>Cute doggo edition

>r8 em h8 em b8 em

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Good monitor count but needs CRTs

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cool kid/10
pretty nice as always

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Bumping to keep the thread alive and leaving feedback before anything gets too crazy:

Something about the three smaller monitors feels off to me. Maybe give your TV more space so that it doesn't feel like a weird continuation of your computer?

You should get the pincushioning on the front left VGA monitor checked out. Though how many separate computers do you have booted in that shot, and what OSes? I see Arch, Win95, and what I assume is Win10 for sure.

Turn on the lights so we can see your station better.

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Sorry, I haven't painted my wall yet.
I was thinking in painting black. what you guys think?

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My comfy shitpostation.

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>Something about the three smaller monitors feels off to me. Maybe give your TV more space so that it doesn't feel like a weird continuation of your computer?

I'm gunna be making a new steel bracket to mount all three screens directly onto the wall and get back some much needed desk space. The tv is hooked up to the computer as well. Playing Kingdom Come Deliverance. But I hear ya, jumping from 27" to 39" throws off the symmetry. I have a few big plans for my setup now that I'm home again that will be shared in the future.

I'd tread carefully. Two walls in my office are a dark slate grey and it is almost too dark. I was able to counteract it with some shiny wall junk and back lighting. It will fuck with your vision for a bit though.

Only middle aged white women care about "doggos". Put it back in the cage and stop being a fag.


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I'm going to paint black only the wall behind the PC and the rest of the room I'm going to paint in white or some light color.

With me luck.

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I would suggest a dark grey instead of black. It is a little fucky looking at a bright screen with a very dark wall behind it. My other 2 walls are white as the driven snow and all the trim is black. If I were to do it all over again I would probably paint the two dark walls a shade or two lighter.

Ok, I'll talk to my painter.
Thanks, user.

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>Not having moire cancelling curtains

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Why have more than two monitors? I'm not trolling, I'm genuinely interested. Can you tell me something you needed three monitors for that you couldn't accomplish with two?

Not him. I use two 1080p 27" myself, but...

Maybe to do work on two, and then have another for other things like background videos, or music, or video games.

>You should get the pincushioning on the front left VGA monitor checked out. Though how many separate computers do you have booted in that shot, and what OSes? I see Arch, Win95, and what I assume is Win10 for sure.
That monitor is from 1992 and has been sitting in a box in a basement since 1997 until earlier this year. It's all kinds of messed up and probably needs all its caps changed along with degaussing and all that good stuff. It's serviceable at the moment and not high on my priority list. In fact it's only the third priority CRT to work on right now.

And how dare you accuse me of running Win10.

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3 is comfy

don't know how multiple monitors is a thing
the light pollution would destroy me

I have 2 monitors but I usually only keep 1 on. The 2nd one I use with Amazon Fire to watch the news/live TV.

Not mine, but I fucking LOVE clean, professional looking stations.

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Dogs you say?

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>Not mine, but I fucking LOVE clean, professional looking stations.
I know a website I think you'd love.

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a bit dark, added more ram as well

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Already seen everything there.
I come here and usually there's 1 or 2 gems every blue moon that get me inspired.

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Why does everyone have their keyboard on top of their desk? You know you're supposed to have a keyboard TRAY right?

Hahahahahah Holy shit i just went to check out the battlestation subreddit, that's got to be one of the most hilarious and faggot filled place ever. It's all the same stupid shit
>LEDs on everything
>getting into vaporwave 4 years too late
>"it's not much but it's my getaway"
>Made sure everything was clean to maximize imaginary Internet points
>autistic cable hiding
>rick and morty wallpapers fucking everywhere
>"gaming" chairs

My god that place is so fucking gay


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That's what winds me up!
They've been flocking here for the past few years and ruining Jow Forums!

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where are you kotatsu bro?
i need to see your comfy setup again now that winter is near

What is so professional about a video game wallpaper and a video game operating system?

not Jow Forums but you know that the person who built this abomination also thought they were practicing some form of discretion when they bought that $25 orchid from walmart

orchids are peak onions, before they were being mass produced in factory farms they were pretty rare and being an orchid grower was some level of prestige.

it doesnt stop people from buying one, at walmart, and still thinking it has the level of prestige it did in the 80s

>that wall
I see you're in a shitty college dorm.

im pretty sure i made fun of you last time i saw this thread and i'm going to make fun of you again for not having a job

but i do have a job

>the lighting adds a lot to this image. nice framing too. you in college for photography boy?

i wrote all that out then noticed the lens in the picture. damn i'm retarded

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Buy a bigger desk or find a better way to efficiently organize your junk. This makes me sick.

>2 ( TWO ) desks

my headphones and 360 controller don't usually stay on the desk, i have a little stick on headphone holder under my desk
otherwise there isn't much on there but the space is a bit small

it's actually one L desk that is made up of two straight desks connected by a desk piece between them. i seperated them when I got my new build and it opened up the room more.
i was thinking about getting a new desk when i move in a couple months, probably just gonna get a bigger/longer straight desk

>senior year
thanks for the complement

>wanted to rearrange furniture so I could fit a third table that I have sitting around unused
>still doesn't fit in this tiny ass room
feels bad man

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10000/10 very cute doggy

Because some people actually use it instead of LMBing stuff on the screen

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>tfw you only have a cute bun rab

Digging the display arrangement and general aesthetic

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>that episode

>not using the gamecube as your daily driver

Very clean. Good man.

do you have a list of all this stuff?

Looks pretty bad and cramped

Still very cyb but i cant dig the ergonomics

Ignore this moron.
That setup is cozy as fuck. +1

kotatsu bro please be here soon :__:

Attached: 20181030_200914.jpg (3024x4032, 1.98M)

>wake up
>bonk head
C o z y

Here's mine.

