>been about 3 years since i've used ubuntu
>download 18.04
>go to download vlc
>see this
>oh it must be a vlc thing
>go to the microsoft store
>no furfaggotry
freetards will defend this
>been about 3 years since i've used ubuntu
>download 18.04
>go to download vlc
>see this
>oh it must be a vlc thing
>go to the microsoft store
>no furfaggotry
freetards will defend this
Other urls found in this thread:
Freetards all hide shameful secrets, it's why they rally so hard behind their "non-botnet" programs.
They're also full of cognitive dissonance due to the vast majority of them using google services and willingly filling in captcha forms for google.
Have them change it?
As far as I know, MyLittlePony isn't free and a high resolution screenshot doesn't count as fair use.
Big Buck Bunny is the standard go-to since it's free as in freedom, but anything else free as in freedom would do.
>using ubuntu
>using vlc
>using software center
>just use the terminal bro
no thanks. i'm also trying linux again i'm spending 10 min installing arch when i can have ubuntu automatically install in 5
>being this triggered by cute poners
You're fucking retarded.
okay retard go type su pacman a whole bunch and think you know more than everyone else
>google services
Only YouTube
Only Jow Forums
I self host everything else. Muh YouTube is too important.
>su pacman a whole bunch
Oh god, good jub showing just how retarded you are, the fact that you don't even know what su does, and pacman automatically grabs dependencies, and if you want to install multiple programs you can just type them all out n a list and install them in bulk.
Nice rebuttal :^)
what does arch have to do with using the terminal you moron? Using a gui is already slow but when you're downloading multiple things it's even slower. You have to be a literal retard to be using that.
>literally baited into admitting he’s an arch user
not everyone wants to look at a terminal nerd
I'm not an arch user though.
I use mint, because it's simple and comfy. I'm just calling you out for being an absolute moron who doesn't even know what su does.
>Literally baited into admitting that he's retarded
Yes, the UWP version of VLC is just not fast enough to run furshit as it's basically javashit.
>someone likes something I don't like
>this is somehow an actual problem
People that have problems with that are really in trouble, as given we have 7.5 billion people in this planet, someone in the planet likes absolutely everything you dislike
>h-heh instead of saying sudo he put su i got him now
still have yet to do anything besides make excuses
fucking this, vlc is great for the decoders they made, but the video player is meh
Imagine being so autistic that even 10 years later you're still mad, and at a girl's carton of all things.
Sudo and su are different commands and do different things.
You never have to run su more than once, unless you close the terminal.
>You're making excuses
Lmao this retard, I haven't made a single excuse, yet you have proven that you literally have no idea what you're talking about.
There has to be a rule somewhere that you can't be this stupid and allowed to post, yikes.
>he uses the software center to download software
fucking pleb, learn to terminal, you wont see that shit
Sudo executes one command with elevated privileges. Su switches entire session into root user.
>all these excuses
Just stick with windows retard you're clearly too stupid to use anything else
Totem is a great player, fuck VLC. Also Ubuntu is comfy and just werks.
i shiggy diggy
I use Windows for the most part, but have used Ubuntu. It’s actually an extremely polished OS. I used it for work related activities for quite a while.
Also, Gnome is bloated as fuck, but comfy as hell.
VLC is a great player, fuck Totem. Also Gentoo is comfy and just werks.
Isn't that good warning that you shouldn't be using VLC?
Its quite nice and cute cartoon, I don't see a problem with it.
>He doesn't enjoy the occasional wank to horses
Norms need to leave
>be /mlp/ user
>go to other boards for tech news because reddit sucks
>see horses
>everyone here isn't autistic and doesn't freak out over colorful horses
Hang yourself faggot
you first you festering assgoblin
>software center
l3l gtfo
>8 years and still mad
>be /mlp/ user
I would rather kill myself desu
>Still mad about a children's cartoon after 10 years
Do you want a gun or a rope? I've got both.
>no barneyfag
what happened to barneyfag?
Anyone else using MPV here ?
Barneyfags all need to be burnt into a fucking crisp
>being this much of a shill
>Falling for Barniefag false flag thread
>installs linux based windows
>Cute little pony mares
Based and redpilled
I'd really like to slash your windpipe, you fucking shill
>using Microsoft store and Ubuntu software center
If you're going to switch to Linux and not use the terminal then why not just keep using Windows?
Kek, it's the ABDL episode
Please fucking die, shill
nah, I want you to choke on my dick, faggot.
>being this deluded
pinkie pie is best pony
I want to cum inside rainbow dash
Please fucking die
It's almost a decade, assuming u are your late 20, you've spent more than a 3rd of your life angry a out people watching a cartoon. It's time to let go user, the show is ending next year, perfect time for you to make peace with it.
>the show is ending next year, perfect time for you to make peace with it
Until G5 that is
I'll wait until they're all rotting in the fucking grave.
You use VLC so you aren't much better than ponyfags.
And you wasted more than a third of your life watching a kids show about magic rainbow pones. It doesn't get any more pathetic than that.
friendly reminder to go back, even the show's creator threat you like second class citizen
It's clearly a plot to disguise her shilling tactics.
I'd like to see these freaks die
Imagine being so autistic you have a whole folder of screenshots dedicated solely to compare a show about horses to
VLC usually uses that free bunny movie for screenshots.
Does this thread count as pony content outside /mlp/?
What do you think?
mlp is not furfaggotry, get your fandoms straight
Isn't it some kind of autoreply with random selection of screenshots? Like chat bot or something like that? Will count as technology.
Beat these fucks down
What's the difference?
Literally the same mental illness.
thank g-d I uninstalled software centre and use apt exclusively
Fucking kill these freaks
>Posting a known fake quote as evidence
Here's a real thing she said
>I didn't create this show for little girls, I created it for little girls and their parents--including male parents. It only stands to reason that adult animation fans without children may like it, too.
>The belief that boys shouldn't be interested in girl things is the main reason there's hardly anything decent for girls in animation--- or almost any media, for that matter. It's a backwards, sexist, outdated attitude.
She skipped reddit, the other chan's, all the shit and came to /mlp/ for a AMA, so I think its safe to say even if she doesn't like the fandom as a whole, she has no problem with horsefuckers.
Nice to know that she supports people who endlessly antagonize others just because they don't like a show that wasn't meant for either of them to begin with.
Really shows you where her priorities are.
kill them all
mlp appeals to bestiality whereas furfags like humanoid shapes
fucking furfaggots.
Horse pussy is best pussy
Now that really made me think.
Now, THIS is what I call autism.
kys horsefucker
kill the freaks
Imagine having nothing better to do with your time than posting images and editing (You)s out of screenshots
>Imagine having nothing better to do with your time than watching cartoons for children and acting like a schizo online
Just post a pony already and mods will solve your problem. I know you want.
Please die shill
I was reading documentation about some python framework and it was using mlp stuff in their examples. I think it was quite well known framework too.
But it's Python, so utter degeneracy is to be expected.
>go to download vlc