Why use linux when windows exists
Because windows is shit and you're a retarded faggot
swap mac and windows
windows is beyond terrible
this lole
OP, can you show me where I can download the source code to windows?
Because I'm not an idiot and have no life. OP image really isn't wrong. macOS users are retarded, GNU/Linux and Windows users are not. Windows users generally have a life (or enough of a life to not care about bloat and not have enough time to fiddle with configs). GNU/Linux users have all the time in the world to deblob their system and fiddle with configs. Not a bad thing. In the end, our systems are better and non-proprietary.
Windows is propietary though
Linux is just a kernel.
Windows still lets you get rekt if you're a total retard. Apple babies harder every day.
I am a GNU/Linux user. I was talking about GNU/Linux users' systems being better. Windows systems are way worse. Windows is shit.
i like owning my computer instead of my computer owning me
GNU/Linux you happy now?
I honestly like using both, sometimes I prefer Linux because is way less bloated than Windows and it respects your privacy, but Windows is easy to use on a daily use.
some people don't want microsoft stealing their data. deleting their files, and/or forcing you to update while you're in the middle of doing something
>downloading source code to your OS
So no, you don't have a life then. Basically just goes back to "Linux is free if you don't value your time". I use GNU/Linux stuff, and I pay for it in time, because I also don't have a life. When I'm at work, I use Windows, because I just need things to work with all the little enterprise programs we use and not have to do anything extra.
Macs are actually really great machines. I've been using them since 2011 and never looked back. They're built extremely well, have good look and feel. They always have the latest, finest, and bleeding-edge parts. And I don't know how else to say this but they "just work". Like it all just works. Never crashes, no viruses, no worries. Really just what a computer should be.
One criticism I hear is about the price. But considering the parts you are buying, you're actually getting a good deal. Nevertheless, it is a brand-name. Like Ferarri, Louis Vitton, or Ritz hotels. Do you complain about other high-fashion brands? Probably not, so I don't accept criticism about price. They price high because people pay high. And people pay high because it's worth it, year after year. If it wasn't, people wouldn't buy...
So I really don't understand this hate you guys have. While I don't want to boil it down to "jealousy", I really think that's all it is. Your emotions are blinding you to facts.
I'd like some wine with that pasta please.
I find it easier to write shell scripts when I need heavy web integration such as git and pulling files from various sites to build shit. Also all my work servers use linux.
Cuz there are things I can do on linux that I cant in windows. such as:
>Not be stalked by a corporation
>Tiling WM
>Minimize non-free software
>Customizable DE and OS
>Low resource usage
>Secure, fast package repo
Why not both?
you forgot one, friend
Because thats not efficient, Jack
I prefer GNU plus Linux
>They always have the latest, finest, and bleeding-edge parts.
So Macs are basically the hardware equivalent of Arch?
Because I develop in the MERN stack, and windows is legitimately autistic when it comes to MongoDB and some command line shit compared to linux.
hey op, this thread fucking sucks
I don't have time to reinstall the OS every month or so.