/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.

Users of all levels are welcome to ask questions about GNU/Linux and share their experiences.

*** Please be civil, notice the "Friendly" in every Friendly GNU/Linux Thread ***

Before asking for help, please check our list of resources.

If you would like to try out GNU/Linux you can do one of the following:
0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or macOS.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

Resources: Please spend at least a minute to check a web search engine with your question.
*Many free software projects have active mailing lists.

$ man %command%
$ info %command%
$ help %command%
$ %command% -h
$ %command% --help

Don't know what to look for?
$ apropos %something%

Check the Wikis (most troubleshoots work for all distros):

Jow Forums's Wiki on GNU/Linux:

>What distro should I choose?
>What are some cool programs?
>What are some cool terminal commands?
>Where can I learn the command line?
>Where can I learn more about Free Software?
>How to break out of the botnet?

/fglt/'s website and copypasta collection:
fglt.nl && p.teknik.io/wJ9Zy

/t/'s GNU/Linux Games: Previous thread:

Attached: .png (1100x618, 488K)

Other urls found in this thread:


What a shit picture

this shit can't even do dualshocks right! even chinese adware can do that!

how do i make blueman and my bt headset autoconnect REEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

Attached: REEEEEEEEEE.jpg (225x225, 5K)

What a great picture!

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retard here. i just installed devuan kde and it's comfy but the root password i put it's not working.
i can't update anything. do i have to reinstall again and not use any root password so sudo gets installed?

You get a better OS and quit wasting your time

No bullies allowed.

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DDG reset root password.

Websearch 'su not working' and you should get plenty of info.

give up, linux doesn't work with peripherals.

It seems so... But I actually need it for work, im sick of dual booting

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Are you putting the root password into sudo?

Works fine over here. Did you install blueman?

i'm using usb.

I had that once with the flatpak version of Steam, and I fixed it by installing my distro's Steam package instead.

If that's not your problem, go into /dev/input/by-id and make sure you have read/write permissions for whatever device files the DS has associated with it. If there's a + on the end of the permission string, use getfacl to view the full permissions.

the xboxdrv simply disconnects the controller after a few seconds. baffling.

Linux? Aint got gaaaames! Talkin' 'bout that ps triple.

Why are you using xboxdrv?

it's what archwiki tells me to do

Does apt-get autoremove actually work well, or does it sometimes remove packages that are still being used?


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In my experience it's the opposite. It removes very little.

I always use apt autoremove when removing stuff. It works fine.

I hope you realize that distrowatch only counts clicks to make that ranking table.
And because people like you it should be wiped.

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It's steam being gay. Try it out with a non-steam game and it will work perfectly

#FakeNews it takes IP into account

Fuck I meant

1 - Reboot
2 - When Grub loads press e to edit boot config
3 - Find line that starts with "linux .... "
4 - At the end of that line add init=/bin/bash
5 - Press F10 to boot that editied config
6 - In bash type passwd
7 - Type new password
8 - Retype new password
9 - Reboot
10 - Login with new password

Planning a complete rebuild of all my systems

Was going to use centos7 on all my raspberry pis and just make a configuration script for handling users, yumcron, clamav, hosts/hostname, new SSL certs, and copying various configs and enabling their services like ssh, postfix, rsync, postgres, etc

Someone mentioned ansible to me and it seems pretty hot, but I'm pretty close to finished with this script, it basically just modifies everything with sed then enables it - there are a few checks you actually have to verify to continue it just isn't as sleek as I would like it to be. Ansible seems nice but I don't want to have to fuck with epel.

Any recommendations? Should I just man up and configure the shit manually cuz it will only take about a day? Would like to rebuild annually, should I get my script basically working then polish it up each year?

I fucked my system to such a degree even the Debian IRC couldn't help me, so I'm doing a reinstall.
Luckily I've split my install into many partitions, so at the very least /home doesn't need to go anywhere. What am I going to lose by. formatting /, /var and /tmp though? /etc configs and installed packaged are the only thing that comes to mind.

Also, could I just backup those two things and then restore them on the new install, or will that cause conflicts of some kind?

I don't see why you would be worry if you know the you use programs and their respective configs, right?

I always fuck up my system by following instructions on Archwiki, so uh, avoid that as well.

I can reinstall and reconfigure everything myself yea but ricing a whole DE and tweaking things to my liking is a whole days work, even if I know what to do.

If you keep /home most of the configuration will still be there. You just need to reinstall some packages.

Anyone knows a quick'n'dirty way to turn this boi github.com/Tecate/bitmap-fonts/raw/master/bitmap/artwiz/bdf/cure.bdf into a ttf?

