Why aren't you using Emacs, Jow Forums?

It's the single most extensible, versatile text editor in exsistence.

>Prefer vim?
EVIL mode, its a better vim within emacs
>Note taking, scheduling, todo/time blocking (and a lot more)
Org mode
>Writing LaTeX?
AUCTeX is arguably the best way to edit LaTeX
>Too lazy to deal with LaTeX syntax, perhaps for a small paper
Export org-mode to pdf using LaTeX
irony, rtags for C/C++
elpy for Python
Too lazy to list more but you get the point
>Can't be bothered to set anything up or manage config files (its pretty easy w/org and babel)

Why arent you using Emacs, Jow Forums ?

Attached: emacslogo.png (604x519, 43K)

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>EVIL mode
Doesn't import my vimrc or rewrite my scripts.
Importing packages for everything is dumb and so is emacs.

Because I don't want to use it. I want my text editor to edit text, not fucking groom my dog and be my personal assistant. Yes, it has evil mode. That doesn't change that I don't need or want all that other shit, and if I want to use a text editor for vim key binds, I'll just use fucking vim

How large is your vimrc? I dont think it would be that difficult to migrate to emacs. elisp is pretty intutitve compared to configuring emacs.

And having a lot of utilities in a single, highly extensible environment is actually pretty useful.

You dont have to use emacs for everything. Emacs w/evil is already clearly better than vim, with its vastly superior configurability.

The only way I can see vim being useful when you could use emacs is if you are doing very quick edits.

but i do
>tfw fell for the spacemacs meme

Around 1k lines

I don't doubt elisp is better than vimscript but that only helps me 4 years ago when I decided to go with vim.
All the time I spend figuring out how to re make my setup in another program could be spent doing anything else.

Whats bad about spacemacs? I've never used it as I had a lot of spare time when I initially switched from vim.

can i use spacemacs without GUI while keeping all of its features?
it seems some features rely on GUI

Thats fair. I find it pretty fun manage my init files but I had a lot of time when I first switched.

It doesnt really take long to get a decent setup, and you can use literate programming w/org and babel, making your init.el incredibly well organized.

one huge pile of bloat

Vim with a customized vimrc is just emacs but worse

But i don't need all those extra configurations or extensions. That's my point. I like vim and it's variants for the modal editing and keybinds. Why would I use emacs, solely for text editing with evil mode, when I can just use vim? There is no benefit.
>Vim is only better for quick edits
I never understood this. People say the same thing for vim and nano, how they use nano to edit config files and vim for other things. Why? If you're editing text, config files or whatever other type of files, why would you want to keep track of multiple editors? Vim just as well for "quick edits" as it does for "normal length of time edits" and "long length of time edits". I have nothing against emacs, I just don't find what it provides better than what I currently have for the use cases I require

I havent used spacemacs, but terminal emacs works fine. There are a few things to consider (Tab and a few other keys arent completely unambiguous in terminal) and you do miss out on a some cool features like docview, different fonts, etc..

I really reccomend GUI emacs though. I used to want everything in a terminal, but GUI emas is simply objectively superior to terminal emacs. Emacs is really only incidentally a text editor and you miss out a lot when in a terminal

It doesn't have great support for Erlang / Elixir. I hate to say it but vscode is better for webshit.

but i am. i don't program though, programming is for nerds

I consider vim better for quick edits as its easier and faster to pop in and out of buffers. I dont really have to manage two editors as neovim requires basically no configuring.

My nigga. I wasn't really making a comment about anyone specific in the thread, minus the user saying use emacs except when you need quick edits. I use nvim exclusively on Linux, myself.

cuz it's shit

If you still call emacs a text editor, you haven't ascended yet.

Attached: 1527946436792.jpg (499x501, 44K)

i am using emacs. the real question is why havent you created or improved one of the Jow Forums packages for emacs?

Pycharm does everything I want. The older I get, the less I give a rats ass about wasting time configuring my editor

so i would need to install X for my vm then...
run it on bare metal

Same. I went through both vim and emacs sperg phases, now I'm mostly doing thing with Jupyter Notebook and VSCode.

I am using emacs

Attached: emacs_girl.jpg (960x1280, 136K)

That makes sense. Personally I cant stand non-autistic editors like python for programming.

*pycharm no python

I've really never considered using emacs to view Jow Forums. I imagine most of the clients are shit, but ill try it out. Can you reccomend one?

Tbh I want to. But I can't into emacs' keybindings.
Also, I took the habit of using vim within tmux.
The think I dislike the most about emacs is that it is over bloated if you use it only as an editor. To me, I should launch my editor via the terminal, not use bash or whatever through emacs.
There's something about putting all your eggs in the same basket that unsettles me hard.
That being said, vim can't compete against autocomplete mode, flyckeck and swiper.

