the engineers can't talk to people
Ethan Robinson
No, tech support talks to the customers. Unless you work at one of those contracting shops where you basically do work for other companies. That must suck.
Andrew Mitchell
i envy the old man, programming is just so stressful, i rather have an easy, simple and repeatable job like a bus driver or burger flipper than worry about dubbing or implementing algorithms. too bad those jobs pay so shit
Jonathan James
Brody Kelly
The pay is shit because those jobs have low barriers to entry.
Ryder Hernandez
Where I come from, bus drivers make $30/hr.
Angel Kelly
i make $150+ an hour writing java
Brayden Russell
yeah i know that, im just saying id rather have a mindless job that payed well than what i have right now
Daniel Thompson
i make £40/hr at the mo it's not bad m8
Noah Howard
They either ascend to a higher plane of existence that mere mortals can't reach or they end up like the guy in OP's pic.
Jason Reyes
>Anyway as an engineer working in Silicon Valley I will have enough saved for retirement by age 26.
Kek, you will have saved less than a garbage man in alabama thanks to your cost of living.
Julian Richardson
I've been working for 2 years and already have $400,000 USD saved. Nice try.
Brandon Watson
>Didn't save for retirement
He has no one else to blame but himself
Jonathan Russell
>I've been working for 2 years and already have $400,000 USD saved.
things that didn't happen
Ryan Kelly
Stay salty garbage man.
Aaron Thomas
>y would somebody lie on Jow Forums
Luke Stewart
The dude is 59 he should be pretty close to retirement unless he was retarded and didn't invest or save at all
Also I don't see why he couldn't be hired somewhere else with all that experience unless he isn't worth the money
Aiden Fisher
what is your TC?
Ethan Garcia
I could see it. A less than a year out of college my company got bought and I cashed in my options for a cool ~120k or so (and now at the new company I got a sweet retention bonus and an over 200k salary after RSUs and bonuses).
It's probably nice to pretend like people in the silicon valley aren't making any more money than the rest of the US because of the COL, but the reality is that that is not true.
Jaxon Russell
We turn into pure light and then play golf.
Blake Smith
Joshua Young
Are you one of those living in a trailer in MV
Luis Thomas
so you have basically 100% and live at home? that's pretty impressive
Nathan Lopez
No I pay $2000 a month for an apartment in Menlo Park.
Andrew Collins
With how your salary is going, you're probably the CEO of a company that can afford to pay its CEO. In other words, my Dad works at Nintendo.
Angel Hernandez
I don't see the math working out, you saved about $150k a year, tc of 230k after tax is around 143k...
Jackson Carter
>Bought into the bull market of 2017
Either you are going to be holding this for a while (10-20 years more) or you better cash out while you have the chance.
Also I assume you are probably 70-90% equities correct?
Lucas Price
Bus driving EASY? You have to deal with idiot drivers and your own idiot passengers.
Jose Taylor
230k was what was listed in my w2, I forgot about my pre-tax 401k contributions + match.
Liam Allen
Tried to find a CS-meme job, never received a call back. After all I said fuck this, I wanna to eat, and I got hired by a bus company as a driver. Sure, $40k/year is not too much, but at least now I have enough money to become an airbus driver.
EE-meme friend make $80k, still jelly.
Logan Martin
you are making a lot more than you think user, at least 260k, fang?
Carter Scott
Managers are literally just supposed to keep everyone under them in check and not solve individual or particular tech problems
Kayden Jenkins
I'm only making like 165 in Sunnyvale, what's your specialization
Cameron Lopez
Brandon White
how's facebook stock?
Luke Lee
>did cmpe for bachelors
>it would pay well they said
>been working for 1 year now
>only saved up 18k in 401k, jack shit everywhere else
Anthony Cook
The managers at mine were all software engineers when they got hired to be a manager and still did programming just with the added responsibilities of minions
Ethan Butler
1382 a week after taxes is really good for 1 year though. CA is inflated as hell compared to the entire rest of the world. Even NYC people dont make as much and COL is the same or higher in parts.
Brandon Murphy
its before tax, after taxes and maxing 401k contributions i take home 693 a week, and I live in commiefornia
Eli Diaz
You're just bad at saving
Matthew Moore
You Jow Forums fags don't know shit about markets, that posted ~12% return is unusual at best, most equities markets return 6-8% over time if you are lucky.
Also this is not factoring in taxes and inflation.
Jeremiah Morgan
long term of S&P 500 is 7% after inflation or 10% before
Daniel Reyes
The executives of your company golden parachute out 2 days before you're eligible for your pension
Lincoln Long
that was before the stock crash too
Jayden Harris
Cameron Harris
That's terrible that you have to deal with that.
Jaxon Thompson
What's the best book/course/site for learning this meme? I've been learning React/Redux for work but now I'm trying to make it work with a .Net Core backend since we're mostly Microsoft.
Robert Reyes
Tyler Perry
needs to be posted in universities all over
Logan Rogers
How does changing your back-end have anything to do with your UI library?
Hudson Mitchell
haha where is the oct 2018 value?
Nolan Cruz
Why didn't he save any money?
Why is he unable to get a software engineer job? Is he senile, or a bad employee?
Why didn't he spend the last 40 years of his life building a transferable skill set?
Jayden Nelson
Software engineer from ages ago probably, no education etc
Leo Miller
assuming he didn't change anything, and he kept putting all into FB he should be around $300k right now
Samuel Rodriguez
>Why didn't he save any money?
Xavier Long
Pro tip: Landing the job has nothing to do with your major or your GPA or the prestige of your university and everything to do with your technical and communication skills.
t. entry-level CS major making $78,000/year
Blake Mitchell
Lmao, this senile faggot probably majored in Uzbekistani Horticulture or something, CS has nothing to do with it. Everyone knows management is a fucking meme that people too dumb to graduate go into. His company probably got wise to the fact that he did nothing all day and gave him the boot. Now he can't find a job because he doesn't have any actual technical skills, boo hoo. Shouldn't have gone into management, stupid boomer.
Henry Bell
How do I be like you?
Ethan Barnes
>t. entry-level CS major making $78,000/year
What's your job title?
Andrew Bailey
"JavaScript Rockstar"
Austin Hughes
the key is to start strong, save money, then quit and go into real estate
or, if you get lucky and/or are smart, land a nice juicy patent that you can retire on
Anthony Butler
Dev Op Special CyberForce Ninja
Carson Foster
Artisan software cultivator
James Turner
>retire at 26
how much do you need to retire?