/pcbg/ - PC Building General

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>State your budget & CURRENCY
>List your uses; eg Gaming, Video Editing, VM Work
>For monitors, include purpose and graphics pairing
>NO Speccy. Use HWinfo

>Athlon 200GE - Bare minimal desktop/gaming
>R3 2200G - Light gaming(dGPU optional)
>R5 2400G/i5-8400 - Consider IF on sale
>R5 2600/X - Good gaming & multithreaded work use CPUs
>i7-9700k/8700k - If you have a $2000+ budget and don't care that it'll be superseded by 7nm CPUs next year
>R7 2700/X - Best value high-end CPU on a non-HEDT platform
>Wait for R7 3700X - Surely the best overall and not a massive disappointment like the 9900k
>Threadripper/Used Xeon - HEDT

>8GB - Enough for most gaming use
>16GB - Standard for heavy use
>32GB - If you have to ask, you don't need this
>CPUs benefit from fast RAM; 2933MHz+ is ideal

Graphics cards
>RTX 2000 cards are worse performance per $ than previous gen
>Avoid cheap MODELS ie MSI Armor (Mk2 is ok), Gigabyte G1/Wf, ASUS dual, and others w/ small heatsinks and low quality fans
>RX 570/580 w/ Freesync or 1060 6GB - standard 1080p 60fps+ options
>1050 3Gb or RX560 4Gb - lower settings and/or older games
>GTX 1070Ti/Vega 56 - for higher FPS w/ a high hz monitor
>Vega 56; 1070Ti/1080 if you already have Gsync
>GTX 1080Ti - for higher FPS w/ a high hz monitor
>Upscale from 1620-1800p. Maybe 2080Ti, but awful value.
OpenCL use
>Vega 64

>Backup before using StoreMi
>Consider getting a larger SSD (better GB/$) instead of small SSD & large HDD
>2TB HDDs are barely more $ than 1TB
>M.2 is a form factor, NOT a performance standard
>NVMe are not for gaming; See "More"

>Consider 75hz minimum; 60hz are mostly old models.
>Always consider FreeSync w/ AMD cards


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Kys shill

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Is there any point in having a fan blow towards my HDD cage?

good OP (but still fag)

no not really. the natural air circulation from other fans should be more than enough

Kys shill

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Sorry I worded that poorly. I mean does it help the overall airflow if the HDD cage is right in front of the fan or will the additional air intake just get negated by the cage and the HDDs. Cause I don't have anywhere else to put the second frontal intake fan but in front of the HDDs.

Whats the issue? He mentions the 8400 and 9700k/8700k.
I would personally change 9700k/8700k if you want high refresh gaming and cost efficiency isn't a problem for you.

is this on the motherboard that quietly BLCK overclocks to 109 BLCK ?

>somehow a $570 + $100 (cooler) CPU being 10% better than the $160 2600 is considered good
>at a budget resolution, even

I just can't recommend someone a nearly 3 year old GPU for 600+ for a resolution as demanding as 1440p. Especially with titles as AC:O and it's only going to get worse from here. The next 12-18 months are going to be a rocky ride for 1440p. Lots of demanding AAA on the horizon and, in the age of uncompressed 20gb audio files, developers simply being too lazy to deliver a good PC port i don't think we're going to see another DOOM-tier title.

>8.2% more performance (at poverty resolutions)
>320% increase in price
lmaoing @ intelfags

>got my new CPU/Mobo/Ram today
>got my new 1080ti a few days ago
>debated waiting for the 9700k
>went with the 8700k since I am too impatient
>2% performance for the 9900k
lmao thanks

OP would benefit from including 144hz options because the GPU reqs differ substantially when trying to get 60 to trying to get 144

Okay time for my real question though. After installing my new CPU/Mobo/Ram and an SSD boot drive my case fans stopped spinning. I didn't alter anything about the way that they were plugged in, and I can't find anything that would have made them plug in differently. When I connect them directly to the mobo they run just fine, but I had them on a controller going directly to the PSU and they wouldn't even give me the time of day. I feel like they should be plugged into the mobo but I am literally retarded and can't figure out any way that they could be.

Also a less relevant question, my old HDD seems to be refusing to give me access to my files that I had on it

>whats the issue
He's shilling 3700x which won't be out for a year. That alone is enough to know OP is a faggot shill and should discard everything it says.

intlels only play at poorfag resolutions

oh. Yeah the air will loose velocity but they will still provide as much static pressure. basically it's fine

I bought a Acer XG270HU with freesync and a 1070 ti, would I really notice that big of a difference if I had a AMD card? Forza Horizon 4 runs amazing settings all on ultra or extreme

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Oh, yeah, he certainly should mention it, but if it's
>but this if you aren't afraid of getting superseded in a year
is kinda bullshit.

I already have 8gb ddr3 RAM, can I get another 8gb stick of anything else or do they need to pair together in some way

Default cooler is fine. it comes with thermal paste on it, and mobos usually come with at least 1 sata wire.

