Would upgrading my i5 7500 to a i7 7700k give me a significant performance boost?

Would upgrading my i5 7500 to a i7 7700k give me a significant performance boost?

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/sqt/ you overdeveloped cum fart

I'm so lonely

>overdeveloped cum fart

Yes actually, that i5 7500 is old, slow, and outdated. Females wouldn't respect you anymore, your peers will soon get better job positions, and you'll be the butt of your friend's jokes.

Upgrade to a 9900k and an RTX 2080ti and females will rush to you, asking to repay you with sex after letting them play Red Dead at ultra 4k 144hz on your superior system. You'll be able to render projects and compile programs instantly allowing you to finish work before dead lines, and your friends will finally respect you.

I promise that every dollar will be worth it OP, just do it

- Tom's Hardware editor

Imagine the smell

Sure op, but remember you need to delid and use decent cooling (NH-D15) to get that boost. Fast (3600+) RAM helps too.

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no games don't use more than 1 core and only afue shitty Ubisoft games seem to use 4 and that's just because assassins creed and rainbow6 engine is programmed like shit.

you literally should prob get a 7350k and delid it and overclock it like crazy and sell your pleb i5
even i7 doesnt even make sense if you say some bullshit like you are "a creative" if you are buy a extream processor or threadripper.

i5/i7 is literally a meme just to sell you shit so intel can bulk sell cpus to architects and engineering companies at a lower price.

here here

next time just google for "proc A vs proc B"
also niggerposter detected. please proceed to the nearest suicide booth. thanks

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What's with the reverse cuck shit?

t. autistic gamer
i7 is good for multicore, man

Can't be worse than your basement


It will but you'll still be a corelette and homeless once you have your inevitable housefire. The 7700k was the biggest delid bait before... Uh, well the 9900k. Why are people OK with buying these products again?

There's something really odd about that picture. The dude's neck looks slightly too long and narrow at the base, and the lighting on the African-American woman is off.

>his first reference point is gaming
>he thinks his toddler tier opinions are relevant

gaming toddlers leave

I wonder who could be behind this post.

A black woman?

One of the remnants of the old white guard when whites were worth a shit, had the masculinity and balls to conquer the world, had power and wealth, and fucked all races into submission regardless of race or gender or creed.
Those are extinct now though, what remains is only the nu-westerners, emasculated Internet-dewlling incels who only have the wealth left over by the old guard but none of everything else aforementioned.

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So thicccccccc

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Would upgrading my i whitewoman 666 to a i blackwoman 1488 be a solid investment?

According to the words of white slave owners of ye olde who fought a war to retain their black booty - yes.

unironically based

Why are you Americans obsessed with race?

Really wonder what type of person sits around and makes fake white superiority Facebook captions for pictures of interracial couples...