>emacs is for college dropouts obsessed about kpop and mechanical keyboards

I love emacs and even tried switching my LaTeX writing to use Emacs. Had to stop because it's a pain in the ass with fcitx-mozc.

Yeah, if you are exclusively interested in a barebones text editor emacs isnt for you. I think most people would benefit from using emacs though.

You learn to get used to hitting modifier keys a lot. You dont have to do it too much when using EVIL, but theyre still used way more often than any other program I use.
Hit conprol with the top left corner of your palm, alt with your thumb, and/or rebind them to somewhere more sane and it gets a lot easier.

I think I struck a nerve

Because Jow Forums is an imageboard, not a textboard.

>Yeah, if you are exclusively interested in a barebones text editor emacs isnt for you.
I don't mind plugins, but I don't want to start using a whole cluster fuck of them before I really understand what is happening.
>Hit conprol with the top left corner of your palm, alt with your thumb
I have this dank remap of my caps lock. caps lock is remapped to ctrl if I press another key, caps lock is remapped to esc if I release it before pressing another key at the same time. So I used
esc -> x
to do
but my key remapping isn't doing so great with emacs so I end up typing gibberish commands.


Oh, and also emacs forces me to stop touch typing because all the modifiers are putting my hands in unusual position I have no idea where the keys are.
This is also why I don't like vim's hjkl because it offsets to the left from the nominal jkl;

Ive considered doing something like this for a while now, but have been putting off getting a split spacebar and configuring my DZ60

Because it’s not straightforward to use

hjkl is actually pretty ideal. Your two most dextrous fingers, index and middle, are hitting up and down, which you use most often. Its not annoying at all to stretch your index finger 2cm to the left for when you occasionally need to hit h

Well neither are a lot of other text editors (ie. vim). But once youre used to them youre a lot more efficient than you would otherwise be.

Emacs cannot replace mandatory editors like MS office. Checkmate.

Org mode can export to odt and docx out of the box I believe. With a tiny bit of configuring and a LaTeX installation it can export to pdf

And for reading and editing a docx file?

Shut up bigot

But I am using emacs

Attached: scrot-2018-11-02-T22:41:16.png-croped.png-croped.png (1080x929, 91K)

docview, comes (I think) out of the box
You can use pandoc to convert to markdown or org, then edit in emacs. Emacs will never properly support this though, as docx is non-free


Only thing i hate about emacs is how it blatantly ignores unix philosophy. Which sucks because i spent a lot of time ricing my desktop, and optimizing my tiling window manager workflow. Tiling window managers becomes useless with emacs, as its literally a wm within itself (i think theres a package that actually lets you use emacs as a tiling wm). And i personally prefer the tiling wm way of keybindings to the ctrl/meta pinky killing madness of emacs. All i want, is a minimal rewrite of vim in elisp, with support for org mode. For now, neovim is for me, even if i have to give up org mode.

yeah, that makes sense. I could cope that way.

Attached: 2018-11-02-22:02:37.png (807x900, 108K)

I'm currently using i3 w/emacs. There is a lot of software, such as a web browser or terminal emulator, that I havent replaced within emacs because emacs just isnt the most efficient solution or I havent gotten arount to configuring it yet.

Also, emacs arguably follows the unix philosophy. It does a very simple task well: be a lisp environment. Everything else is managed by discreet utilites.

And rebinding things or a split spacebar is wonderful with emacs.

which utility is this?


>Tiling window managers becomes useless with emacs
this is not true. you can setup a frame-based emacs workflow that works perfectly fine with tiling window managers

Oh wow I didnt know I could do this within emacs. Thanks, I've been finding it annoying to switch between buffers w/default bindings ever since i switched recently

I haven't been working on this because I'm lazy

Because NANO is so much better.

i wouldn't mind contributing to the project. it would be pretty cool to have a bad ass emacs Jow Forums client. my lisp skills are solid but i only have limited elisp knowledge.

What color scheme is that?

Nano is for normies who arent willing to learn something more advanced


Who hurt you?
I think that your description is far off and that emacs is more of a boomer thing for example all of my professors use emacs

there's a package to open everything in a new frame you're retarded

Emacs isn’t ed, the standard editor.

But vim and neovim also has "literally a wm within itself" you dumb drone.

would too be happy to contribute to the project. I took a look at the TODO file in the git repo. Some things look easily doable. Are you (the owner of the fork) open to PRs and/or looking for mainteners.