Me when I see faggots

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If only you could hack fagapore's location. Its such a nationlet country, you could walk to his apartment and throw him off the roof.

Well, it's a good thing I'm not a faggot.

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hang a faggot by his neck

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same here fellow straight

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Yup, I sure do like qt girls

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look at this qt anime girl

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you'd have to be real strong for that, he is a WIDE guy

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And this one!

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I'm so proud to be straight

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oh my

wait a minute.....are you fagapore?

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Me too!

Attached: __astolfo_fate_apocrypha_and_fate_series__sample-864a3bbf5976c25f42d44cef4464cac8.jpg (850x1203, 279K)

No I'm a proud fag basher

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So I'm starting dieting again today going back to 58 something, it will take me around 2 months. Can you beat dumb old boomer that has really big trouble with staying away from food and get to 70 first?

58? Are you a smoll guy?

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ye, i'm smol

me when i see bob and vegina

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bitch lasagna

hmmm lasanga