Vim vs nano?

Attached: nano.png (600x346, 88K)

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micro. its highly configurable while still running well and being simple

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are Vim color themes fir gvim only? All look washed out in vim for me, using urxvt, tried setting 256 color mode, tried all "solutions" on the web but nothing works so I aliased vim to gvim

>leatherman vs fork
I still use nano tho

% echo $TERM

nano? you must be a web developer.

Friends don't let friends nano.


Vim is a sewn together patchwork of shit code based on standards from the 1980s that lets it still compile on esoteric systems from the 1980s.

I hope nvim succeeds.

in most use cases, nano is fine. i'm a vi(m)let tho, pls no bully

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vim no question.

can someone explain to a newfriend what is it about?

Nano's great for editing configs and simple text file stuff. For programming you'd want fully fleshy IDE.

Highly configured emacs.

Vim and nano are terminal based text editors. Nano is more of a traditional editor experience (think notepad++), while vim uses concepts like modal editing to improve programmer effectiveness and can be extended in functionality with vimscript.


Trying to write my own. Already got everything down. I wonder if using ncurses lib is cheating though.

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Vim is not an editor, it is a language for editing. Learn it and it will never leave your fingers. All good editors / IDEs have a Vim mode so it's knowledge that will never be irrelevant. Even Emacs has evil mode.

I have gotten used to emacs over the years. Should I try out evil mode?

I would say yes, especially if you don’t already use other packages that make emacs bindings bearable. It takes a little while to learn, but eventually you won’t be able to live without modal editing. One thing to keep in mind is that emacs doesn’t mesh well with evil 100% of the time, so be prepared to put some effort into key bindings if you get invested.

I don't see the point of evil mode. You only need enough vi knowledge to do basic/quick configuration edits on a new install. Better to invest your time in learning new packages or improving your configuration.

Nano, because if you need to do anything bigger than some light text editing you should use something more modern.

Vim is complex to learn and use just to show off how you can use an outdated interface. There are certainly people out there who use Vim efficiently, but that's probably because they've been using it since the 70s.

that image described my stem corse dead on

I use vim because I can't figure out how to exit it.

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vim or nvi?

Attached: confused.jpg (500x500, 111K)

Try neovim

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I only use kilo

vim if you want to invest a lot of time into text editing
micro otherwise

There is only one acceptable answer:wq

Vim all the way

at this autismo point yiu could say using anything outside from the kernel is cheating

Agreed, but horrible if you're at the level of experience where nano seems like a good idea



Attached: kak.webm (958x527, 726K)

Personally I just turn off the monitor and turn it on when I come back


t. inbred not writing his own pure microkernel

Attached: 1_AD1e170YTJaiUBypv1H9Ow.jpg (1561x2048, 555K)

*crashes and overwrites your save with corrupted file*

I use gedit
just werks

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what are you using to show which keys you press?

not my video but I think it's using screenkey

thanks user, will look into it

wasn't the whole purpose of kakoune to do the same thing as vim with less keystokes ?

Attached: vi.webm (860x686, 562K)

Is that with a plugin?

I think the purpose is more about having a stronger base concept that you can do more with intuitively (multiple cursors with visual selections). There's probably a plugin for doing more but being able to do it with a blank install is nice.

Here's another one where I just type "t-l&". I spawned a cursor for each line but you can do it with "ip"

Attached: tabs2.webm (852x197, 107K)

Wait, I thought of a faster way, you could do it is with just "iis-&"

:set background=light/dark

might be what your looking for

You mean vi-mode?

Vim is a vi-mode editor.

vim is to nano as sculpting tools are to play dough.

>Is that with a plugin?
It's the column(1) from bsdmainutils. One of the main benefit of vi and it's derivatives is that they integrate well with the shell and other so called unix commands.

Ah, I see, then in Kakoune, it would be:

>>iicolumn -t

But honestly I learned it before nano existed.

vim was worth learning because it turns out a lot of things have vim bindings. Even fucking Pixiv has hjkl for navigating multi-image posts.

>vim bindings
vi bindings.

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Have you tried reading the manual?

Can I use the mouse with it?

vim > nano > vi

ZZ you fuck

>worse version of emacs with evil-mode > nano > vi


They're both shit. But at least nano is simpler

The two are complete cancer only made for show off and every professionals I saw agree with that.The time wasting learning these shits is not worth the time won at the end.




not vim, i don't like vim.
nano is even worse