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Yeah how about mentioning 9700x? That will surely btfo 3700x.
People come here to build a pc not wait a year. Atleast by putting this on OP it's like yelling "look i'm a blatant amd shill" so people know OP is a shill before even lurking here, i can't complain.

reposting from last thread:
my evga gtx 1070 only runs at PCI-E x8 v3.0 speeds, even though it supports PC-IE x16 v3.0 (pic related).
I've removed the sticker with the product code (it's situated near the bottom lane that connects to the PCI-E slot and there are some reports of it blocking some lanes), reseated the GPU, changed power consumption settings, tried the GPU-z benchmark and checked my mobo's spec list and it explicitly states: 1 x PCI Express x16 slot, running at x16
(The PCIEX16 slot conforms to PCI Express 3.0 standard.).
What am I doing wrong? Why can't I get it to run at advertised speeds? Is it because of my bad Gigabyte mobo (ab350n)?

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Anyone have experience with the Cooler Master N200?

I'm looking for a website that used rank CPUs and GPUs in these 12+ games average benchmarks across 1080p/1440p/2160p but i can't remember who did that. Anyone know what i'm talking about?

>9600k for sub-300
damn, makes me want to reconsider the 8600k i had planned for my new rig.

How much louder will a setup get if I go from 2 fans to 4? They're all pretty silent but they're still fans

What are your thoughts on a 24" or 25" 2560x1440?

How we looking? I'm not a professional or anything, I've just got a good amount of cash from a summer job, wanna play some cs:go at 144hz 1080p but still be able to play other games if I want. Will also be doing other school related things and watching anime, but if it can run CS it can do that fine too.

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wait for a real new gen
9th is a joke

so... I bought a B360M D3H, and I got a I5-9600K... is there a way to update the BIOS without a CPU on the motherboard? (apparently the MB doesn't support 9th generation without this update)

What are tolerable MOS and PCH temps?
I suppose it depends on the mobo, but in general?

drop the second ssd for a 1-2tb hdd. the ryzen 2600 is cheaper here and slightly better for gaming so that's something to consider as well. you could also shave a few dollars off going with a 550 or even 500 watt psu so there's that.

Only CSGO?

You can probably get 144 pretty easily if you settle for not ultra settings, like some lower AA and textures. I recently upgraded from a 480 (580 is a rebranded 480 with slightly better performance) and I could get 144 on less demanding games but kind of floundered down to 60 on some of the more demanding newer stuff.

why is my new 3200mhz ram showing up in speccy as 1066mhz?

also r8 build I guess

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you can pair any RAM as long as it's DDR3 and your motherboard supports the rated speed and voltage

MOS is your VRMs, try to keep them below 70-80C for good efficency and long health. They are safe up to 100-105C.

WHY THE FUCK are people using that shit

Check your bios

better alternative?

doing a massive file transfer right now but I will if I can't figure it out

Can I pair two different brands then?

Okay, good. Mine don't get over 50 under OC ([email protected]@1.3125V) I just wanted to make sure.

>tfw fell for the mATX meme

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55c safe for an SSD?

I put mine in the case with quite a bit of jank because I didn't want to take my mobo out and it's running kind of hot when the cpu really goes for it


I only want ~250+ frames for CS:GO at lowest settings; as for other games anything at a consistent 60fps at high to ultra settings is fine; though it should be mentioned I really don't play triple-a games or keep up with the "industry" very much. The most recent triple-a I played came out nearly 3 years ago. I figured I'd just go all ssd as I don't actually need more than a 1tb as I at most have 1-3 games installed at a time, only have about 3 decently sized programs and maybe 3 other tiny utilities. As for the psu I could certainly shave off a bit, but not any really considerable amount unless I seriously downgrade. I'm kinda hoping to not really have to change my psu for a long time. Thanks for the advice, anons.

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Is the Ryzen 2400G supposed to work at 80°C while stress testing it with the stock cooler or i fucked up??

Attached: temps.png (478x728, 50K)

>wmic memorychip get speed

On all cores papy.

for what reason man...


pick up a cpu cooler so you can oc to like 4.2 or 4.4

nice lies man but thats HIGHLY optimistic.

>le easy 4.2 or even 4.4 OC just get a aftermarket cooler bro XD

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I don't have much experience with AMD CPUs. Apologies. I was OCing my 3.5ghz intel CPU up to 4.6

>tfw bottlenecked

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thank you
it was a bios limitation, XMP was disabled by default for some reason and I was running at like 200mhz

what cpu cooler and how many case fans? and what program are you inducing load with?


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Dark Rock Pro 4, 2-120mm 2-140mm fans. Stress testing on CPU-Z if that's what you ask.

what's wrong with mATX? I've been using a fractal mini C for a year now and haven't had any problems at all

hope you realize the temps he is mentioning are VRM temps.

oh so this thing?

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can someone explain ram timings to me

>video card/driver resets under heavy load
>tons of games will straight up crash if it loses the renderer instead of trying to restart it
>I think my card is dying
Should I try underclocking it? What softwares/settings should I be looking at?

