You don't actually need more

You don't actually need more.

Attached: 612730.png (250x250, 20K)

Other urls found in this thread:

I need HTTPS Everywhere too.
And youtube enhancer (because i'm fucking tired of its auto "quality" switches)
Also DuckDuckGo extension just for fun and viewing sites' grades.



What about umatrix ?


second that..
umatrix is the bomb.. yea most websites you visit the first time wont work, but you are always safe.. also you finally notice what the fsck some websites run on your machine while you just want to get some info

But ublock is a botnet

Other than TST, Tampermonkey, Stylus, etc.

I'll bite + pic related is bare minimum for web 2.0

Attached: 1524148226522.png (978x535, 79K)

roast me frens
>Don't touch my tabs! (rel=noopener)
>Header Editor
>HTTPS Everywhere
>Neat URL
>Smart Referer
>uBlock Origin

Attached: 1511123351731.jpg (574x881, 54K)

You are right, I don't actually need more.

>doesn't use tampermonkey
t. brainlet

*blocks your argument*

Attached: sgh.jpg (400x400, 38K)


Attached: 1531374405713.jpg (764x713, 309K)

>le my custom scripts run better with this extension than yours meme

>Don't touch my tabs! (rel=noopener)
Pardon my ignorance, but doesn't uMatrix already do this?

The holy trinity

Attached: ht.png (268x95, 12K)

No but I noticed the addon isn't necessary when you have first party isolation enabled

All my scripts and settings disappeared in Violentmonkey so I just installed Tampermonkey. Point is a userjs addon is necessary.

get umatrix too you plebian.

>Header Editor
these are already built into firefox

Ublock origin and ublock are different. Ublock is the scammy version.

With CanvasBlocker you can use canvas without leaking real canvas fingerprint. SmartReferer is needed because disabling cross-site referers breaks non-javascript captcha on Jow Forums. The addon let's me add exception for Jow Forums. It's true you can modify headers with the network tools but I don't know of any way to create rules that are applied every time.

privacy.resistFingerprinting spoofs even allowed canvases. Smart Referer features are already built into umatrix.

>privacy.resistFingerprinting spoofs even allowed canvases
Also toggles other things which you might not want. CanvasBlocker also added spoofing for other APIs: webgl, audio, history, window, domrect.

>Smart Referer features are already built into umatrix
No. Spoofing referers is a different thing. Smart Referer makes it so referers are sent within the same domains but not between domains. This can be done through about:config BUT the non-javascript captcha requires a referer to function so I need this addon to add an exception for Jow Forums -> Google.

javascript.enabled = false

Attached: 1533813849137.jpg (1280x720, 72K)

ublock origin, https everywhere, and behind the overlay for me

Nano Adblocker
Nano Defender
HTTPS Everywhere

just curious, why ublock rather than ublock origin

other way around, iirc the first ublock got stolen by some faggot dickhead due to shenanighans
ublock origin is the actual original ublock project

how can i learn how to use uMatrix? I dont understand

now how to remove click jacking, popups, and those mini windows that override everything unless you manage to leave the pages after struggling to close it. adblocking was a mistake now we have this super aggressive shit


I just found out jewBlock was sold out to Adblock. What do now? Is the origin version still good to go or should I install the nano forks?

>he actually still doesn't have a Pi-Hole or equivalent hardware solution

go back to /v/ pussy

Attached: IMG_20180905_230211974-2016x1512.jpg (2016x1512, 634K)

ublock origin advanced mode is literally the exact same thing as umatrix

I have a social life.

Uhh uBlock Origin is a thing you know

No, uMatrix is superior

Can't do cosmetic filtering. And can't do what umatrix can do.

Wrong, umatrix is superior, it gives you more control than advanced mode in ublock origin. However ublock origin gives you cosmetic filters, so both should be used.

pihole is a meme

what about adguard?

Imagine actually using Chrome
The absolute state of Jow Forums

Attached: 1522157171729.jpg (394x415, 48K)

Violentmonkey a shit desu

>uBO advanced blocking all 3rdparty stuff with a small whitelist for trusted domains
>violentmonkey with 4chanx
Find a flaw

Yea, imagine that. Imaging not having to bookmark your entire internet activity, and not wanting to kick yourself for not saving/remembering something that could've come in handy months later, while I just go to put in the few words I remember, and have the result in seconds.

Sorry if your paranoia gets in the way of efficient retroactive information retrieval.

It's firefox, you retard.

OP knows the truth and he's right

>using third-party container extensions
And I'm the retard here, sure

Nice botnet, grandma

Yes, you are. At least read what it does, or rather is capable of when configured properly.

Which one is the botnet? Tamper or Violent? I must know!

It's really easy. Follow the colors. Red means disabled, green means enabled. Half red and half green indicate the defaults. Now either click on a single row to allow scripts for a certain site or click on the domain to allow everything. Clicking the upper parts leads to green, clicking the lower to red.

Light green/red means they will be affected by either domain or type based global filtering, while dark green/red are exceptions. If you allow images globally for example, all the light red image squares will be affected (turn (light) green) by this rule, but dark red squares won't.


Please just sudo rm -rf /

I need React Developer Tools and h264ify to force Youtube to use h264 videos instead of vp9

Attached: screenshot_417.png (584x335, 6K)

Tamper: beer
Grease, Violent: freedom


>hosts file
You don't actually need more.

More fine-grained control in uMatrix ですね

umatrix is better


is the original but unmaintained.

>irreversible autism

And you don't need js for that.

SmartHTTPS is better.

no-scripting: * true