Is he /ourpresident/?
Obama Was the First President to Write a Computer Program
hello world I guess?
Coding should be a skill taught in elementary school
>wanting to undermine your earning potential
The second normies figure out programing is easy as fuck is the second you have to stop LARPing as a valuable worker
>m-m-maybe if I post pictures of obongo he'll be president again and my fee fees won't be hurt!
The orange man is in the Oval Office and there's not a damn thing you can do about it. Hahahahahahaha weep, faggot.
Jimmy Carter probably knows COBOL but doesnt brag about it.
This. Zoomers can fuck themselves for all I care.
you are seriously overestimating the abilities of an average person. You should go out more and talk to people
print "hello world"
for me, it's the Prime Minister of Singapore
if(arguments.size() == 0)
You are seriously overestimating the ability of the average programmer.
Das right
No, Putin is /ourpresident/, he ex-KGB and hackity hacks US election.
No. Also, scratch is not programming.
Obama was a Kenyan Muslim impostor and never legitimately our president
20 GOTO 10
>Obama learns to code before people on Jow Forums learn to code
I want off this timeline.
mediocre low energy programing reporting in(not indian nor female). he is
i just try until it works
>writes hello world using python
>senior code ninja
people on Jow Forums doesn't know how to code
they just watch a couple of youtube tutorials then come here to talk shit
>writes some fizzbuz or helloworld just to appeal to a demographic
No thanks. I bet he also takes off his $4000 coat and rolls up his $3500 designer shirt sleeves when he visits a manufacturing plant so that the people making $12.97/h know he's just like him.
hello nigger
Nah Obama doesn't wear those kind of cloth
Even drumpf's suit are a bit dire,but that's because the amerikeks has the tendency to wear sack suit
Learning code is easy. Solving problems isn't.