RX570 or RX580 which has better value price–performance ratio

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its quite complicated

My CPU doesn't get over 50 in gaymen and heavy processing either. Stress testing and it reaches 60°C with the CPU fans at 70%

damn. I was about to get really jelly of 50C OC CPU temps

1440p is tiny below 27", like getting a 4k screen at 27"

>80$ CPU cooler
>doesn't get that hot during gaming, which doesn't even use all of the cores on the 6 core chip
>doesn't get that hot
Ya think?
Next you will tell me your custome loop cooler for a 2 core while watching a youtube video doesn't get that hot.

why do white girls kiss dogs and not me

should I be worried about any of this?

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I see, anyways I'm asking that because a vega 56 is too expensive where I'm from so I thought by downgrading the size of the monitor and getting a rx 570 instead.

PC noob so no bully.

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Cpu:Fx 8350
Mobo: asus m5a97 evo r2.0
Ram: 8 GB (2x4 dual channel) G-skill F3-1333C9S-4GNS
GPU: rx480 shapire nitro+ 4GB (used)
PSU: LC 6600 v2.2 (12 year old)
HDD: some crap with +13 years old sata
Case from a pentium 4 from 2002, No fans

The gpu never seems to go past 75º, some say to change settings in amd settings global wattman. Is it the power limit (%) option? Do i put it at +50%? is that going to increase max performance?

while the gpu is at 90%-100% i get this subtle high pitched coil whine + a more loud and strong coil whine , not sure if it is the GPU or the PSU. The PSU never had to power a graphic card. How do i see from where its coming from? just by separating the 2 and going by sound?
is it safe to test by unplugging the GPU power cable and trying to stress it?

Can i upgrade the ram by just getting another 4GB stick of the same model and having 3 sticks?

what are the disavantages of getting a hybrid SSHD instead of an SSD?

Depends, how shit your RAM is, how fast it's supposed to run, and so on. Are you using XMP profiles, do you want to manually tighten the timings for extra performance or not , do you want to OC it ....

Do you have an nvme drive? Or something in another pci-e 3.0 slot? Usually one of these things will cause your ports to run in 8x instead of 16x

Why do you have to be so mad? Are you poor or something?

get a RX570

Eh, I could get a better cooler but It's not worth the money for my current setup. But yes, jelly.

your entire system is a literal dumpster fire except the GPU, so the PSU is the problem most likely the problem.

if you're thinking about upgrading don't bother unless it's for a modern platform. and having 3 ram sticks is useless so don't bother with that even if your system was half decent.

No one's mad here, why are you projecting? Did I trigger a flashback or something?

I am using the XMP profile

I have it
It's a nice case but maybe a bit too small and cramped

What RAM MAN for fuck sake!
Imagine if I showed you GHZ statistic but didn't telll you what fucking CPU it is...

my parents are getting rid of an old Dell Inspiron desktop. It's pretty shit, but could I buy a few parts to create a very entry-level gaming pc? specs after upgrade would be

Intel E6700
8gb corsair ram
1tb western digital ssd

would this be able to run lesser games at a mid graphics level?

Also, it seems like to upgrade the processor i'll need a new mobo. How much of a pain is it to replace mobo?

first of all your PSU is trash, dual 12v rail PSUs are known to cause problems with decent GPUs. the whine you're hearing is coming from your PSU trying to desperately power the GPU at full load.

second, yes you can run 3 sticks but since your motherboard is dual channel and not triple channel you'll be losing on a very tiny bit of performance.

third, the rest of your system is dogshit. trash it and start all over before your PC blows up on you.

Is a X370-F fine for a 2700x?

reminds me when people say "I'm using a i7" like it means that it's automatically good, for all we know it's the i7 920 from 2008.

Dude my PC has a CPU and GPU, I am worried, is it running okay?


>tfw 1080 is cheaper than a vega 56 in my country

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>a literal dumpster fire
keked, well i never seen hit any dangerous temps yet
i think the max the cpu got was 75. the mobo chip was me worried the most, sometimes its 50º with low load, but i heard that's a calculated temp and sometimes not accurate.

>3 ram sticks is useless
yeah i think that too but sometimes hits 7,5 gb ram with a medium game and firefox... the ram is like 27 € but yeah i guess it's useless. there are more important problems with the hardware.

What PSU should i get? do you know one with enough Watts and nice voltage?

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>supporting the jews
>not buying muh good boy AMD
you deserve to be beheaded

>CPU cooler
in what order should I buy these? The time between buying each would be like 2-3 weeks

Fuck, I lost my windows activator. what is it called again?

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anybody who's done this?

somewhat related question actually, where is the best place to get a grey market windows 10 home?

Not much. When you double the source you add 3dB. Twice as loud in psychoacoustics (perceived volume) is 10dB so you can get an idea.

does that go for everything? so two planes taking off instead of one will only add an extra 3db?

>single thread

PSU+motherboard in 4-6 weeks
cpu cooler