Best LINUX distro for a desktop

Red Hat Enterprise Linux:
>Developer subscription allows you to have all binaries for free, only for personal use
>as long as you not set up your pc as a server for comercial porpuse, say you sell it/rent it as a cloud is not legal. But you can deploy it for your own personal use.
>Packages are a bit old, but important software as compilers and desktop environment software is kept more up to date.
>Stable as fuck, expect everything on the official repositories to just work
>non free codecs can be downloaded through third party repositories approved by Fedora and Centos
>kernel is 3.10 so on my machine the battery is a bit worse than on a newer kernel, you can use EnterpriseLinuxRepo (ELrepo) for using vanilla linux

the same as red hat but without subscription and can be used for commercial purposes for free
>but the thing about it having newer compilers may be false on this as CentOS can only borrow so much software from red hat

>has more desktop packages than Red Hat and adds the latest software
>every six months a new version is released
>every release is supported for a year
>approved by Linus Torvalds
>literally all of its family used Fedora, said Linus on interviews since it was easier to mantain it having all the same distros
>red hat quality, it's as polished as ubuntu for a desktop

Debian (stable)
>packages are as stable as red hat, but default configs and aesthetics can be less polished than red hat. thus red hat has an edge on quality of packages
>has fucking ton of officially maintained packages so you don't need third party repositories for virtually nothing except proprietary software
>is even older than red hat on desktop software, on the upside has a newer kernel currently

Debian (testing/sid)
debian testing, sid and experimental are more to be put together on the same machine since sometimes, software doesn't reach testing even though it's already marked good enough for stable with a patch
>more stable than arch at least

Attached: GENTOO.png (731x479, 109K)

additional meme options I thought of:

>literally has ads on the installer
>14, 16 suggested amazon links and was probably built onto firefox to target you with adds
>18+ now only ships with a default bookmark and shortcut to amazon on the default DE
>still manages to just werk (sometimes???)
>terry used it so it's good fuck you cia nigger

>default DE comes with shit ton of pen testing tools
>installer has no option to install it headless, probably you could use the expert install
>it's even more just werks than ubuntu since people use this as a tool for forensics and security
>it literally has almost all desktop software you need on official repositories despite hackermen saying otherwise

>hot fresh packages often rushed out of upstream
>has potential to just werk since mantainers often don't share libraries, thus have less work to do
>despite this, updates should be made only after reading the changelogs
>has most desktop software on its repositories
>aur is not a good thing

>no systemd for feeling special as default/recommended option
>install gentoo
>pic related

no one gives a shit about your retard elitist opinions. Use whatever distro you like, but when it gets to the point that you're only using it to be some hipster elitist, you should just kill yourself.

Debiab Testing, easily. You don't usually need packages newer than those for a daily driver, but if you ever do you can pull them in from unstable. Besides package age and arguablly the installer, Debian is perfect

RHEL, Centos, Debian (stable) and Kali are retarded for a desktop. Let's say Debian (stable) is only acceptable if your pc is old or if you don't use it much.
You better not use Arch if you don't wanna join its reddit-tier retarded user base. Gentoo is not for everyone. Ubuntu and Fedora are apparently fine.

In a desktop stability is not a primary concern. I don't get why have you even mentioned RHEL tbqh.

open for discusison retard, the list covers a lot of distros. not trying to be elitist I just listed some pros and cons

Arch: basically Gentoo with flatpaks/sanps/appimages

So people who do pen testing just use Ubuntu / Fedora / Debian with the tools they need and use the Kali just as a Live USB for where they can't connect their laptops?
I've been wondering what's the point of kali desu

This, I don't get people who think those are similars. They are opposite ends. One compiles the package from source and the other literally gets you linux .exes

> Red Hat Enterprise Linux
Do you mean IBM Enterprise Linux ?

> Debian (stable)
For an everyday use, packages are way too old, and it brings more problems than it resolves.

Who do pen testing is usually a 23yo doomer who wanna look like Mistah Robot.
Except for that small fraction of Kali's users who actually work in security.

so instead of someone wanting to use an overall werks distro what is better than debian stable? Debian testing is too hacky. Trying to use it you realize how it looks like a bunch of software for you to grab and fix into an actual working operative system. Until last week testing was still on firefox 52, so you had to use unstable.
Ubuntu has the spyware meme, and Linux Mint has the meme of having a mirror / actual page hacked.
Fedora and OpenSUSE looks like the only distro without memes. Or the cons of this overbear the tiny Ubuntu dash icon of amazon?
heck, even my algebra teacher at the university uses Ubuntu and the labs run Ubuntu.

Kek I know a guy at a instagram meme page that posts doomer, and he literally uses Kali and is about the same age. Is that (you)?

Ubuntu is unironically the just werks distro. If you are afraid of the spyware meme you are either too retarded to disable it or too sperg for a norman distro.

No. It's not me. And I use Gentoo.

You're probably over-thinking this. Must be that autism kicking in again.

>you don't need third party repositories for virtually nothing except proprietary software
I use Fedora and I can tell you that you absolutely need to add the rpmfusion repositories to get audio and video players because RH is based in the US where software patents are allowed which means that quite a few things allowed in the free world but not in the United States of Fascism can't be included in the main distro's repos.

Anyways, now that IBM has taken over it's uncertain how much of a future IBM Enterprise Linux and Fedora have.

I'm the definition of autism because I even study math instead of an engineering's degree like CS
I literally said that for Debian, I know how it be for Red Hat systems. We Blue Hat Linux

I don't known, I've never been satisfied by any distro.
I agree with you about debian testing, it not polished enough.
I tried Fedora a few years back. As a dev, I really linked the software and the philosophy, but I gave up after having too many weird problems.
More recently, I've tried Solus a few months, which is promising but still too young (missing packages, UX annoyances).

Nowadays, I use Gentoo on my main computer, but it's not a distro I would recommand unless for a specific reason. It's by far the more stable and productive environment I have, but it's the result of years of configuration to adapt it to my need. For the most of people, even IT-related guys, I think it's not worth it.
Besides that, I use KDE Neon. It has some part of the ubuntu crap, but at least it's ready to use, and don't crash every morning.

OpenSUSE is working like a charm for me. It's of extreme high quality. The only thing about it that sucks is the package management.

How many of my GuixSD niggas exist?

about gentoo you can't ignore that updates imply compiling the packages; were we using nuclear 128 cores @ 10GHz 256 threads laptops then it would be no biggie, but right now it takes a bit of time for being productive. But ignoring that you think it's stable on par with ubuntu?

Kubuntu 18.04 has been rock solid for me

You have to compile for install and then for updates but bloatware like Firefox should be installed as a binary which is an option. Gentoo is extremely stable and blazing fast once set up

>and productive environment I have
You can't ignore the fact that it is supposed to have at least 3 times the maintainers it currently have.
There are plenty of bugs sitting in their bugtracker. Some of them are even already fixed by some user, but maintainers "forget" to merge the shit in even after multiple bumps.
Productive my balls. You have to do a lot of shit to bring java 11 in without fucking up half your system.

Also, I was in university and I had to use docker. More than an hour to compile that shit and recompile the kernel with other modules enabled while I could have install it in maybe 30 seconds with a binary-based distro.

Is this copypasta?

Debian Stable
>solid base
>backports repo provides newer kernels, X, Mesa, compilers, etc.
>backports repo also contains Flatpak for third party stuff

What about basic windows 7?

Not a single word about the best stable distribution.

Attached: bluepiSW.jpg (232x227, 48K)

KDE neon.

Long term stability of Ubuntu LTS with bleeding edge KDE Desktop, aka the master race Desktop Environment.