5 seconds of googling.
"bdf to ttf"

>he uses google

>He uses a term in the Oxford Dictionary hahaha
Silence, cishet!

You used google posting that

It's not like I didn't try searching. Every converter that shows up returns an error.

>he doesnt use dict as his dictionary

Attached: x_2018-11-01-20:36:39.png (1280x720, 23K)

I get all my information from cowsay

>he doesn't use nc dict.org 2628

friendly i3 reminder

workspace_layout tabbed
hide_edge_borders smart

Creator of GNU would be funnier

mpv won't play youtube videos, what am i missing ? Also i have installed ffmpeg-git and youtube-dl

install youtube-dl

post stdout

>mpv [url]
no matches found
there is no clue, nothing...

mpv '[url]'

Agreed. Plus Apple logo.

sorry i forgot to quote you, i will replace youtube-dl by youtube-dl-git and see what happens

"no matches found" is the clue, you didn't escape the url, so the shell is interpreting things like '&' in the url

Does this work?
mpv "$(youtube-dl -g "the_url")"


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yep, but another thing...
>mpv was compiled against a different version of FFmpeg/Libav than the shared
library it is linked against. This is most likely a broken build and could
result in misbehavior and crashes.
>mpv was compiled against a different version of FFmpeg/Libav than the shared
library it is linked against. This is most likely a broken build and could
result in misbehavior and crashes.
>mpv does not support this configuration and will not run - rebuild mpv instead.
Meh I reinstall it...
no it doesn't

Lemme look for you, lil nigga

"BDF is a bitmap format, so it can't be [trivially] converted to an outline format. What those converters probably mean is that they embed a BDF into a TT file (something I once did, when making Arasan). But many systems simply ignore those these days...

Now, if your objective is to "reproduce" a bitmap font via outlines* I have some custom software that does that, but I haven't fired it up in years... Feel free to email me: hpapazian thatsymbol gmail dot corn

* Like this: themicrofoundry.com/manademo/ "

Found this on a forum, tried this?

as a last resort install quvi

quvi -vm -e-r -e-v "youtube.com/watch?v=QCuq0_nY3Xk" --exec "echo %t" --exec "mplayer %u"

Is it possible to have zip/rar/7z thumbnails in Dolphin? I see that cbz works fine out of the box, but I really want the other formats.

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What's your preferred player for tracker music (modules, not the unauthorized sharing tracker thingies)?
Is there a VLC for modules that plays everything?

no bully how do you guys get those cool skins or whatever

how can i avoid to have to insert my password every time that the screen goes black, after a while of not using the computer?

ok it works after reinstalling mpv. thx guys



You mean midi files?

i thought this was a friendly linux thread


Attached: 1538835079042.png (420x420, 10K)

you know. after the blank screen

You were wrong, it's a friendly GNU/ Linux thread.

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nevermind, it's done. thanks for nothing faggot.

Read le reddit unixporn wiki for meme rice.


Great! Your kids will be proud.

Just found out that Chromium uses KDialog while Firefox uses that ugly file picker. Is this worth hopping browsers?

[I only use Chromium for those big Mega files]

May the real Linus Torvalds please stand up.

Attached: linus-eff-you-640x363.png (640x359, 213K)

pip install mps-youtube && mpsyt


There's the opensuse kde firefox patches if you want too. You can install it on other distros too.

CoC-man's dirty past.

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use the filechooser patches for gtk2/gtk3

good shit right there.

when I run ./doshit.sh my script runs
when I run screen -dmS label doshit.sh nothing happens and screen -r label doesn't see anything

hit : //retrowave
hit a playlist number : 2
hit : all
/ searches for singles, // for playlists
Have fun.

Attached: 1519882334433.jpg (700x908, 61K)

Probably in the power settings of whatever DE you are using

yes, thanks.

What is this a fatter more racist version of pepe the frog?

Linux is cuckold communist trash. BSD is not cucked and is pro white and not controlled by kikes.
musl c
There are freetards in this very thread using google botnet captcha to post on a closed source proprietary imageboard software.

*5 shecklzz inna pocket*


buy a 2FA device like a yubikey and setup pam correctly
or you could not have your screen lock after inactivity.

Go back to 9gag fagget.

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hey dude i have a question.

im new in linux.

when i find a video that i want to watch, i choose it and the music stars, but i have no image.

what should i do to be able to watch the video?

idk this tool but did you try typing 'help'

yep, it's done

i have to set "play video true". or something like that.

should have checked the help before ask. nvm