I have 250k images categorized by race, eye color, hair color, height, weight, date of birth, sex, and criminal record

I have 250k images categorized by race, eye color, hair color, height, weight, date of birth, sex, and criminal record.
Any idea what I should do with them?

Attached: 1513841972048.jpg (480x600, 54K)

>Any idea what I should do with them?
Delete them and reconsider your life choices, CIA nigger.

torrent, I collect beautiful and unique faces

Train your AI to look at facial features to determine violent crimes, then find random pictures of niggers online.

train facial feature recognition neural network

Glow in the dark CIA nigger detector
Preferably trained on you, OP


where'd you get em?

Train an AI to merge them together to create the ultimate criminal.

>Any idea what I should do with them?

post them to openai as a training set

I x-th this

Attached: 1491271372005.jpg (598x714, 303K)

It'll just be a nigger detector.
Scraped the department of corrections.
How? Where do I upload?

fuckin this
OP show us the true image of Bubba

feed them through the Deepfake porn software and see what the fuck happens.

>It'll just be a nigger detector.
At least you'll get a unbiased confirmation for holding racist views.

Upload the database, its great for machine learning


>Private prisons

United Shithole of America
United Scumpool of America
United Schoolshooters of America

Get a big database of people who didn't commit crimes. Merge then and train a nn to assert if a person is or isn't a criminal, and what crimes the person has commited. Then make a website where people upload their pictures to be run by the trained nn.

This is going to be very polemic. Profit on it.

It's just going to identify mugshots.

>NIG, or Not..?
this ones got legs

How accurately?

Attached: race - white.jpg (1580x3431, 1.97M)

>see filename
>no fucking way it means what I think it means
>zoom in
>that's exactly what it means
What the fugggg

Sell them for about $2500


11% - You are here.
1% by 2030

Attached: Goblinus Americanus.jpg (625x469, 135K)


White american