Attached: DpugZQ4UcAEvMkh.jpg (1200x1024, 146K)

>see filename
>smash reverse image search button
>picture is of Mesut Özil, a professional German football player
Nice try I guess, but it's not yours.
Why would you just go on the internet and lie like that?

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v plain

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Go away Ozil

this is my budget setup. I kind of want to add drawers to it but I can't make the setup any wider than it already is.

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Nice quads.

What is everyone having for breakfast? Also anyone know a RGB/LED lighting program that adjust intensity based on what time of day it is? I hate forgetting to adjust my backlighting for sunup and sundown.

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That's mx linux noob.

What monitor stand is that? Can it take dual 27" monitors?

Congrats. I have been here for over 10 years and your wallpaper is the first drawing ever that made me look for more of the same.

whats the smaller screen for?

That wireless logitech keyboard and mouse combo is fucking awful

>be turkish person but have german citizenship
>be good at football (soccer for european cucks)
>get inflated ego and start to play badly
>germans criticize his football skills, never makes any remarks on his race/heritage
>get cut from the German national football team after pathetic performance in last world cup
>go to twitter and call Germany racist and says that we was cut just because he is a turkish man

literally can't make this shit up

The distance between the foot rest and the recliner combined with those big ass shoes tells me you are tall. How tall are you?

that vertical monitor needs another wallpaper

No its a stand for one monitor though mine is 27"

Happy Halloween Jow Forums. Anyone have black/orange lights set up?

What's with the double keyboard/mouse/controller? Do you have a conjoined twin?

Lol gross

most important part ist the stool under the desk.

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>What's with the double keyboard/mouse/controller? Do you have a conjoined twin?
It's so I can have separate pointers and a keyboard for each focus. I can type or browse in another window on another screen without having to exit a game or something. Plus when I have friends over they can use the second focus with my wireless KB while I can still work with the primary at the same time.

Ive got my Halloween tree up


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Uhh thanks...

My lovely rig.
> Thinkpad
> Wireless bridge to my own wired network
> D-Link Ethernet switch
> Gimmick binary clock for effect
> TV and DVD player controlled by universal remote
> USB hub with several devices hooked up at various times
> Raspberry Pi that I control through SSH
> TI-84+ hooked up to USB hub
> Bluetooth keyboard and mouse so I can use my laptop in desktop mode
> Three power strips
> Samsung Galaxy Tab
> Universal charger
> External SSD that I'm using for backups and also trying to install extra OS's on
> Sorta-dual-boot between Win7 and Arch Linux
> My Thinkpad is my console through which I control my entire rig.
I am God.

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Well, this thread has been really slow.

I wanted to paint my room like this, but they told me there is no fucking way they will live in the same house with me if I make my room look like a morgue.

>press shift+q in irfanview three times
>Such a fucking mess, holy shit.
6/10 for the mess

I don't know why you are obsessed with this one
visually a 7, because the walls are fucking empty to the point of looking sterile
functionally, 0
>speakers aren't facing the user
>three quarters of the fucking mouse mat are occupied by the keyboard taking too much surface away from the mouse
>a hole is drilled through the fucking mouse mat to hide the cables
>cables will be perfectly visible if the BST is viewed from any other angle

aesthetic AF

much better, but that windowed case with the meticulously themed build casually tossed in the corner by your feet just doesn't make any fucking sense

Now this is a fucking desk that is being used. Not belonging to a slobby lazy fuck who leaves trash around, but full of objects one would use to get shit done.

love it

Didn't you fucking say that case was only there temporarily like a year ago?!


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>dat wire management

nice, except for mouse and keyboard. 8/10

Nifty. Do you use some software to enable this functionality, or are they connected to separate computers?

>Didn't you fucking say that case was only there temporarily like a year ago?!
Yeah, and it's been gone for quite some time. But aside from that my setup hasn't really changed so I've not taken a new picture since.

You just create a second pointer/KB focus with xinput.

xinput create-master Secondary
xinput reattach [slave pointer ID] [secondary master pointer ID]
xinput reattach [slave KB ID] [secondary master KB ID]

Can you have two windows in focus with one input device? Like two windows registering the same keystrokes.

>implying I’m going to run out and buy a replacement right now when Black Friday is in 3 weeks
I’m sure I’ll find some way to survive.

What case is this? I fucking love the minimalist design.

I haven't tried that but probably. You'd have to make a second slave KB device and associate it with the hardware then attach to the second pointer.

May be a bit late now. Is that the UMC202HD? Does it ever stop working for you? I use mine for recording mic and listening to desktop audio, and in some situations, it cuts out incessantly.

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>start to play badly
He made the most chances in the WC, how did he play badly when pure germans like Muller or Werner fucked all his work up.

Do you have an internal monologue

do you have a problem with me having an internal monologue?

it's obvious from your post that you don't.

it's the 204 instead of 202, and I haven't had any problems with it yet

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OP, ID on the desk please!!

Interesting taste in wallpaper. You should fix your broken desk mate.

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>Why have more than two monitors?
Symmetry. Plus certain games like Elite Dangerous and Hearts of Iron 4 I like to play across all three 27" screens. Better immersion for Elite and I can just see more of whats going on in HOI at any one time.

The other two walls in this room are white. Perks of owning your own home though, I can do whatever the fuck I want.

Newport wood & glass L desk.


Hes the goodest boy

>Perks of owning your own home though, I can do whatever the fuck I want.
I have my name on the deed too. That has nothing to do with wanting to peacefully coexist with people with whom you share the same address.